Saratogas 1920 Entries: Two-Year-Old Races Close with Big List of Nominations, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-09


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SARATOGAS 1920 ENTRIES . Two-Year-Old Races Close with Big List of Nominations. New Record Established for the Hopeful Costly Youngsters Are Named. V NEW YftRK, X. Y., December 8. Evidence that American turfmen who meed :ihrn:id during the years preceding the war will remain at home next year is presented by the nominations for the United States Hotel Stakes,, ft rand Union Hotel Stakes, the Hopeful, the Spinaway, and subscriptions to the Grab Bag Handicap, to le decided at Saratoga in August, 1920. Engagements in these events, all of which are for two-year-olds, closed November 27, and were announced Saturday by A. MeL. Earlocker, racing secretary of the Saratoga Association. Compared with of the present year they show an increase of 239. A new record for the Hopeful was established for that 830,000 race when 230 Mibscrfptions, each involving a liability of 0, were registered. Every prominent turfman in the country figures in the list of nominators. With few exceptions the high priced yearlings of the year are aiming the entries for the United States, Grand Union, lIoMfnl and Spinaway. Consplcmiu in the lists are the Sunstar Marion Hood colt, for which J. K. L. Boss paid 5,000; Ihe Uitlmiis Czarina colt, bought by W. V. Thraves for 4.!00; the filly Summit, by Ultimus Torpen-how, which W. It. Coe obtained for ,300 and subsequently sold to Frederick Johnson for 5,000; the Ballot Majolica colt named Wedgwood, which cost Morton L. Schwartz ,300; the Ultimas Tripping fillyY fenld to Walter J. Salmon for,000; nriil the Fair Play Mollic Elliott colt, which Samuel 1. Kiddle selected at a valuation of ,000. .1, "V. McClelland made the greatest number of nnmiliatiohs sixty-nine. He named nineteen for each of the; United States. Grand Union and Hopeful and twelve in the Spinaway. His entries represent a diversity of sires, notably Sweep. Wrack, Vulcain, Ballot. Tracery, MeGee, Fair Ilay, Light Brigade and Ferole. Harry Payne Whitney is next. He engaged fifteen in the United States, n like number in the Grand. Union, sixteen in the Hopeful .and ten in the Spinaway, a total of fifty-six, all of his own breeding. The get of Broomstick and Whisk Broom II. predominate. Tracery, the English-bred horse; All Gold, and the French stallion Sardanapale figure in the icdigrees. The Quincy Stable is third witli a total of forty-one. .1. K. L. Uoss contribution totals thirty-seven. He has nine in the United States, the same number in the Grand Union, eleven in the Hopeful and eight in the Spinaway. Measured by cost they are a wonderful band. Four of them represent an investment of 58,000. They are the Sunstar Marian Hood colt, 5,000; the P.allot Starry Night colt. 5,000; tin; Short Grass Ellnngownn colt, 1,000, and the Ultimus Intrigue filly. ,000. With twenty-eight entries John E. Madden is fourth in the list of nominators. He put five in the United States, four in the Grand Union, nine in the Hopeful and ten in the Spinaway. MAJ0E BELMONTS CONTRIBUTIONS. August Belmont made two entries in eacli of the United States, Grand Union and Hopeful. One is a brown colt named All Hours, a brother of Hourless, by Negofol Hour Glass, the other a brown colt called Quaker, by Negofol Quelle est Belle. W. II t Howe, the Jockey Clubs registrar, explained why Hourless dam was Hour Glass II., and his brothers mother was simply Hour Glass. "On the other side," said lie, "the mare was Hour Glass II., but now that she is here she is just Hour Glass. John Sanford confined his entries to the Spinaway, in which lie named five fillies. Three of them arc daughters of Babelais. Lemberg and Macdonald II. A. II . Diaz, the Cuban turfman, named four, all by Hessian. One is called General J. M. Gomes, nuother General Menocal. It. T. Wilsons candidates for the two-year-old features at the track of which he is president are limited to three colts and three filles by Olamhala and a colt by Ogden, bred by himself. A. K. Macomlier made only three nominations. Ji II. Rosseter of San Francisco and Charles W. Clark of San Mateo are two other California turfmen who have eligibles for the rich futures. Mr. Bosseters nominations are principally the progeny of Frlnr Bock. Getirge D. Widener and Joseph E. Wideuer made few entries. Monfort Jones of Memphis made four entries. V. It. Coe engaged nine, five of his own breeding. He mimed four by Harmonicon. one by loly-mulian Jacoha and one by the English horse Son in Law Iasnuita, dam of Polymelian. Frederick Johnson has his 5,000 filly Summit in all four events. Bobcrt L. Gerry named five, two by Zeus. Walter M. Jeffords is represented by three. G if ford A. Cochran named six, all by liis Majesty. James Butlers dependence will be youngsters by Pebbles and Out of Beach. The following reflects the increase of entries for the Spas two-year-old races as compared with United States Hotel Stakes 104 212 Grand Union Hotel Stakes 150 211 Hopeful JjJ, 2 Spinaway 113 L8 Grab Bag Handicap subscriptions.. 40 2 Totals 010 879

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Local Identifier: drf1919120901_1_2
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