Better Going at Latonia: Improved Weather and Track Helps Attendance and Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1919-09-26


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BETTER GOING AT LATONIA Improved Weather and Track Helps Attendance and Racing. Stockwell Victor in the Main Race Robinson Rides Three Winners Track Gossip. LATONIA, Ky., September 2.". In the absence of ;i pronounced feature at Latonia this afternoon tlit? mile anil an eighth dash with its purse of 2.200 carried stellar prestige, anil while it developed a good contest it also produced the main upset of many that transpired with the running of the seven dashes wiien Sway was easily beaten home by Stockwell. Weather and track conditions were excellent for the sport and were the contributing causes for attracting a big attendance. The racing was interest-ins in the main, several of the finishes being excitingly close. The overthrow of choices began in the initial race when the highly regarded Bonstelle. on which Lyke had the mount, failed to figure prominently, due to his being practically left at the post. The winner turned up in Fluzey, which won easily. Siren Maid, a first-time starter, carrying the colors of the Louisville snortsmen. 3Iiddletou and. Jones, was the first ehoice of the meeting to finish in front. Her victory came in the second race, and her showing stamps her as a possible crack, for she won unextended as her rider pleased. Jockey Robinson figured extensively in the days actinnt for he landed Siren Maid, Rifle and Stock-well winners, and also missed by the margin of a noe from taking the sixth race with Corydon. The defeat of Troilus in . the third race brought some, dversexcniuient, against Cnne.lly..wha.,r,ode that racCr In inefficient style andbarely -managed to get up in time to beat Kiku for third place. W. C. Wealit carried off a double with his Kulah F. and Dick "Williams. Both racers were piloted by J. Pitz. : .1. C. Milani has sold on private terms to S. A. Clopton three yearlings. Two are colts, respectively by Dick Klnnell Rinda, Vulca in Synopsis, and a filly by Ormondale Copyist. Itapid Day and Hauberk, owned by C. K. Clement, were arrivals this afternoon from Havre de Grace. Itapid Day is an intended starter in the Latonia Championship Stakes. The horses will be trained while here bv Louis Tauber. Sans Peur II. was excused from starting in the fifth race on account of illness. The owner was given the option of paying the scratch fee of 2 or having the horse placed on tin; five days waiting list. He elected to pay tile scratch fee. A. It. Letellier. who is extensively identified with the Fair Grounds in New Orleans, was among Hie arrivals this afternoon from Chicago and will be hpre for the remainder of the meeting. After Bonstelle was practically left at. the post the stewards issued the following: "L. Lyke, jockev, having been practically left at the post while on Mandalay and Bonstelle, favorites in their respective races, was notified by the stewards that further inactivity in this respect would result iu his suspension." Following Bonstelles defeat in the opening race he was claimed by It. Burckley, represented by Er-mitana. for ,800. Frank Bnin was among the new arrivals this morning from the east. His horses. Patches and St. Germain, have been here for some time. He will campaign the pair and also several yearlings at New Orleans next winter.

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Local Identifier: drf1919092601_1_2
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