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LEXINGTON ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Ciiicago time 2:15. 0 Superior mud runner. - X Good mud runner. Fair mud runner.. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 8, 1917 1:11 0115. Todays Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.AVt.IIan. 43010 Billie B 10711:12 0 115 x 725 43508 Dimitri ...107 1:12 S 115X720 43017 Aision 107 1:13 3 107X715 43520s Maud Bacon 125 1:13 5 1120715 43011 Parrish 102 1:14 4 115X715 43005 Ed Garrison 109 1:13 5 110X710 43751 Mabel Trask 10G 1:14 4 1120710 43521 Hasty Cora 108. 1:13 5 112x710 41924 Itafferty 98 1:12 4 110X705 39875 .McAdoo 7 115X705 41741 Pas de Chance ...10-1 1:13 5 1150700 42042 Pleasureville 120 1:13 7 1150700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 43000 Lady Luxury 101 1:14 4 1120710 43003s Churchill Downs ..103 1:13 3 105X700 43012 Doily 103 1:13 3 102.. 705 43010 Thistles Beau M114 1:13 4 115x700 43005 Bars and Stars ...112 1:12 7 115X715 43018s Langhorne 101 1:12 7 115X715 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Track record: May 10, 1010 5S 2 US. .. 430I5G3 Diamond Girl 112 1:02 112.. 720 43414 AVatersmeet 114 l:01m 112.. 715 40970 Aurina 112.. 710 429S2 Perfect Lady 112 1:02 112.. 710 43011 Betty Curry 109 1:01 112.. 700 42743 Biddledee 113 1:02 112.. 710 43600 Herself 109 1:07 112.. 710 43021 Diana 113 1:02 112.. 705 43749 Lady. Sweep 112 1:02 112.. 705 410S2 Frivolity- 112. .700 429S2 Second Cousin ....1121:01 112. .700 Little Blossom, br. f, by Dick Fin- nell Carrie Jones 112 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 43013t Mamie 0 107 1:02 112X710 43009 Orlova 112.. 705 Meg, cii. f, by The Manager Shuck H 112 430001 Peggy 0 100 1:01 112.. 710 430G0- Lorraine 112 1:02 112.. 725 Dresden, cii. f, by Rock Aiew Polly Prim . 112 fJ. L. Paul entry. Third Race 3-4 Mile. AVinchester Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 8, 1017 1:11 0115. 43301 JACK HARE JR.. 122 1:12 4 115X750 43009 Subahdar ...... 108 1:12 4 107X740 43005 Brig of AVar 1011:12 4 104.. 740 43559t Binding Tie 115 1:14 3 101X740 43343s Sam Reh 100 1:12 3 102X735 34204 Ormesdale 0 115X735 43030 B, B. Johnson 113 1:12 4 107X730 43373 Herald 107 1:12 4 112X730 43049 AA W. Hastings. .100 1;12 4 112730 4301G Spearlene .101 1:12 4 107.. 725 39102t Brother Maclean .. 3 107X720 AAar Prize, b. c. by Star Shoot Raglan 3 102 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 3S287 King Gorin Ill 1:12 0 1150740 43051 Kiku 100 1:12 3 00.. 730 431S-1 S o m e w h e r e in France 110 1:15 3 102X725 42755 Ocean Sweep 104 1:12 4 104.. 735 43751 Skcer Face 108 1:12 0 107X735 tE. R. Bradley entry. Fourth Race 1 1-1G Miles. Midway Purse. 3-y car - olds. Alio wanecs. Track record: May 1, 101G 1:44 5 100. 43050s Legal 107X750 43582 Sway 103 X 745 42001 Regalo 117 1:50 107X745 43050 Brunette II 105 1:47 100.. 740 Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 10, 1910 58 2 US. 425GG3 Mile. Dazie 109 l:03sy 105X725 42095 Miss Parnell 10SJl:00h 100 X 720 43402s Bounding Through.. 108.. 715 43029 Alula 109 1:01 109715 433-10 Lukes Pet 110.. 715 42971 Ziziz 112 l:00h 101X710 43029 Kurua M 108 1:03 108.. 710 43323 Catania .M10 1:00 109.. 710 42995s Mabel G 111 . .710 43740 Horace Lereh 115 1:00 110.. 710 41319s Accelerate M ... 104.. 705 42043 Pansy Blossom M 105.. 700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 43029 Ruby 109 1:00 107X715 435S3S Eulah F. 10SU:0l 109710 43029. Mayrose 104 1:01 98.. 715 43G0G Peccant ...110 1:01 107X710 Mugiyan, .eh. c, by Hilarious Ila- lesia 100 42031 Moga 105 1:01 102. .700 Sixth Race 1 1-1G Miles. Mt. Sterling Purse. 3-year-olds and upward.. Allowances. Track record: May 1, 1010 1:44 5 10G. 42929 Lady Rachel 1011:40 3 99.. 725 43750 Iolite .105 1:40 0 100X720 43175 Mistress Polly 10S 1:40 4 109X715 43375 Raider Ill 1:45 5 112x715 43010 Iluntermann 104 1:45 3 102.. 710 43549 Stevenson 100 1:40 4 112X710 43572 Bulldoze 3 00X705 43G1G3 Little Marchmont II. M 100 1:40 5 109.. 700 Seventh Race 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Maiden Jockeys. Track record: May 1, 1310 l;44n 100. 43751 J. J. Murdock 122 1:45 5 110X725 43014s Lucite P. 104 1:47 5 1070720 43570 Loan Cochran 105 1:40 and 5 107X715 41011s Counterbalance ... 3 10SX715 43523s Philistine 115 1:40 0 110X715 43039 Itedland 110 1:40 7 1150715 43051 Rhymer .109 1:47 5 115x 710 43C03 Crystal Day 112 1:47 4 112X705 430GS3 Tanlae .103 1:40 4 115X705 41880s Buddy Tucker M. , 3 103.. 700 43001. La Foudre M 100 1:50 3 105.. 700 41132 Yodeles , Ill 1:47 7 115X700 Als6 eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 43050 Dahabiali II. 92 1:47 4 112.. 715 43070 Sarasota 103 1:40 3 105X710 430523 Judge David M .. 3 103.. 700 42054 Bronco Billy 110 1:49 5 1150700 43050 Duke of Shelby ...10S 1:40 8 110X700 43051s Buck Nail 100 1:47 7 115.. 705