Saratoga Becoming Fast: Valor Runs Close to Sun Briars Record for a Mile.; Golden Broom Makes His Debut and Shows Great Speed, but Loses by Running Out., Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-05


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SARATOGA BECOMING FAST Valor Runs Close to Sun Briars Record for a Mile Golden Broom Makes His Debut Debutand and Shows Great Speed but butLoses Loses by Running Out SARATOGA SPRINGS N Y August 4 South and east again clashed this afternoon on whnt was regarded as even terms and the honors went to the invaders when Valor carrying the colors of William Martin triumphed signally in the Lake George Han ¬ dicap atT one mile which featured the card The easterners mainstay was Enfilade running in the silks of the popular Schwartz Bros The betting duel by supporters of the pair waxed terrific at one stage and the horses alternated in favoritism at different stages At post time however the mare had the call There were five starters in the race but Leochares Buford and Blairgowrie came in for only scant attention though many iri the big throng could not resist for sentimental rea ¬ sons to have a wager on the veteran Leochares This old stager gave a remarkable exhibition and almost ran the best race of his career to land in second place in the second fastest race ever run here Sun Briars performance for a mile last year when he established a record of 136 being one fifth of a second faster than theSitiraeinade njr Valor today The winner showed a tremendous flight of speed from the start and led Enfilade nnd Leochares by a good margin with the pair seem ¬ ingly done before reaching the half Valor con ¬ tinued with fast stride in the stretch and Enfi ¬ lades challenge was withstood without apparent effort The Schwartz mare under the discouraging conditions tired fast in the last sixteenth and Leochares challenge for second place prevailed but he was not good enough to overhaul Valor Avhich won in a canter and had Callalian urged him to his utmost he would have wrested away Sun Briars laurels for the mile record recordConsiderable Considerable interest centered in the running of the final race in which a number of firsttime starters including the mnchtalkedof Golden Broom the highestpriced yearling of last year made a racing debut Golden Broom raced to the high ex ¬ pectation of his connections with the exception Hint he ran out which cost him the race The loss of ground he incurred by coming wide was more than ample to have given him a winning margin His speed was dazzling at the outset and he headed the leaders in a twinkling while going down the backstretch but he kept on for the outer fence tin the far turn and the stretch bend likewise was rounded awkwardly with the result that Harry Payne Whitneys Truly Rural and J McClellands lIiiHtcn On as well as Arrow Point in G W Scotts rotors managed to beat him home Golden Broom was equipped witli blinkers and he showed a hesi ¬ tating Inclination on the way to the post Some shrewd horsemen held to the belief that his action was due to the blinkers and also blamed bis running nut to the fact that he was prevented from seeing fully where he was going His next start will more than probably witness him reversing todays decision with those which finished in front of him himOEESTES OEESTES VICTORY POPTOAB POPTOABOrestes Orestes carrying the colors of a prominent Ha ¬ vana sportsman won a popular victory in the fifth race in which some good ones started and to which he conceded much weight But his victory was in the main due to the skillful ride he received from Loft us who clearly outgeneraled the diminu ¬ tive Fator who had the mount on Huttontropc j The latter displayed a high order of speed from the start and with more skillful riding would prob ¬ ably have outstayed the heavily weighted Orestes by virtue of his weight concession Canso was t a short price and given heavy support but after being held under sharp restraint for the first half mile collapsed Seemingly when called on and fin ¬ ished last Herald ran a good race to land in third place placeThe The steeplechase over the twomile course for maiden Jumpers of four years old and over proved a sort of a hare and hound affair Bachelors Bliss enacting the role of hare and distancing his opponents to win by almost as far as his rider elected The quintet making the contest were ex ¬ tremely green excepting the winner which showed nptltude at this style of racing and went over all the obstacles with the exception of the final one like a veteran crack He made a bad landing at the last hedge but his recovery was prompt He was then a full jump in frout of The Dean the Only one of the others that did not fall and the run to the finish found Bachelors Bliss only cantering at a leisurely pace Man o th Hour the last to fall was remounted by his rider Borgan nnd finished in time to take third place Harwood and Klsmer fell together in the early stages of the race Bachelors Bliss gives much promise of developing into a crack steeplechaser and has worked a round of the steeplechase course here LI c Coatlaued on aecead page I SABATOGA BECOMING FAST Continued front first page considerably faster than any other racer Sortie highly regarded sprinters made the con ¬ test in the Luzerne Highwcight Handicap in which Startling carrying R F Carmans colors was given preference but the winner turned up1 In Routledge carrying the colors of Walter M Jef ¬ fords Routledge was lucky at tlie start in secur ¬ ing an advantage and Ambrose kept him at his task with the resultr that he Continued his lead through ¬ out Startling made a game challenge in the stretch but It was unavailing and near the eHd he had to makean extra effort to outstay LErrant LErrantSuicidal Suicidal tactics on the part of Troxler and Schuttinger respective riders of Tache 6Gaunt and ancyHAnnj resulted beiieficially for Overcast car ¬ rying the colors of the Oneck Stable The diminu ¬ tive Myers under contract to the establishment rode the filly in extra good style and took advan ¬ tage of rthe sizzling pace forced by the leaders until untilre re chng he last eighth Where he shot his mount Into the lead and won going away Tache oGaunt held Nancy Ann safe in the final drive and landed second place Nancy Amu wasra stoutly backed favorite her connections feeling extremely confi ¬ dent of her success She returned to the stand iimpingperceptfl ly Tlie winner was entered for 1000 and was advanced by S Polk to 1700 but boughfr n with an advance of 5 5The The arrival today of the stake blanks for lie Kentucky fixtures for next fall were eagerly sought soughtby1 by1 the1 J many owners in these parts Eastern horsemen united witli the Kcntuckians in their theirpraise praise of the Kentucky Jockey Clubs liberality In addition to the Lutonla Championship Stakes the Breeders Futurity alid the Queen City Handi ¬ cap stakes already closed nine others are offered The events are built attractively to suit all sorts of racers and range in Talue from the approximate 50000 bf the Latonia Championship Stakes to the minimum 4000 added in the Fort Thomas Golden Rod and Falls City Handicaps The Queen City Handicap has 10000 added and will afford oppor ¬ tunity to determine the twoyearold deserving the title of champion of the year yearKENTUCKYS KENTUCKYS VALUABLE STAKES I i I 1 i The Lexington Cup1 Handicap of 5000 at a mile and a half the Latonia Cup of 7500 added at two and a quarter miles and the Louisville Cup of 3000 added at two miles afford splendid oppor ¬ tunity for the longdistance racers to earn a modest fortune and should one horse be lucky cnough to take the triple honors he will enrich his fortunate owner to the extent of over 110000 for the accumulative entrance and starting fee will bring tlje tlircp stakes to tlint sura Tlie present list of stakes for the autiimii Kentucky racing are certain to receive a record list from this section sectionJockey Jockey AV Knapp who met with an injury Sat ¬ urday as a result of a fall from one of H P Whitneys youngsters that he was schooling will resume riding tomorrow H G Bcdwell trainer of the extensive J K L Ross establishment is preparing War Pennant winner of Saturdays opening race with a view to starting him in the Latonia Championship Stakes to l e run next fall at Xiitdnia Another receiving a special preparation for this race is King Plaudit in George Odoins string Andrew Millers colors will be carried in the race by Gay Cavalier which is according to trainer A J Goldsborougb im ¬ proved wonderfully in the last month and is ex ¬ pected to replace tlie crack Roamef as the standby of the stable Cirrus is another easterner that Is expected to proved a formidable factor in the de ¬ cision of the big stake and trainer Hildreth is planning to ship him to Cincinnati in time to start in the race raceThe The first big sale of the season here in which a Kentuckyowned cnick is transferred to an eastern establishment occurred this morning when Mose Gpldblatt accented the tender of 25000 from the Kentucky Stable for Sennings Park Phil T Chiuu who races in the nom de course of the Kentucky Stable was acting for Lurry Waterbury the well known polo player Sennings Park has still to make hiV debut in the east In a racebu has shown some fast work and hcwsfof his western prowess pre ceVted him here Sennings Park was bought by Mose Goldblatt at an auction sale at Churchill Dowrisfbr 7600 and won three races in a row with him In speaking of the sale Phil Chinn said Thc sale was consummated this morning after Dr McCully passed on Mm as to his soundness The only added stipulation I wade was tliat the liur e should show no ill effects tomorrow from his work t ut of this morning

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