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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 18 Work on dozens of great building projects involving the expenditure of millions of dollars was stopped today by order of the contractors The tieup is the first step in a counter offensive launched by the Building Con ¬ struction Employers Association of Chicago against building trades unions which have gone on strike for higher wages The employers say it is a lock ¬ out which will have been extended by nightfall to contracts involving 50000000 and 100000 men Union officials deny a lockout exists They say the cessation of important building operations is the consequence of their strike and insist the paralysis will not affect 600 independent contractors who they claim have agreed to pay carpenters iron workers and others the wages they demand demandCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 18 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Fair tonight and probably Saturday not much change in temperature Missouri Generally fair tonight Saturday partly cloudy probably local thundershowers in west portion not much change in temperature General forecast The indications are for local thundershowers within the next 24 to 30 hours in portions of every state in this fore ¬ cast district west of the Mississippi River except possibly Montana The weather will continue fair until Saturday night in Illinois and portions of the adjacent states The temperature1 will be somewhat lower in Minnesota and the Dakotas elsewhere the changes will be slight slightLONDON LONDON England July 18 A wireless dispatch received here says the Weimar assembly has adopted a bill placing maternity under the care of the state A proposal by the independents that the mother of an illegitimate child should officially be designated as frau was carried by a vote of 138 to 183 It was also decided by the assembly that the same educational and social opportunities should be pro ¬ vided by legislation for illegitimate as legitimate children Likewise it was decided that large fam lies were entitled to state assistance assistanceLONDON LONDON England July 18 Samuel Gompers president of the American Federation of Labor arriving at Southampton on the Mauretania de ¬ clared regarding American prohibition that it is all rot to think you can compel a country to be dry It was a physical impossibility he said Speaking of Ireland Mr Gompers said America had only good will for England but the general feeling was that the Irish question should be settled because the league of nations provided for selfdetermination selfdeterminationBRUSSELS BRUSSELS Belgium July 18 The Belgian gov ¬ ernment has decided to be officially represented on the mission which will go to America in September comprising men prominent in commence and industry in various of the European allied nations upon invitation of the chamber of commerce of the United States Great Britain France and Italy had already decided to send representatives on this mission missionPARIS PARIS France July 18 The Norddeutsche Al legemelne Zcitung of Berlin the mouthpiece of the government under the imperial regime declares it has information that Holland will consent to the extradition of former Emperor William according to a Berlin dispatch to Paris newspapers The formal handing over of the former emperor to the allies it adds will take place at The Hague HagueWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 18 American troops fcave crossed the Mexican border twelve times within the last six months to repulse Mexican raids and on varibus occasions have f6undthe boflles of MexU cans some in uniforms of Carranza troops the senate was informed today by Senator Fall of New Mexico MexicoPARIS PARIS France July IS Four million children in Europe are being fed under the auspices of the American relief administration This work will probably be continued through private charity under American direction even after the conclusion of the work of the American food administration in Europe EuropeWASHINGTON WASHINGTON P C July 18 Permanent ranks of general in the regular army for Gen Pershing and Gen March chief of staff and permanent ranks of admiral for Rear Admiral Sims and Ad ¬ miral Benson chief of operations were asked of Congress today by President Wilson WilsonCOBLENZ COBLENZ Germany July 18 Two Germans last night attempted to assassinate Maj George Cock riel provost marshal of the American forces in Ger ¬ many The major was not injured The assassins escaped after firing several shots Maj Cockriels home is in St Paul Minn MinnPRAGUE PRAGUE CzechoSlovakia Wednesday July 16 Delayed The first delivery of American cotton here since the war will take place on July 23 it was announced today Three thousand bales are to be delivered on that date Ten days later 20000 additional bales are due PHILADELPHIA Pa July 18 The North Penn Bank a state institution closed its doors today The banks latest report issued in June showed that it had deposits of 2066643 resources 2695282 and loans and investments of 2304533 2304533LONDON LONDON England July 18 Marshal Foch gen ¬ eralissimo of the allied armies arrived from France today to take part in the peace celebration tomor ¬ row Great crowds cheered the famous soldier as he was driven to the Carlton Hotel HotelSPOKANE SPOKANE Wash July 18 Nearly 1000 men were fighting last night twelve forest fires in north era Idaho and western Montana which were threat ¬ ening at least two towns numerous farmhouses and much valuable timber timberCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July IS Iames A Hart for many years president and owner of tho Chicago Cubs died this morning at his home after a long illness