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FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Claiming Aug 22 1918 104 2 107 ORLEANS GIRL br f 2 107 By Jack Atkin Lady Installator S Judge 43225 Empire 51 f l07fast 710 114 1 1 1 I1 1 C Fbther 5 Bar Water BrightGold Brntns 43212 Empire 58 l01good 135 105 1 1 1 I2 Il A Schugr G Our Maid J Bullant Sain Rose 43170 Empire 58 l04good 6 112 12 12 10 105 10 C FbtherM Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 43045 Aqduct 58 67fast 25 115 8 10 10 10 10 C Fbtherll Cobwebs Germa Flying Flower 42967 Aqduct 4i f 55slow 50 114 7 6 7 71 610 C Fbtherl2 Vio Tip Fly Flower HisClioice 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 81 97 12 8 10 ll S WIda 13 Super OrientalPark WhoCares WhoCaresBy BECK AND CALL b f 2 112 By Helmet Whisk Broom G Peterson 43189 Empire 5J f l12hvy 135 116 3 2 2 31 7 L Lyke 8 SisHelene Cormoran JBullant 43176 Empire 68 l03mud 65 114 3 2 1 1 1 Lyke G BghtGold SisHlene Encrinite 42844 Jamaica 58 l01fast 10 112 8 9 9 9 91 L Lyke 9 Ira Wilson Romany Graysalan 42812 Jamaica 68101 fast 8 110 6 7 7 Tnk 8 L Lyke 8 Betty J Gloria France JFancy 42064 HdeGce 12 48slow 18 112 7 6 11 J Metcalf 10 Afternoon Castor Kallipolis 41399 Bowie 12 49good Si 109 6 5 1 2 J Metcalf B Kallipolis Calvert Mile Daade 41887 Bowie 12 49fast 165115 4 4 1 1 1 J Metcalf 9 MSkleton MStkem LeBleuet 41847 Bowie 12 50 fast 7 114 6 6 41 4 J Butwell S FWitch Kallipolis Marcelle M 41049 FGnds 38 36 good 6 114 5 3 3 A Johnsonll MJemima Talisman GoldRoM GoldRoMBy WHO CARES br c 2 110 By Wrack Lizzie H F E Goldsmith 431 S3 Empire 51 f l07fast 1C5 111 3 1 1 11 1J L Fator 9 Fair Colleen B Gold Cormoran 53090 Aqduct 58 59fast 41 112 4 1 1 21 31 L McAtee 11 Toucanet Clarabella Betsinda 42014 Aqduct 58 59fast 4 111 3 5 C 4 3Z1 H Hamtn 6 Betsinda Toucanet F Colleen 42962 Aqduct 58 l01slow 10 105 6 456 6 6s s L McAtee 9 GLight StGrmain MSkleton 42878 Jamaica 58 l01fast 13c 110 4 3 3 21 2Z L Fator 5 Oceanna Back Home Buster R 42807 Jamaica 68 l01fast 4j 11015 233 31 J Butwell 12 Pawnee II Mer Sinner Anzac 42727 Belmont 58 st 59faat 4 115 4 4426C1 4 6 51 6 L Ensor 8 Ireland Copyright Ourmaid 426C1 Belmont 58 st 59fast 40 UOi 4 4 4 6l 4 J Butwell 8 Paul Jones Shoal Yellow Hand 42548 Belmont 41f st E3fast 30 115 1 9 10 12 J0 i It Ensor 14 Upset ServlceStar KChampion 42260 Pimlico 41 f 65mud 13 112 1 3 6 71 81 A Johnson 8 Rowes Bud Wendy Super 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 4310 110 9 9CORMORAN 2 2 3 I Ensor 13 Super Oriental Park Tattle CORMORAN cb g 2 K 100 By LOiseau Lyre Orietta R T McKoever 43231 Empire 51 f l08fast 7 103 5 4 4 S1 34i S Sndman 5 Bright Gold Shoal Sadie D 42224 Empire 51 f l06 4fast 8 106 3 2 3 3 313 S Sndman 3 Shoal Sister Helene 43206 Empire 5i f 109 slow 6 108 3 3431S9 4 2 2s 24 W Kelsay 11 Penelope Our Maid Rubidium 431S9 Empire 61 f l12hvy 116 110 6 5 3 2 2 W Kelsay 8 Sis Helene JBullant StKevin 43170 Empire 68 l04good 5 11510 8 8 6 7 T Davies 12 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 43153 Empire 51 f l07fast 135 111 4 6 6 4 41 T Nolan 9 Who Cares FairColleen BGold 43129 Aqduct 34 115 slop 4 106 5 2 1 1J 2 T Nolan 5 Amer Boy WthePlank Midlan 43076 Aqduct 68 101 fast 115 107 3 3 3 11 2 T Nolan 7 WthePlank Ldylike MelleM 43003 Aqduct 68 l00fast 20 97 11 11 11 10 91 A Evans 11 ERickenbacher Romany Alias 42993 Aqduct 58100 fast 10 11010 6 6 31 3J A Evans 10 Hackamore EaaGlow Cormoran 42938 Aqduct 58 l00fast 30 100 8 7 6 6 61 Li Fator 8 ERnbacher Hedman Rmany 42203 Pemllco 12 61 slow 39 109 10 g 91 91 Q Preece 10 Griffwood H Partner Caubeen 42091 ILdeGce 12 47fast 4 107 8 8ROSELAND 8 10 10 B Sande 10 F Cook MShackleton MDazle MDazleBy ROSELAND b g 2 K 105 105432C5 By Cylgad Carinya R T WUson 432C5 Siratoga 5J 1 l07fast 30 10T 7 8 7 4 3s E AmbrHelO Bullseje Hidden Ship Smite 4014 Aqduct 58 59fast 12 110 2 4 4 C 5s C Kummer G Betsinda Toucanet Wiio Cares 42993 Aqduct 58 100 fast 115 112 3 3 4 6l 6s C KummerlO Hackamore E Glow Cormoran 42910 UHunts Ab58 fast 2 107 3 32 2 2s H Bullman 3 Limerick Lass Frenzela 42865 Jamaica 51 f l06fast 20 108 G 7 8 8 8 L Ensor 8 LBrumel ERnbacher Lovely 42826 UHnts Ab58 l05fast 41 110 4 332 21 H Bullman 4 Liin Lass Frenzela Salt Peter 42133 HdeGce 41 f 54fast 48 115 3 3AMERICAN 6 6 6 6 ° H Bullmn 8 Querca Panoply Sweep Clean AMERICAN SOLDIER br c 2 X 105 By Dnval Mary Hunter W F Poison 42958 Latonia 58 l03hvy 6 110 4 3 3 41 3 i C Howard 12 Viola Gaffney Dolph VlolaPark 42931 Latonia 58 l02mud 22 06 4 C 4 4 3Ti C Howard 12 Friz Bobby Allen Dolph 42666 Latonia 41 f 55 fast 13 115 3 6 B 4 ° 1 C Howard 10 WtheGreat Wlike AofTmps 42556 Churchl 68 l01fast 6 115 7 6 7 7 1 7 1 C Howard 12 Sterling Jazz Alex Jr 42503 Churchl 41 f 65hvy 14 115 5 4 31 31 C Howard 12 Mty Man LUamttou Sterliig 42446 Churchl 58 l01hvy 33 103 8 88 8 71 C Howard 8 Atta Boy II Ruby Talisman 42404 Churchl 41 f 55slow 47 115 5 2 3l 3 C Howard 8 ClBrowu SsBoy WtheGreat 42155 Lex ton 12 49 fast 12 112 5 5 61 72 C Howard 10 Best Pal Spicebusb LukeDillon LukeDillonBv WALK THE PLANK ch g 2 110 Bv Cock o th Walk Privateer W H Henry 43129 Aqduct 34 115 slop 165 IOC 1 5 4 31 2C1 E Ambrse 5 AmericauBoy Connoran Midlan 43076 Aqduct 58101 fast 31 107 4 5 5 3s li E Ambrse 7 Cormoran Ladylike MarcelleM 42993 Aqduct 58100 fast 7 11411 1 1 21 42 J Butwell 10 Hackamore E Glow Cormoran 42557 Jamaica 58 l01fast 12 114 9 9 9 91 7 J Butwell 10 King Albert Anzac Ormbel 42727 Belmont C8 st 59fast 30 115 7 G 5 6 4i J Butwell 8 Ireland Copyright Ourmaid OurmaidBy SAND RiyER LI b c 2 K 105 By Le Melior La Source T P Thome 42796 Jamaica 51 f l071 fast 20 S3 5 C C Pull upH Ericksn 5 Shoal ERkenbacher Headman 42709 Belmont 58 st l00fast 7 108 2 4 4 21 3 1 L Lyke 4 Flying Orb Tattle Aerial 42671 Belmont 58 st l00faat 41 108 1 3 5 41 4s L Lyke 8 Incinerator Hampden Ourmaid 42566 Belmont 4Jf st 53 fast 40 103 6 6SHILLELAGH 666 684 Li Lyke 10 Toujours Oceanna Mile Dazie DazieBy SHILLELAGH n b c 2 M W By Irish Lad Artless The Beach Stable 43259 Saratoga 5J f l06fast 100 115 8 9 8 8b 9la G Burns 19 Evergay MaskedDaucer Blazes 43090 Aqduct 5 59fast 30 112 7 10 11 101 10 A Collins 11 Toncanet Clarabella Who Cares 43032 Aqduct 58 100 fast 30 115 12 12 10 11 11 G Burns 13 Hoodwink Evergay Gladiator 42190 Pimlico 12 49 slop 175 110 9 9SMART n 11 11 11 A Collins 13 Mr Brummel Panoply Shoal ShoalBy SMART GUT b g 2 X 105 By Theo Cook Canny Mist R Parr 43058 Aqduct 58 101 fast 7 1111 1 2 2 21 6 J Butwell 13 Ormbel Toucanet King George 42980 Aqduct 58 l02mud 30 115 7 C 8 7l 7 C Mergler 11 Brookliolt Furlongh Bucklaide 42105 HdeGce 41 f 67 hvy 65 112 13 13STARRY 14 14 14 14 C Mergler 14 Brynhild Murray Sweet Apple STARRY BELLE br f 2 K 97 By Star Shoot Belle of Glendale W R Coe First start