Bowie and New Orleans Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-27

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1 BOWIE AND NEW ORLEANS WORK OUTS 118 At Bowie. BOWIE, Mil.. November 2C. Changed track conditions reduced the number of horses working at Prince George Park this morning to the following: Weather cloudy; track slow; "dogs" up 11C Bill McCloy, three-quarters in 1:20. 11C Balaiosa, mile In 1:40. Ill Cock o the Roost, three-quarters in 1:23. . 110 Dottie Vandiver. half mile in .".3. 103 Flags, half mile in r.3. 101 Fairy Prince, half mile in 55. II- Heavy Weapon, three-eighths in 44. 114 Holiday, three-eighths in 43. 117 Joseph 1. Murphy, three-quarters in 1:20. 05 .loan of Are. three-eighths in 40. lift Le Itleuet. half mile in 50, 11C Marmite, mile in 1:49. 103 Mormon Elder, three-eighths in 39. 110 Margery, mile in 1:40. 112 Nightstick, three-quarters ia 1:21. 107 Nonreddin, three-eighths in 43. 112 Onico, five-eighths in 1:04. 114 Phantom Fair, five-eighths in 1:00. III Padua, three-quarters in 1:20. 117 St. Quontin, mile in 1:35.- !9 Slippery Elm. half mile in CO. 101 Ultra Gold, three-quarters in 1:19. 111 War Zone, half mile in 55. 115 War Plume, seven-eighths in 1:30. 110 Widow Bedotte, three-quarters in 1:23. 111 Warsaw, half mile in 51. lie Woodtrap. mile in 1:33.. At Jefferson Park. NEW ORLEANS. La.. November 20. Todays work-outs at Jefferson Park included the following: Weather cloudy; track sloppy 115. Arch Plotter, halt mile in 58. 115 Atta Boy II... half mile in .54 Vf.. 114 Accelerate, five-eighths hi 1:12. 115 Bo!. Baker, half mile in 53. 114 Bombast, three-eighths in 43. Juno 28 Henocin, five-eighths in 1:12. 115 Cobalt. Iiiilf mile in 55. 113 O. A. Comiskey, three-eighths in 40. 115 Dickory Dare, mile in 1:50. Ill Diindy Van. half mile: in -."S. 115 Diamond Girl, half mile in 55. 114 Double Van, half mile in 55. IDS Duke of Devonshire.; half mile, in 52,. 113 Due do Guise, half mile in 53. lie Enmity, half mil;, in 55. Ml Kleer. half mile in 5S. llti General, three-eighths in 42. 115 George Mark, half mile in 54. 115 H. C. Baseh, half mile in .57.. 113 High Voltage, three-quarters in 1:27. 112 Honolulu Boy. mile in 1:59. 114 Iua Kay. half mile in 55. lit! Jiffy,, mile in 1:58. lie J. C. Stone, mile in 1:5S. Ill James F. Cummings, half mile in 59 114 Mather, throe-egliths in 38. 114 Miss Manage, half mile in 54,,f,. 115 Milda. half niile in 51. Hi" Osgood, half mile in 57. Pigeon, half mile in 59-. 110 Piilaski. tlu-eo-eighths in 39. 114 Pullux. five-eighths in 1:12. 11C Redstart, milt; in 1:59. 115 Saddle King, half mile in 5S. 110 Salgeorge, half mile in 5S. 115 Sun God, five-eighths in 1:12. 115 Sylvano. half mile in 55 -if,. 111 Sandy Lad, three-eighths in 40. 115 Speedster, five-eighths in 1:13." 115 Sarasota, half mile in 53. 115 Verity, three-quarters in 1:24. 113 Viva Cuba, half mile in. 54,i. Ill Vagary, half mile in 50. 73 Verde, half mile in 50. 117 Willigan. three-quarters in 1:20. 92 War Mask, hair mile in 59. Ill Yodeles, half mile in 55.

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