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QUEBECS RACING PREPARATIONS MiNTRl L OueAuAUst a Racing will bo re ¬ sumed in the Province of Quebec wlicn tlie Mount Royal rare track opens its gates on Saturday after nobnAugfcstifr Tlic offieials for the uictting liave all arrived in Montreal while several carloads of horse alwvarrivod The racing will be conducted overfiic milcvoiirsc it MoUnfUoyal rih place of the half mile track at Delorimier Park and all purses will be of yalue flP QO with one 500 handicap eachaf tejrnoon Six or more races will be run each day The plant has been put in good condition and ffnelrsci wMrfY Vnin fot Canadianbred linrses earh ufternoon Edward Tribe who has officiated at iny of th American and Canadian tracks will ioTtveI ioTtveItnrtV tnrtV ltjShtiiVi lh JtOiiiilnnve wniRint it ie l irscs will be increased for the following meet