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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 August 4 Weather forecast Illinois Partly cloudy possibly with local thundcr showcra tonight or Tuesday continued warm Mis ¬ souri Iowa Nebraska and Kansas Somewhat un ¬ settled but generally fair tonight and Tuesday continued warm General forecast Conditions will continue unsettled over much of this forecast dis ¬ trict during the next thirtysix hours and local thundershowers are probable especially in the north ¬ ern and eastern portions of the district There will be little change in temperature temperatureCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 August 4 Seizure of the surface and elevated lines by the city if fares are boosted unreasonably under cover of the new wage agree ¬ ment was held as a club today over the traction companies and the state public unilities commission as bearings on the companies increased fare appli ¬ cations were opened before the state commission Special Assistant Corporation Counsel Chester E Cleveland representing the city threw a bomb Into the hearing at its outset by declaring the whole proceeding illegal and probably in contempt of the courts which are now reviewing the state com ¬ missions recent actions on surface and elevate line fares faresCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 August 4 Hang the rioters was the charge today given the grand Jury con ¬ sidering evidence in connection with the Chicago race war Judge Robert E Crowe outlining the work ahead of the grand jury stated that only the rope will end disorders in the black belt Where murder has been done indict for murder he said A few hangings will have a salutary effect on Chicago and lessen the work of the police Consider the case without passion prejudice or poli ¬ tics and in behalf of the judiciary I can promise you prompt trials for those indicted indictedWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C Ati2ust 4 Maintenance of one field army with a war strength of 1250000 men is proposed in n bill establishing a permanent military policy which was sent to Congress today by Secretary Baker The active force of this army would be 510000 regulars while the remainder would be young men who have taken a three Months military training course which would be compul ¬ sory for all 19yearold youths youthsNEW NEW YORK N Y August 4 Bill Lange famous old Chicago baseball player secured a mar ¬ riage license here tills afternoon to marry MJss Mona VIrum of San Francisco Lange gave his age as fortyeight His bridetobe is twentyfour