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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., November 25. Weather forecast: Illinois Showers tonight, probably turning in north and central portions to snow flurries; Wednesday partly cloudy and colder, strong northerly winds. Missouri Unsettled and colder tonight and Wednesday, probably showers tonight turning to snow flurries; strong northerly winds. General forecast-Mostly fair weather will prevail tonight and Wednesday from Lake Michigan westward over the northern tier of states to the eastern slope, although in this immediate section and to the south and southwest some precipitation is probable today or tonight. The temperature over the entire district will be lower and a considerable fall will occur in tiie mhhlie states, but no cold wave is expected here. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 25. ITmlersec-retary Frank L. Polk of the state department, head of the American peace delegation at Paris, conferred yesterday in London witli Rear Admiral Knnpp, commanding all American naval forces in European waters, regarding the situation on the eastern shore ot the Adriatic, where Rear Admiral Andrews commands American ships assigned to the patrol of a part, of the Dalmatian coast under an agreement reached in Paris, Secretary Daniels announced today. Reports that DAnnunzio contemplated a raid on Spalato. the American naval base, led to the London conference, but Secretary Daniels indicated that the official on the spot had not recommended any action in anticipation of such a -raid. CHICAGO, 111., November 25. Rules were adopted by the board of education at its meeting this afternoon conferring upon Associate Superintendent Mortenson all the powers of superintendent of schools and thereby taking those powers from TJr. Charles E. Chadsey, recently reinstated by court order of Judge Scanlau nt the head of Chicagos school system. Dr. Chadsey presented a long written statement of his plans for the schools," bnt the loard declined to permit him to read it, referring it to the committee on school management - Attorneys for Dr. Chadsey will probably take the boards action before Judge Seanlan on charges of contempt. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 25. President Wilsons Cabinet expected to reach a decision today on the wage controversy between the bituminous coal miners and operators that would sdnd the miners back to work. Before entering the meeting Attorney General Palmer said that if the figures as to operators profits given yesterday by Former Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo were correct, it was not likely that. Fuel Administrator. .Garfield would permit an increased price for coal. Any wage advances granted, it. was intimated, would, have to come out ot operators profits. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 25. The -allied nations have made requests that interest on their loans from the United States be deferred from three to five years, according to information received here today. Negotiations on tills subject are now in progress in Paris with assistant secretary of the treasury Rathboue representing the United States. The allied nations ask for deferred interest until war reaction is complete and financial matters reacli a more stable basis. The amount of loans made by the United States to the allied nations is approximately ,647,000,000. LONDON, England, November 25. The proposal of the French government to issue a huge lottery loan lias aroused interest here to the extent r that the chancellor of the exchequer has stated in the "commons he would not offer objections to a. British lottery loan if lie were satisfied the people really Wanted it. . This statement was made in ..the face of a; .committee report adverse to such a loan, submitted "to. parliament at the last session. f." LONDON, England, November 25. The . British government expects the trial of former Emperor William of Germany to begin in London in. the new year and is completing necessary arrangements, says the Mail, which jidds that as soon as the allies have ratified the treaty a united request for the surrender of the erstwhile emperor will le presented to Holland. CHICAGO, HI.. November 25. Eluding the scores of detectives and sheriffs who were watching every automobile road and every railroad in central Illinois, James M. Miles, fugitive former vice president of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank, dropped from sight entirely today and is thought to have made good his escape. YOUNGSTOWN, O., November 25. The national committee in charge of the steel strike, meeting at Pittsburgh yesterday, voted unanimously to continue the strike, it was announced here today by S. T, Hammerjmark, secretary in charge of local strike headquarters. PARIS, Fiance, November 25. The 65,000 American dead in France must be left in the graves they now occupy until the French are ready to exhume their own dead, which it is hoped will be before January 1, 1922. ALBANY, N. Y., November 25. The three sons . of the late Theodore Roosevelt were mimed as directors and stockholders in a restaurant corporation, the articles of which, were filed yesterday. . SARAGOSSA, Spain, November 25. Martial law has been declared here because of n general strike. Tramways and other traffic lines have been suspended. DENVER, Colo., November 25. Two masked men. early today entered a gambling house here, lined up thirty players at the point of a gun and obtained ,000. HALIFAX, X. S., November 25. The Trince of Wales sailed for home this afternoon on the battle cruiser Renown, which brought him to the new1 .world. BERLIN, Germany, November 25. German troops in the Baltic region are in a desperate situation, according to reports printed in the Tageblatt.