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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 16 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Fair tonight and Thursday warmer in north ¬ west portions tonight warmer Thursday except in extreme south portion Missouri Fair tonight and Thursday somewhat wanner in northwest portion tonight and in west and north portions Thursday Wisconsin and Iowa Fair and warmer tonight and Thursday General forecast The indications are for generally fair weather in this forecast district during the next two or three days The well devel ¬ oped warm wave in the far northwest will spread east and southeastward over this entire forecast district within the next two days daysWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 1C Another effort to repeal the daylight saving bill will be made senate and house leaders have decided The house agriculture committee was to be asked today by chairman Haugen to report1 out the agricultural ap ¬ propriation bill with the rider repealing the day ¬ light saving law despite the fact the house ordered the rider stricken out when it sustained the Presi ¬ dents veto of the bill because of the daylight saving repeal repealPARIS PARIS France July 16 The ententes note to Bela Kun red director of Hungary warning him that the confiscation of foreign securities will be considered acts of robbery and that the allies will not recognize the sale of Hungarian securities in neutral countries was understood today to be merely the forerunner of more drastic action unless the situation in Hungary changes for the better within the next few days daysWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 16 President Wilson has decided to invite Republican senators to call at the White House to discuss the peace treaty and the league of nations secretary Tumulty announced today Senator Lodge chairman of the foreign re ¬ lations committee was understood to be one of fif ¬ teen Republican senators with whom the President desired especially to confer conferBERLIN BERLIN Germany July 16 The former king of Saxony it was learned today has telegraphed King George urging him to prevent extradition of the ex kaiser Faithful to the kaiser in times of good fortune the message read I and the princes of my house as German princes and officers desire to take our stand on the side of the kaiser in times of hard trials trialsREADING READING Pa July 1C A federal mail air ¬ plane carrying 500 pounds of letters from New York to Cleveland was forced down by a terrific wind ¬ storm last night at Albany this county and wrecked It landed on the farm of Allen Bailey but the aviator Lieut J D McAlden was un ¬ injured His mail was sent to Kempton station and placed on a train trainPARIS PARIS France July 15 Delayed Paris news ¬ papers are virtually unanimous in declaring that apology of the German government will not suffice for the murder of the sergeantmajor in Berlin and declare that Germany must act firmly to prevent a recurrence of such attacks A full report of the incident 1ms been received from General Dupont by the government WASHINGTON D C July 16 Private stocks of liquors stored before wartime prohibition went into effect should be confiscated ultra prohibition ¬ ists In congress today decided They planned to amend ithe enforcement bill so that possession or use of liquor even though it be n ones residence for personal use shall be a crime crimeCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 1C Notices were mailed to ¬ day to 11000 surface line conductors and motormen and to 4300 elevated railways employes directing them to vote Friday to decide whether they will strike to enforce the demands for higher pay and hotter working conditions which the street car companies have refused to grant in full fullLONDON LONDON England July 16 Fresh disorders broke out in Hamburg Germany but the harbor has been occupied and the streets are being patroled by government troops said an Exchange Telegraph dis ¬ patch from Copenhagen today The program of the German cabinet is expected to be announced at Weimar tomorrow WASHINGTON D O July 1C The charges brought by me last Saturday of cruelty to American soldiers in France caught in the web of the Paris American military police have been more than proved by the testimony of witnesses called by the special committee of the house Representative Dallinger Massachusetts said today todayWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 16 Assistant Secre ¬ tary Long of the state department today formally denied reports recently published in South American newspapers that the United States had determined upon a policy or armed intervention in Mexico The state department has not been advised of the source of the reports reportsLONDON LONDON England July 16 While union leaders were discussing today the governments demand for guaranties that no strikes be called in the coal mines for three months 150000 miners struck In the Yorkshire district Their action was caused by a dispute over the operation of the Sankey award awardPARIS PARIS France Tuesday July 15 July 29 has been fixed as the date upon which representatives of Holland and Belgium will meet delegates of the five great powers in Paris and begin work on the revision of the treaty of 1839 1839PARIS PARIS France July 16 Premier Clemenceau has proposed to the supreme council according to newspapers today that Foreign Minister Tittoni of Italy be designated to draft a report on the ter ¬ ritorial differences between Greece and Bulgaria BulgariaPARIS PARIS France July 15 Delayed The Southern Railroad union has passed a resolution opposing the proposed general strike July 21 us injurious to pro ¬ fessional aims and inspired solely by political ob ¬ jects