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SANFORD YEARLINGS SOLD Consignment of Eighteen Head Realize Total of 67300 Son of Pair Play Roxane Brings 10 000 Good Prices for forCarr Carr Piatt Youngsters SARATOGA SPRINGS N Y August S Tohn Stanfords Iliirricana Stud yonngsjers were the mag ¬ net that attracted another representative attend ¬ ance to the FasigTipton Saratoga sales mart Thurs ¬ day night Tliere were eighteen in the Sanford consignment sired by the noted English and French stallions The Curragh Sardanapale Ecouen Aoter nnd Llangibby but it remained for the pure Ameri ¬ canbred colt by Fair Play Roxane to carry oft the honors of the sale when he brought the satis ¬ factory sum of 10000 aud was tlie medium of spirited bidding He ultimately went to Jerry Car ¬ roll who was acting for J J Englishs account The total realized for the eighteen Sanford young ¬ sters was 07300 an average of almost 3739 3739Carr Carr Plaits consignment of fourteen youngsters went for n total of 16075 and the filly by Dick Finnell Moonet consigned by W E Walsh brought 41500 and was bought by P Dunne DunneAs As on the preceding night there was a big demand lor the choicelybred youngsters and whenever like ¬ ly prospects were in the ring the bidding was lively The summary of the sale saleProperty Property of Hurricana Stud John Sanford Bonnington ch c by Fair Play Roxane by byPerblaze Perblaze J J English 10000 10000Cnstlcrcigh Cnstlcrcigh ch c by The Cnrriigh Silica Silicaby by Rockton Dr R J McCtilly 7COO 7COODonogan Donogan ch c by Tlie Curragh Kennyetto Kennyettoby by Clifford J K I Ross 7100 7100Fornoro Fornoro ch c by Ecouen May Dora by byIsidor Isidor Dr R J McCully 0800 0800Bastille Bastille ch c by Voter Oppression by bySt St Serf J K L Ross 6100 6100Nohant Nohant ch c by Rockton Consuelo II by byRradwardine Rradwardine Dr R J McCtilly 6100 6100Horoscope Horoscope b c by The Curragh Trance by byHen Hen lirush P T Chinn 4500 4500Oiiflph Oiiflph b c by Sardanapale Padoue II IIby by Ajax Dr R J McCully 4300 4300Ivernian Ivernian b c by Llangibby Fleur dOrange dOrangeby by William the Third Dr R J McCully 4000 Asuncion br c by Ecouen La Paraguaya Paraguayaby by Flying Fox Ogden Stable 3000 3000Cavendish Cavendish br c by The Curragh Isirose by byIsidor Isidor S Ross 1900 1900Ballina Ballina b f by The Curragh Cayudutta Cayuduttaby by Gonsalvo J O Milum 1100 1100Wicklow Wicklow b c by The Curragh Burnt Hills Hillsby by Clifford 1 Fitzsiinmons 1100 1100Month Month b c by Tlie Cnrragh Sadaquadu Sadaquaduby by Rockton J E Davis 1000 1000Love Love Tap ch f by Bruleur Love Apple by byChuctanunda Chuctanunda S Ross 800 800Parhelion Parhelion b f by Ecouen Fiat Lux by byAjax Ajax S Ross 700 700Citizen Citizen ch c by Voter Spumante by Poly Polymeltis meltis H Rites 600 600Grenoble Grenoble b c by Voter Monestier by Gor Gorgos gos T II Cross 600 600Total Total 18 G7300 G7300Average Average per head 373888 373888Property Property of Carr Piatt Bay colt by Ferole Rock of Gold by Rock RockSand Sand J W McClelland 3000 3000Bay Bay colt by Ferole Delusion by Meddler MeddlerW W M Jeffords 2500 2500Bay Bay colt by Ferole Malachite by Rock RockSand Sand W Martin 2000 2000Bay Bay colt by Darley Dale Matchette by byMatchmaker Matchmaker G R Tompkins 1500 1500Bay Bay colt by Ferole Lucky Catch by Trap TrapRock Rock R L Gerry 1300 1300Chestnut Chestnut filly by Ferok Toucan by Star StarRuby Ruby R L Gerry 1300 1300Bay Bay filly by Horron Coruscate by Choris ¬ ter J W McClelland 1000 1000Brown Brown filly by Horron Marbles by Lissak 11 P Marshall 1000 1000Bay Bay filly by Trap Rock The Scold by byMeddler Meddler R P Marshall 800 800Bay Bay filly by Ferole Black Lou by Rock RockSand Sand J Gorhani 500 500Bay Bay filly by Watervale Eastern Shore by byThe The Bard J Lumsden 400 400liny liny filly by Horron Fluid by Blitzen J JGorhani Gorhani 300 300Bay Bay colt by Ferole Annabel II by Factor FactorL L Bloom 300 300Bay Bay colt by Flint Rock Amicita by Hast ¬ ings J J Leipiier Jr 175 175Total Total 14 li07o li07oAverage Average per head 114821 114821Property Property of BeUir Stud StudChestnut Chestnut colt by Henn Aile dOr by Capt CaptHancock Hancock J MacManus 1000 Continued on second page SANFORD YEARLINGS SOLD Continued from first page Chestnut filly by Heno Geneseb by Ouoh Ouohdaga daga M C Moore 600 600Bay Bay filly by Heno Kilcrea by Stalwart J G Wiignon 500 500Bay Bay colt by Durbar Parlhcnis by Ajax AjaxW W J Salmon 400 400Black Black colt by Heno Pastora by Strephon J Garson 400 Bay filly by Heno Russian Sable by Or ¬ der W J Starr 300 300Chestnut Chestnut filly by Heno Stellata by Star StarShoot Shoot W B Walking 200 200Total Total 7 3400 3400Average Average per head 48571 48571Property Property of T J Clay ClayBay Bay filly by Wrack Janina by The Scribe It P Marshall 300 300Property Property of Harris H Gaines Georgetown GeorgetownBSIV BSIV colt by Great Britain Tiffany Blend Blendby by Cesarion W J Salmon 1300 1300Property Property of W E Walsh WalshChestnut Chestnut filly by Dick Finnell Moonet by Donald P Dunne 4500