Turf Gossip From Saratoga Track, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-10


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TURF GOSSIP FROM SARATOGA TRACK BY EDWARD W COLE COLESARATOGA SARATOGA SPRINGS N Y August 9 An old time jockey one who has probably forgotten more than gome of the presentday artists will ever know spoke rather interestingly yesterday on the matter of runaway horses The subject was brought np when one of the crowd declared that Golden Broom was the fastest horse he had seen at Saratoga Ills remark was the outcome of the colts sensational rush on the outside of the field In a condition race last Monday MondayThe The oldtime jockey said Many a person has a mistaken idea that because a horse runs out and finishes a race in sensational manner that had he run straight1 he must have won the race In nine cases out of ten a horse that runs out as did Golden Broom is outrunning himself and tearing off for a short spin when entirely out of control of his rider There is no question the horse is nmning fast but he is desperate at the time and may never show such a performance when running truly and as race horses should run I dont say that Golden Broom is not a fast horse but fre ¬ quently too much allowance is made for a horse in future calculations when he puts in a quarter of a mile as fast as did Golden Broom When one of those youngsters takes a notion to get ttie bit be ¬ tween its teeth and scampers off no rider can pre ¬ vent him from doing jusfwhaP lie likes T simply mention these facts from practical knowledge that too much allowance is made for runaway colts Goldep Broom may be the best colt of the year but he will have to prove it to me in a purely legitimate way and without any excuse as to what he might have done or might do doMy My bank roll is just dying a peaceful and happy death said one of the prominent clubhouse members after he had made sir wagers and lost all of them But I am coming back smiling and full of hope Its no use getting grouchy Nobody can win with a grouch on onCROWD CROWD GREATER THAN EVER EVERSaratoga Saratoga was never as loaded with people as it is today Mr Burney who is looking after the interests of the Grand Union Hotel said that never before in the history of the village were there as many applications for rooms and he has been inter ¬ ested in Saratoga for about forty years yearsSam Sam Booth president of the Interborough Co arrived here Friday motoring from New York YorkFred Fred T Trebilcock who has been a racing en ¬ thusiast for more than twenty years will arrive from London Ontario tomorrow tomorrowFrank Frank McKce once partner of the late Charles Hoyt is here for the season Mr McKee like Cliauncey Olcott attends for the enjoyment and health he derives from the sport They consider their recreation cheap if they lose but a thousand or two It would cost me that much if I run a yacht says Mr McKee and racing is my pleas ¬ ure When I break even with the boys I am doubly pleased as I have had niy sport without expense expenseIt It is generally believed that Mr Macomber will race a string of horses in France next year but it is also intimated he will not forsake this country but be well represented on both sides of the At ¬ lantic Walter Jennings has positively decided to retire from the sport in this section at the close of this season and go to his home in California If racing should ever bu revived there said Mr Jen ¬ nings 1 shall certainly do everything I can in its interest

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919081001/drf1919081001_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1919081001_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800