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NEW ORLEANS RACING Jefferson Parish Fair Association WINTER MEETING Of THIRTY DAYS Jefferson Park, Shrewsbury, La. Racing Begins November 27 and Continues to December 31, Inclusive Seven Races Daily. Four Purses of 00, One of 00 and Handicap of 00 RACING OFFICIALS: BOARD OF STEWARDS FRANCIS NEIiSOX, JOSEPH A. MURPHY, HERMAN P. COXKHNG. Racing Secretary, JOHN B. CA3HHELL, Starter, EDWARD TRIBE. JEFFERSON PARISH FAIR, 410 Whitney Building, New Orleans, La. VOLUME I. OF ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1919 is now on sale Annual Racing form The International Authority on American Racing Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chili, Pern, etc., etc. Annual Racing Form has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1919 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early. PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES Price, Per Volume, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY. -RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. E00M 804, 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. y0mmtm 16 YEARS SATISFYING A DISCRIMINATING PUBLIC f vO-rW Tllt 15t,le Yellow Itook, wek. gives Experts preferred track reinirt. f . QfLK lt-flections ami comments on the conditions of horse:? in training at all tracks, JmfafeitT work-outs, contemplated coups, ones that went wrong, horses form of which tKu,,lmb,ic.iiTXTWS JXUJifS- AU fur -5c- Ltest on sale today any news-stand iNRnnfllNI eelliiiB RACING FORM. In order to continue the high quality of our book Vj2l43KKf rm mm we are forced to raise the price to 35 cents. All subscriptions mailed before Uecemlier 1 will be received at the old rate. SI. 00 for 4 issues. S2 00 for 0 U2andT I weeks. Mailed in plain sealed enveloiK-. GOING Saturdav. Noreuiber 1HJ. two V s?r XIVE ONES, which we will wire you for .00. Wednesdays Special: No. 5. V Jf THE TURF REPORTER. -4L0 22 West Quiacy Street, Chicago, afcnois SPECIAL NOTICE Two Good Ones Going On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 On the above dates I have in view two horses that have been prepared at the Kentucky tracks. They have arrived safe and lire working very fast for their particular races and. barring: bad racini? luck, they -will be returned easy winners. Now. I dont want to go into further details regarding the above good ones, as results will nrovo that I get the best racing information obtainable. NO MONEY IN ADVANCE TERMS WINNINGS OF A 0 INVESTMENT TO BE WIRED ME DAY AFTER RACE. If you are interested and would like to do business with mo on the above terms, then wire me your name and address where wires will reach you. Address me JOHN B. GORDON I Care Race Track : New Orleans, La. ; Arbitrator, 54.05-S1, Won, and n loser were last Saturdays Si XX Socials. . had Two Winners the .Saturday before. Dont fail to send for next Saturdays Two live Ones at New Orleans. Poultney. .05-51, Won; Pastoral Swain. 65c-, Won, were Mondays SL.OO Mail Specials. This cant be beat. Deal with the "Old Reliable." Send your Mibscription in at onco for both Saturday and Monday Specials. Todays Form Special: No. 610. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403. 22 West Quinsy Street. Chicago. Illinoii. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH,. is the day our next 1! Socials go. Will wire you them Tor .00. and if you dont get a WINNER we wire next Saturdays Two FREE. Saturday. November ir two, IhHIi withdrawn. Xext wc-fk THOROUGHBRED on sale now all news-stands. 25c. Cot Havana. New Orleans and Howie work-outs, and horses ready to WIN. TODAYS BEST: Como-Ate-Tar-Can-Got. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Buildbifr : : : Chicago. Illinois TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE 435 Plymouth Court : Chicago, III,