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The small figure under Str shows ike distance the hone was ahead of that aezt in the race I The M after the bones name means Maiden FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Selling Aug 23 191 57 i 2 115 115Index Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishNANCY NANCY ANN b f 2 M 116 By Plaudit Mary Morris J W McClelland 43032 Aqduct 58 100 fast 8 1121 23 GJ 6 1 A Schug lS HcSfwink Ev gaS Gladiator GladiatorCAUBEEN CAUBEEN br f 2 115 By Wrack BaUymena C J Quinnl 42203 Pimlico 12 51 slow 225 111 6 2 3 3 J WillitS Griftwood ILPardner Drusilla DrusillaTACHE TACHE OGAUNT b f 2 M 115 By John oGaunt Sabretache H rw S ini 43158 Empire 58 l01fast 12 112 1 33 3t ST iT iTTroxle7l3Lovely Troxle7l3Lovely Mliran LadTlikT 43019 Aqduct 58 58fast 30 106 G 777 6 3 E Ambrose 8 Phan Fair Thelm EG France 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 20 114 8 10 10 3 9 T Nolan 12 Vio TlpfFly Flower HbCtoSS S Wida 6 BandCall BghtGold SHelen A2 A2yon yon 5 Betsinda Kirah Merry Sinner 4242S Jamaica 68 l01fast 40 106 G GLADYLIKE 6 G 6 6 ATryon 6 Old Gold Fair Colleea End Maa LADYLIKE b f 2 M 116 43170 Empire 58 104 i Ji Fator 13 Lovely Alllvan Tache oGnunt 1 Ryan 11 Cobwebs Germa Flying Flower FlowerBy SADIE D ch f 2 M By Onnondale Ballynahinch W 8 Murray 43231 Empire 5i f l08fast 30 304320G 2 2 4 4 AV Obert 5 Bright Gold Shoal Comoran 4320G Empire 6i f 100 slow 30 2 4 6 9 W Obert 11 Penelope Cormorau Our Maid 43170 Empire 58 l04good 20 ° rey 8hter Ednaris 2 2 21 2 JS fa Ladylike 42671 Belmont 58 st l00fast 7 LadylikeI I I ll fl S orey ctaerator Hampden OurmaW 42566 Belmont 4Jf st 53 fast 12 7 J II orey 10 T ° UOU Oceanna Mile Dazie 42525 Belmont 4Jf st 53faat 60 60ZAZA 4 5 6 6 i Q Corey 10 G France KdTrina Polysanda PolysandaBy ZAZA b f 2 M By Hessian Hazzaza H H Hewitt 42898 Latonla 4i f 53fast 31 10 102 10 L Gentry 12 AnnaGallup Cntonville Alsicf 42846 Latonia 4J f 55fast 33 8 6 5 AV AVaronl2 Lukes Pet Maize Alsace 42815 Latonia 68 59fast 142 142JESSIE 7 8 S1 S H J Burke 9 MJemima SFrdinan MMoore MMooreBy JESSIE ch f 2 M By Garry Herrmann Nancy Grater K L Gerry 43195 Empire 5i f I13y5hvy 15 4 4 4 4 S H Ericksn 5 BarAVater BrightGold FlrOrb 43182 Empire 6 f lllmud 12 3 4 4 6 J C Kummer 5 Allivan Bucklaide Midlau 43158 Empire 58 l01fast 20 11 12 12 12 J Hoffler 13 Lovely Allivan Tache oGannt 43116 Aqduct 68102 fast 30 30PRECIOUS 5 3 4i 5 H EricksnlO Afterioon LaRablee Lovely LovelyBy PRECIOUS PEARL b f 2 M By Zen Allcharm S Louis 41404 FGnds 31 f 45hvy 115 FelIV Robsonll DandyVan FrankW BobAllen 4130G FGnds 31 f 44hvy 20 20LOVERS 6 3 D ConnllylO ThelmaE MissMInks Dan Van VanBy LOVERS LANE IX ch f 2 M By Yankee Love Cliff J Shaagteessy = 43170 Empire 58 l04good 20 10 Pulled upM Buxton 12 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 42857 Jamaica 68 l01fast 30 10 10 10 10 C Buxton 10 King Albert Anzac Orrnbel 2807 Jamaica 68 l01fast 12 111 juxton 12 Pawneell MSinner WhuCare 42610 Belmont 58 at 68fast 30 30TITANIA 8 8 8 8 L Ensor 8 Dominique PJones Anyersary TITANIA ch f 2 M By Bard of Hope Lady Fera 8 Boss 42373 Pimlico 41 f 54Hfast G GBRIDGE 3 3 4 4 G Corey 4 Anniversary Murray Ireland BRIDGE PLAYER ch f 2 M By HanbrfdgeMisplay K H Pattersem 43170 Empire 58 l04good 20 4 7s 6 C Kummerl2 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 4S014 Aqduct 68 59fast 50 6 6 6 6 J Hoffler 0 Betsinda Toucanet Who Care 429 7 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 60 60I 9 9 10 10 B Imes 12 Vio Tip Fly Flower HisChoice HisChoiceBy I First start for the following OVERCAST ch f 2 M By Vulcain Forecast STARRY BELLE br f 2 M 87 Star Shoot Belle of Gleadale V K Coe