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BMJLX JRA CJNjGFJOLBM, . , , Daily During Winter Months. Duly Except Monday Balance of the Tear. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT i: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. .Entered, as second-class matter, April 2, 1898, at the post-office nt Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of Match 3, 1379. Nw York City Office, 1482 Broadtfay ROOM 804. - General Representative, ED COLE. All dealers supplied from this office. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. For sale at all hotels and news-stands. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Per Week $ 1.00 Per Month... ......... .... 3.00 Half Year.. ...... i 1.1.00 One Year.. . 30.00 . The? above rates, are for, single copies as scaled letters first-class, mail. BACK NUMBERS TEN GENTS EACH. If sent by mail first-class only twelve cents. 4afy Unci tic Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class m;iil in all cases. .Local subscriptions outside the down-town district will be declined, at. other thun first-class mail matter rates. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor "and Proprietor. P. II. Brunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley. Secretary, Mrs." Fi III Brunell. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business; and .circulation . purposes only. Tlis telephone lias no; connection witli the news or editorial -departments And cannot be used to communicate with them. To: be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing- Form must be sent over- the full name nnd with the. address ofrwriter. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. .,. . .. .. ST. LOUIS. MO., OFFICE. PONTIAC BLDG., 7TH AND ilARKET STREETS, win. Laser, General Agent.1 Bell Phone, Olive 4055. Rack numbers and monthly books supplied. CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE, 720 MAIN ST. Heverin,i Company,. .General, Agent,-.successors to. Y- S. .Manns. Telephone Canal 1877. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. !- " - t ..- DETROIT, MICH., OFFICE, 85 CONGRESS ST. West,. Corner Wnyndj Street. Ll: Grosseup, General Agent. Tclepiiones Main 3252; City 3252. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. LOUISVILLE KY., OFFICE, 222. W. GREEN ST. lieverin News Company, General Agent. Telephone City 2077. Back numbers, monthly books. .Annuals. and " Manuals supplied. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.-Johnson News Company, 71 Turk Street. Back numbers can be obtained. TORONTO. ONT., OFFICE, 72 BAY STREET. W. A. Hewitt, General Agent. Telephones: Adelaide 1203 Adelaide. 2200,,, North 2829 , Back numbers, monthly, liooks, Annuals and Manuals supplied. BUTTE, MONT.: " . Keefe Bros., 27"Wcsf Park Street. DAYTON. OHIO: H. Euphrrit. -129"r6duth Jefferson- Street, - . DENVER, COLO. : S. Widom. 10th and Curtis Streets. EL PASO.iTEX.i " J. Jl Harrington1, News Dealer, 110 Mills Street. EVANSVILLE, IND. C. H. Stockwell, 201 Upper Second Street. HOT"SFRING$, ARK.: . Ft. Pitt News Co. " INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: J. A: ioefilejn, News-stand, Waiting Room, Terminal Station. . i CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 0, 1919.