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VOLUME L ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1919 will be on sale THURSDAY JULY 17 With the close approach of the important Saratoga meeting Volume I of Annual Bating iForin comes at an opportune time as it contains every race run during the first half of the year 1919 and is of inestimable value to the followers of form Annual Racing Form THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY ON AMERICAN RACING Ciroulatlng TrTtfie United States Cuba Philippine Islands IslandsCanada Canada Mexico England France Germany Austria Huiigarj Australia India Argentina Chile Peru etc etc THIS BOOK CARRIES CARRIESindexed indexed form charts of all recognized racing in the United States Canada Cuba and Mexico has supplanted all others for the use of racing officials and is universally used by jockey clubs throughout the world Compact accurate perfectly printed with absolutely correct index on linen paper lettered and bound in flexible leather Contains besides charts of all recognized racing on Americjui Jtracks the American and Canadian time records scales of weights of various governing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States CaTHPfttandMexico for the year The Special Attention of Students of Torm Tormis is directed to the method of indexing the chartsT The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced with firsts seconds thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly de ¬ termine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which infor ¬ mation is desired as shown in the following example exampleLAST LAST SPARK ch 6 y Ifartimas Flicker H A Cotton X XJ30971 J30971 310S8h 131252m 131453h 31497s 3152S 31615 131032s 131729 131824 3184317 31933 h ° 319C5h 31989s Q 32060 32086 432147 P 32231 P32305 32377 32399 32419 ° 32S15 P32836 32883 32944 133226 133276 33352 33435 33520h 33C55h 133827 33902 34032 341398 34357 34504 34574 34019 34748 34844 34844UfEmnCfckf9 UfEmnCfckf9 Sodi Sand Half Sovereign H Xug X XC313061 C313061 ii 375 31432 831470 31538 031556 M31588m e31740h 31814s 31833 131934 31978 l31993 i 32072h 32094s 132123h ° 32165 8321751 32213 132243 l328li 132879 33029 ISaay e33267 133309 s33461 33568J 33076 33778 33822 C33928 33968 34105m 34241 34296 k34399h 34422Is 34611h 134631 134717 134751 134751ZODIAC ZODIAC ch g 6 17 Star Shoot Lady Vincent 1C 7 Daly X 31079 31179 31228 31309 31350 P31410 31457 P31540 31609 131688 131688131743b 131743b 131913 131982 1320261 320C2h 32128li 132209 32250 32281 32458 ° 324S3h P32511ey 030543 P32557 33058h 33263 133309 133388 P33460 P33607 P33607P33012 P33012 P33677 P 33745 33972 34080 sj 34139 34303 P34428sy 134541 34571 34688 34749 P34817 P34817V V for heavy Jm for muddy ay for sloppy s for slow races not otherwise designated were ever fast or coed tracks tracksThe The alphabetical ign before each race number howc the distance mt which the vace hast beea ran according to the key below 14 and 38 Mile 1 Mile 17 17From y 3 12 Furlong From 1 Mile 2O Yard to 12 Mile 1 Mile 1OO Yard O 4 12 Farlong 1 11G Mile P 68 Mile 1 18 Mile Q B 12 Furlong 1 31G 1 14 and 1 516 Mile R 34 Mile 1 12 Mile 8 1 68 and 1 34 Mile T 78 Mile It 2 to 3 Mile U 7 12 Farloiigra M 3 to 4 Mile V Annual Racing Form Formhas has heen oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1919 edition is respectfully called to the desirahility of placing orders earty eartyPUBLISHED PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUMESf f Price Per Volume 10 Copies hy mail mnst go as registered matter with an extra charge of ten cents for registration Hot responsible for hooks sent as regular maiL DAILtf RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO N Y YROOM ROOM 804 1482 BBOADWAY NEW YOBK N Y