Series of Selling Races: Make Up Yesterdays Program at Oriental Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-13


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SERIES OF SELLING RACES Make Up Yesterdays Program at Oriental Park. Well Matched Fields Furnish Stirring Contests, and Arouse Much Enthusiasm. HAVANA, Cuba, December 12. The program at Oriental Park this afternoon was marie up of a series of selling races. Weil matched fields went to the post and stirring contests were in order. There was much enthusiasm in evidence. The attendance was large and the racing conditions were perfect. The most interesting races of the day were the third and fifth. In the former Pierrot got up iu the final strides to beat King Tuscan by a head, while the favorite, John Jr., was quitting after a brief display of early speed. In the fifth OMal-ley and Duke of Shelby furnished a thrilling battle, the result of which was in doubt until the last Jew -strides, the former getting the decision by u neck. Mud Sill, the decided choice- of the race, was eliminated from contention when he stumbled to his knees soon .after the start. Marion Hollins suffered defeat in the fourth, tiring after seemingly having the race won. The Cuban owned Major Domo was the winner, easily taking the measure of the favorite after she tired. Jockey J. Mclntyre rode Major Domo and made it a double for the day by scoring with Silver Sandals in the final race of the afternoon. Backed f.own from 20 to1 S to 1. Bill Simmons was returned the winner of the opening dash. His victory was made easier by Robert L. Owen and Lack-.rse, "the. first and eco:id choices, racing" each other into exhaustion. They put up a desperate fight to the stretch, where they tired aud the finish found them several lengths behind the placed horses. The second race was rebbed oi much interest by Col. Harrison, the favorite, being practically left at the post. He propped as the barrier was sprung and trailed in the rear throughout. The winner turned up in K.- F. Pritchards Magnet Land, his second victory of the meeting. He won after an excellent performance, gaining steadily and finishing with great courage to beat King Worth in a eloso finish. The management announced there would Its racing Monday, December 22. and. Monday, December 25. Commencing on Tuesday, December 10, to Sunday, January 4 inclusive, racing will be held every day. After that Monday will again be observed as the regular off half day. Owing to the fact that there will be seven mces every Saturday and Sunday the races on those days -will be called at 2:15 p. m. Havana time. On all other days the races will commence at 2:30. Havana time. Jockey Archambault was severely shaken when he fell from May Maulsby. He was compelled to cancel the remainder of his engagements for the day. Tidal, a three-year-old gelding, by Tidal Wave Amusement, entered in the second nice as the property of L. A. Fay. was ordered withdrawn by the stewards as he could not be properly identified. Two eminent American journalists, "Henry Watter-son of Louisville, Ky.. and James Luby, managing editor of the New York Sun, were arrivals. George P. Sherman also got in from Baltimore. L. Bloom was fined 0 for not saddling his own filly Hot Foot in the first race yesterday. New arrivals came in from the States yesterday. Among them were a party of racing enthusiasts from Philadelphia Charles Kaelker, Mose Weiubeck and Alton Bradbury who intend to remain for a protracted stay. Bob Lloyd, :i prominent layer for many years on the metropolitan circuit, arrived yesterday morning for his first visit to Oriental Park. Seylla pulled up lame yesterday afternoon. .1. Bauer, who had the mount on Queen Gaffney yesterday, was forced to dismount after winning the first race with the filly. One stirrup webbing broke at the eighth post, or the filly might have won farther off. She was fortunate in beating Hot Foot by a head.

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Local Identifier: drf1919121301_1_4
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