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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. President Wilson today established a new Industrial conference. The White House made public the names of seventeen members of the new conference, which is to be headed by Secretary of Labor Wilson and which will discuss industrial unrest and seek to find trie remedies which the old industrial conference failed to find. The conference will meet in Washington on December 1. The members of the conference are as follows: Secretary of Labor Wilson, Thomas W. Gregory, former attorney-general; George W. Wickersham, New York, former attorney-general; Oscar A. Straus, New York, former secretory of commerce and labor; Henry M. Robinson, Pasadena, Cal.; Professor Frank W. Taussig, Cotuit, Mass.; Samuel W. McCall. Waltham, Mass, former governor of Massachusetts; Herbert Hoover, New York City, former food administrator; Martin II. Glynn, Albany, N. Y., former governor; Henry C. Stuart, Elks Garden. Va.; Dr. W. C. Thompson, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Richard Hooper, the Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass; John T. Slade, St. Paul, Minn.; Julius Rosen-wald, Chicago, 111.; Owen G. Young, New York City; N, II. Watters, Manhattan Kan., and Stanley King, Waltham, Mass. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. An increase in wages of fifteen cents per ton and twenty per cent over the existing day scale, to become effective immediately tiie bituminous coal miners return to work, was offered by the operators at the meeting today of the wage scale committees in the central competitive bituminous field. John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of America, declared the increase was totally inadequate, adding that the miners had not assumed the offer had been made seriously. The operators, he said, had proposed increases in the price of miners supplies which would absorb practically all the wage advances. Nothing was said about reduced hours, although the miners had demanded a thirty-hour week. An increase of fifteen cents a ton, it was explained, would be an advance of twenty per cent over present wages for machine mining, as compared with the sixty per cent increase demanded by the workers. LONDON, England, November 20. The possibility of another flareup of warfare If the former kaiser flees across the Dutch border into Germany was pointed out today by the Daily Express in the following editorial: "Will the pinchbeck Napoleon of Amerongen bolt across the Dutch frontier at an opportune moment and attempt another 100 days campaign, as Bonaparte did after his escape from Elba. But could Germany stand even a campaign of 100 days, despite the fact that the allies have disarmed and demobilized their armies.?" Sir Gordon Hewart, the attorney-general, has returned from Paris, where the first steps have- been taken toward bringing the former war lord to trial. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. The life of the war-time prohibition law is at stake today before the Supreme Court. Three cases involving the validity of the law are up for argument. Upon these decisions, expected to be handed down several weeks before constitutional prohibition be-.coiues effective, depends the question of whether war-time prohibition can be enforced. WASHINGTON, 1. C, November 20. Failure of the immigration authorities to take action in the cases of more than 400 aliens recommended for deportation by the department of justice is due to a lack ot funds to keep immigration work current, the house immigration committee was told today by Immigration Commissioner Caminetti. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. In a statement late today Senator nitchcock predicted that with resubmission of the treaty by the President a compromise could be effected between senators favoring ratification in some form. "Concessions on both sides must be real and not merely nominal," he said. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. From tiie passage by Congress In July, 1918, of an act authorizing the acceptance of foreign medals and insignia, 15,384 officers and enlisted men of the American army have been decorated by powers associated with, the United States in the world war. PARIS, France, November 20. The peace treaty will become effective by December 1, the supreme council decided today. Nations which have accepted the treaty will exchange formal ratifications in time for the pact to become effective on that date. ROME, Italy, November IS Delayed. Thirty persons were wounded In disorders resulting from an attempt to force a general strike in protest against the anti-socialist demonstration carried out last night. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 20. President Wilson will make no move to rescind the war-time prohibition act until peace lias been declared formally, it was stated officially today at the White House. LONDON, England, November 20. The American steamship Ilanamet went ashore at Fusan, Korea, November 11, according to a dispatch from Nagasaki. A salvage steamer has gone to her assistance. CHICAGO, 111., November 20. Weather forecast: Illinois Increasing cloudiness tonight and Friday, probably followed by rain in south and central portions Friday or Friday night; rising temperature. VALLEJO, Cal.. November 20. The third electrically-driven snperdreadnoiight was added to the United States navy afloat today when the California was launched at the Mare Island navy yard there. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 20. President Wilson will have no statement to make on the failure of the Senate to ratify the treaty of Versailles, it was said today at the White House. NEW HAVEN, Conn., November 20. Salary increases which will make Yale professors among the highest paid in this country have been granted by the Yale Corporation. DUNKIRK, N. Y., November 20. Liberty bonds, said to be wortli 7,000, were stolen from a registered mail pouch In transit here last night, it became known today. NEW YORK, N. Y., November 20. The Prince of Wales today went to the United States Military Academy at West Point to review the famous dress parade of cadets.. PRAGUE, November 20. Arrangements have been completed with France for the delivery to this country of 100,000 tons of sugar at 2,100 francs per ton. BERLIN, Germany, November 20. Four-foot snow drifts block the streets of the capital.