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BOWIE AND NEW ORLEANS WORK-OUTS 117 BOWIE, Md.. November 25; Training Operations at Prince George Park this morning included the followng gallops: " .-. . Weather clear; track fast 114 AUorheyMulr, mile in 1:48. - 113 Armistice, mile in 1:4S. 10S Hajazet. half mile in 51. 114 Blue Devil, three-eighths in 3S. 113 Blue Thistle, half mile in 52. 109 Ben Han.pson, three-eighths in 40. 115 -Belgian Queen, three-eighths in 39. 113 Bunaris, half mile in 50. 115-ChaHenge; three-eighths In 43. 115-Charlestonian, mil? in 1:48. 113 Cinderella, three-quarters in 1:10. 112 Devil Dog, seven-eighths in 1:83. 107 Duke John, three-eighths in 38. 51 Dandy Dude, mile in 1:49. 114 Daedalus, three-quarters Jn 1:25. 114 Frank Monroe, three-quarters in 1:18. 109 Fountain Fay, half mile Jn 53. 112 Golden Glow, half mile in 50. 108 Gain de Cause, three-eighths in 38. 115 Gallagher, five-eighths in 1:01. 11C Joseph P. Murphy, half mile In 52. 107 Kings Champion, half mile in 55. 100 Liberty Star, mile in 1:56. 114 Lindly, mile in 1:55. 113 Mock Orange, five-eighths in 1:03. 110 Miss Bryn, half mile in 51. 110 Nnpoli. mile in 1:53. 108 Progressive, three-eighths in 39. 113 Quietude, half mile in 52. 109 Rockport. halt mile in 50. 107 Refugee, three-eighths in .40. 114 St. Quentin, three-quarters in 1:21. 103- Sister Emblem; three-quarters in 1:17. 1.12 Sinn Feiner, half mile in 52. 9G Sweet Music, three-eighths in 30. 115 Sunnyhill, mile in 1:45. 103 Sophia Gatewood, mile in 1:55. 11 Slumber II... mile in 1:50. 10. " Tom McTaggart. mile in 1:40. 10S The Dauphin, mile in 1:58. At the Fair Grounds. NEW ORLEANS, La., November 25. The close approach, of the racing here was reflected in the large number of horses at work tills morning. Which were as follows: Weather cloudy; track good; "dogs" up 1114 Atwell, half mile in 50. 113 Adelante, mile in 1:45. 114 Alexander, mile in 1:49. 114 Assume, half mile in 51. 113 Astraea, three-quarters in 1:21. Illi Arrowhead Inn, three-quarters in 1:1831. 112 Al Tierce, half mile in 52. Albuja. half mile in 52. Andy 1C, mile in 1:48. 114 Brown Bee, three-quarters in 1:19. 115 Bronco Billy, half mile in 50. 113 Bachelor, three-quarters in 1:18. 113 Blue Jeans, five-eighths in 1:00. 11C Betty Curry, five-eighths in 1:05. 110 Baby Girl, three-quarters in 1:18. 114 Baignenr, mile in 1:49. July 4 Briekley, three-quarters in 37. 115 Brown Favorite, mile in 1:54. 115 Boher-Na-Breena, five-eighths in 1:07. 89 Betsy, tliree-quarters in 1:18. 110 Bugle Call, five-eighths in 1:05. 111 Blackie Daw, three-quarters in 1:22. 113 Brownie McDawell, mile in 1:50. 114 Blairgowrie, half mile in 51. 114 Comme Ci, three-quarters in 1:19. 114 Chief, three-quarters in 1:18. 90 Captain Hershler, half mile,, in 52. 114 Chick Barkley, mile in 1:49. ;CS Clara Martin, mile in 1:40. 114 Crystal Ford, half mile" in 51. lis Cerinus, mile in 1:48. . li4 gonuecticut, five-eighths in 1:08. 11. - Challenge, three-quarters , in 1:18. 113 Contestant, half inile in .51. , 114 Cahtania, half mile in-SOV 109 Camouflage, three-qnarters in 1:20. 114 Cadillac, tliree-qnarters in 1:19. Cucrtthte, three-eighths r in 40. 11V Counterbalance, mile- in 1:47. 114 Dervish, mile in 1:52. 112 Dncod, five-eighths, in 1:04. 114 Durward Roberts, three-quarters in 1:21. 01 Doily, five-eighths in 1:07. 113 Dr. Kenhill, halt inile in 53. 113 Dairyman, mile in 1:47. 114 Dahirida, three-quarters in 1:18. 112 Discussion, five-eighths in 1:03. 113 Ermitana, half mile in 49. 113 Emma Weller. three-quarters in 1:22. SO Eulogy, half mile in 52. 114 Ettahe. three-eighths in 41. Edna F., threj-quarters in 1:19. Frenchy, three-quarters in 1:18. 112 Furbelow, five-eighths in 1:03. 112 Fifi II., five-eighths in 1:03. 115 Guy, five-eighths in 1:05. 114 Gorham, three-eighths in 39. 110 Grunipy. three-quarters in 1:24. ll.THRrand Slam, five-eighths in 1:04. 59 General Byng, three-quarters in 1:24. 43 Goldvale, three-quarters in 1:19. 110 Harry Burgoyne, three-quarters in 1:10. 113 Hadrian, halt mile in 55. 114 Harry Rudder, three-quarters in 1:18. ll.r Honolulu, three-quarters in 1:18. 108 Harrigans Heir, half mile in 50. 114 Ideal, three-quarters in 1:22. 113 Iwinlwin, mile in 1:47. 110 Indian Spring, five-eighths in 1:04. 11C Jack Reeves, mile in 1:4. 114 Jean K., three-quarters in 1:22. 113 Jack Pryor, five-eighths in 1:04K- 114 John Hnrie, three-quarters in 1:27. 114 Jack ODowd, half mile in 51 i 114 Jack Hare Jr.. five-eighths in 1:03. 84 Joe Stahr, three-eighths in 37. 112 .Torlce, three-quarters in 1:21. S9 Keep, half mile in 52. Korfhage. half mic in 50. 111 Kultur, five-eighths in 1:04. 112 Legotal, three-quarters in 1:21. 114 Little P., mije in 1:49. 72 Lion dOr, three-eighths in 42. Langdon, three-eighths in 40. Ill Lukes Pet, half mile in 51. 115 Lady in Black, three-eighths in 37. 114 Lucile P.. mile in. 1:48. 111 Lonely, five-eighths in 1:05. 114 Magikon, five-eighths in 1:05. 114 Mab, three-quarters in 1:17. 110 Move On, three-eighths in 37. 79 Midia. half mile in 52. 115 Marchesa H., three-quarters in 1:17. 115 Mahony, three-quarters in 1:17. 58 Miss Filley, three-quarters in 1:21. 114 Mabel Trask, five-eighths in 1:07. lir Marshon, three-quarters in 1:22. 112 Maud Bacon, three-quarters in 1:19. 114 Malice, three-quarters in 1:21. 113 Miss Sterling, three-quarters in 1:21. 11C Mennah, three-quarters in 1:20. 113 Nominee, three-quarters hi 1:21. 114 Now Model, five-eighths in 1:00. 115 Orenzo, five-eighths in 1:03. 114 Owana, five-eighths in 1:07. 110 Omond, five-eighths in 1:05. 114 Orderly, five-eighths In 1:07. 113 Ornery, three-quarters in 1:20. 113 Plenty, three-eighths in 39. 115 Paul Connelly, hair -mile in 52. 114 Paiiaman, half mile in 451. 01 Poilu, five-eighths in 1:07. 115 Frosperos Baby, half "-!- 114 Philistine, half mile in 55. 73 Precious, mile in l:43. 113 Port Light; Uire?-ightlis in 30. 111 Prince Henry, three-quarters in 1:17. 114 Peggy C, fivo-eighths in 1:09. 113 Pizarro, half mile in 03. 114 Polygamist, three-quarters in 1:19. 13 Plummet, half mile- in 51. 113 Quito, tfireb-nuarfers in 1:22. 11C Rookery, mile in 1:4!. 114 Rainbow Girl, three-quarters in 1:18. 110 Rnfiis Riley, three-quarters-in 1:19. June 8 Sayonarra, half ".mf in 53. 114 Speedyfoot, three-quarters in 1:17. 113 Safranor. five-eighths in O :11. 114 Say, mile in 1:50. 115 Sandy Lad, half mile In 50. 115 Sansymlng, five-eighths in 1:04. 11C Sailor, mile in 1:40. 115 Scarpia II., half mile in .50. 70 Sky Pilot, half mile in 55. 11C Spokane Queen, five-eighths in 1:04. . 109 Supernal five-eighths in 1:04.. 11-1 Sir John Vergnc,, three-quarters in 1 :17 . ; 113 Sugar Mint, half mile in 51. 115 Shenandoah, three-eighths in 40. 83 Sans Peur II.. half mile in 49. 114 Sybil, three-quarters in ,1:22. 113 Sauer;-.three-eJsJiths in 3$,: - Thermostat, five-eighths in 1:00. 114 Tom Anderson, five-eighths in 1:05. 114 Tfiombeola, three-quarters in 1:24. 113 The-Gallant, five-eighths, 4n 1:05: 11-1 Tantalus, half mile in 51. 70 Xoto, jialf mile in 53. 114 The Boy, half mile in 52. , 115 Toddler, half mile in 0OJ4 114 Tiger Rose, three-quarters in 1:47. 114 Trusty, three-quarters in 1:19. 70 Thirteen, three-eighths :in 39. 88 Tattle, half mile .in-51. 113 Tours, mile in 1:49. 83 Vansylvia, five-eighths in 1:07. 114 War Garden, seven-eighths, "in 1:31. 112 Wendy, five-eighths in 1:04. 91 Wand, three-eighths in 41. 09 Willigan, three-quarters in 1:20. 114 Wonderland, three-quarters in 1:20. 115 Youreil, mile in 1:52..