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PROSPERITY IN MARYLAND RACING ALL THE TRACKS SHOW GREAT GAINS IN TOTALS OF MONEY DISTRIBUTED AM0NG WINNING OWNERS OVER THE FIGURES OF PREVIOUS YEARS When the last day of the recent meeting at Howie closed, the story of the product of Maryland as a field of racing in 1919 was complete. In common with the New York and Kentucky fields, the Maryland field showed a highly gratifying increase of money distributed among owners. In the total sum New-York led, with Kentucky second, and Maryland third, but in actual increase over 1918 Kentucky was the leader, the comparative figures being: Tracks. Total in 1918. Total in 1919. Increase. New York ,150,299 ,317,382 01,083 Kentucky 754,155 1,147,390 393,235 Maryland . 715,078 1,143,542 377,804 The greatest increase in money output was furnished at Laurel, the gain there over 1918 being the considerable sum of 50,924. Havre do Grace followed with 07,580, Pimlico 1919.sh9,752 and Howie 1,077. Money attracts money and the answer to the increased offerings of the Maryland racing organizations was found in a greatly swollen measure of patronage and prosperity in every one of their lines of activity. The generous offerings drew the star horses of the year and the people crowded the tracks to view them in bloodless conflict. Pimlicos daily average of distribution to owners fattened from ,858.5S in 1918 to 2,541.35 in 1919, Laurels from 0,400.25 in 1918 to 1,792 in 1919, Havre de Graces from ,553.50 to ,139.70, and Howies from ,014.44 to,028.14. Until the managers of the latter track develop sand enough to offer stake races valuable enough to draw the high-class horses it will always lag behind the other Maryland tracks in the quality of its racing, in receipts and disbursements and in public esteem. The tabulations below are full of interesting and instructive revelations: X s. v. s -j ;! jj c z eg s? s? :2. m-: iz c - 2,-b Zt gg. o 2 2. - " "g- 5 n- - o ST. Ci n Track and Meeting. C. . " oH HS - n 5w En kn Z C MS s 1 o ; 2. ra to . -"I : if i? : 8 i ? 2 2 3 . : . .. r J , 2 ; g : ? f Laurel "". . . .T. . . . .f". .T. . fPSlr Hiif 281 $ liST "90 30 " iand"1 21" 48" Havre de Grace Autumn Meeting ... 17 119 112 183 1S3.823 40 28 45 19 14 .39 Pimlico Autumn Meeting 11 77 90 102 107,513 35 12 30 15 9 .45 Pimlico Spring Meeting 15 105 104 194 158,502 44 32 29 10 11 .42 Bowie Autumn Meeting 14 98 99 145 111,051 51 21 20 24 8 .52 Havre de Grace Spring Meeting 13 91 105 184 90.30S 41 21 29 18 8 .45 Howie Spring Meeting 13 91 80 130 75.410 35 23 33 12 9 .38 Baltimore 5 35 01 70 14,000 Timonium 5 35 50 09 12,425 10 11 8 5 0 .40 Hagerstown ..... . 5 34 58 70 11,400 .. ... Totals and Grand Percentage .125 S74 S34 1.500 ,143,542 35S 1S4 203 154 80 .44 The following tabulation shows the .amounts distributed by the various organizations from 1914 to 1919, inclusive: Organizations. 1914. 1915. 1910. 1917. 1918. 1919. Maryland Jockey Club "....08,745 19,874 40,710. 90,595 50,323 $ 320,075 Maryland State Fair 110,700 108.885 158,340 211,240 107,400 318,384 Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association 108.075 101.5S0 138,090 159,405 100,005 274,191 Southern Maryland Agricultural Association... 20,100 77,200 103,985 101,950 135,390 187,007 Gentlemans Driv. Park Fair and Racing Assn 10,200 11,300 11,100 14,000 Maryland State Fair and Agricultural Society.. 5,400 7,800 12,550 10,750 12,425 Hagerstown Fair and Racing Association 11,400 Prospect Park Fair and Having Association 7,125 9,400 10,750 10.S50 Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Assu 21,900 10,000 10,200 11,900 7,200 Electric Park Exhibition Company 10,350 7,050 Harford Farmers Association 27,520 ...... Grand Totals 13,990 38,374 78,725 -15,090 05,078 ,143,542 The daily average of the various tracks from 1914 to 1919, inclusive, are as follows: Racing Races Days Run Daily Av. Daily Av. Daily Av. Dailv Av. Daily Av. Daily Av. Track. 1919. 1919. 1914. 1915. 1910. 1917. 1918. PJ19. Pimlico 20 1S2 ,105.5S ,010.54 ,411.92 ,501.35 $ 9.85S.5S 2,541.35 Laurel 27 189 4,100.00 4.187.89 0,090.00 7,823.70 10,400.25 11,792.00 Havre de Grace :. 30 210 3,492.18 3,027.SO 4,003.00 5,313.50 5,553.50 9.139.70 Bowie 27 189 2,010.00 2,971.54 3.S51.30 4,432.01 5,014.4-1 0,928.41 Baltimore Gentle-m a n s Driving Park 5 35 2,040.00 2.380.00 2,220.00 2.800.00 Timonium 5 35 1.0SO.00 1,500.00 2,510.00 2,150.00 2,485.00 Hagerstown 5 34 2,280.00 Marlboro ... 2,190.00 2,150.00 2,040.00 2,380.00 2,400.00 Prospect Park 1,425.00 1,880.00 2,150.00 2,170.00 Electric Park 2,070.00 1,530.00 ...... Totals and Gen. Av.125 874 ,538.38 ,479.10 ,480.24 ,0S0.0S $ 0,544.20 $ 9.14S.34 Although the powerful stable of J. K. L. Ross made forays into New York and Kentucky racing with profitable returns, its main theater of activity was iu racing over the Maryland tracks. There iu winning the great total of 23,001 it did something never even closely approached in the records of Maryland racing. To this Sir Barton made tiie greatest contribution, ably assisted by Billy Kelly, Cudgel, Constancy and Milkmaid, besides . lesser lights. For what racing he did iu Maryland Sam C. Hildreth fared well and brought up in second place, a slight margin in front of R. Parr, who enioyed a good racing year with his mixed stable of flat racers and jumpers. E. H. McLeans stable, racing iu the name of his trainer, J. W. Schorr, was quite successful, with the good horse The Porter its star racer, and brought up in fourth place. G. W. Forman was an active figure iu Maryland and scored so frequently that his stable finished, fifth. Then came H. P. Whitney and G. W. Loft sixth and seventh respectively, and not far from a tie in money won. The foregoing were all that, won 0,000 or more, those following with less than that sum. but with more than 0,000, being W. T. Wilkinson, R. A. Smith, Samuel Ross, J. E. Widener. J. . Talbott, F. Musante, T. Francis, Willis Sharpe Kilmer, J. J. Farrell. Jr., and James Arthur. Such eminently desirable owners as Greentree Stable, J. AV. McClelland. W. R. Coe, L. Waterbury. Qnincy Stable, E. M. Weld, W. M. Jeffords, A. H. Morris, Seagram Stable. A. H. Diaz. R. T. Wilson, J. II. Rosseter and W. Aiau were less successful, but heliK-d in keeping Maryland racing on its present high plane. The owners who won 00 or more were these: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Ross. J. K. L 45 25 19 23,001 Hildreth, S. C 15 0 5 33,852 Pan-, R. 20 13 22 32,742 Schorr. J. W 14 9 5 27,744 Forman, G. W 22 23 IS 25,209 Whitney, H. P 19 22 7 21,040 Loft, i. AV 13 5 8 21,350 AVilkiiison, AV. T 8 7 0 19,353 Smith, R. A 13 12 5 19.241 Ross, S 13 14 10 15,949 AVideuer, J. E 4 2 4 15,342 Talbott, J. O 12 8 11 14,003 Musante, F 10 12 10 13,035 Francis,- T ..14 7 8 12.173 Kilmer, AV. S 4 3 1 12.146 Farrell, J. J., Jr 0 12 14 11,030 Arthur. J 8 14 23 10,037 Lumsden, J. 9 4 7 9,937 Griffith, J. E 11 0 8 9,809 Griffith, E. C 8 11 11 9,802 i Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. AVilson. T. ir 7 IS 10 $ 9,039 Crist. T. E . ...10 3 9,022 Groentree Stable 5 3 3 9.270 AVeir, F. I 0 12 8 9,097 Carman, R. F S 0 4 9,053 Bissell, G. AV. J 9 9 8 9,028 Davis. Mrs. J. E 7 4 2 9.01S Louis, S 10 S 0 ,890 McClelland. J. AA 3 1 0 8,030 Coe. AV. R 7 3 7 8,470 Skinker. J. R 7 1 5 8,052 Fountain, I. S. .- 7 5 S 7.S72 Bean, J. W i 9 4 7,855 Dnrnan, AV S 3 1 7,071 Shreve, J. II li 7 5 7.595 Martin, AVm 5 4 1 7,421 Smith. AV 3 3 7.35S Zollicoffer, E. T 5 0 5 7,304 Louchcim, J. II 5 3 5 7,235 Austin, A. L 4 2 8 7.227 Freeman. C. N 10 5 8 7,149 Miller. R. 1 1 8 9 0,951 AVinous Point Stable 4 7 i 0.920 The Beach Stable 4 7 2 0,707 Ijwis-, J. H 4 3 2 0,700 Trueman, E 7 4 5 0,033 Lewis, S 4 7 1 0,520 Waterbury, L 5 5 1 0,401 Clements, C. E 4 5 O 0,35-1 Hallenbeck, J. J 5 5 1 1,322 Quincy Stable 5 5 4 0,153 Sweeney. J. F 5 7 S 5,920 Oliver, AV. L 5 7 10 5,910 Dahlgren, J. B 0 2 4 5,730 North Shore Stable 3 5 0 5,092 Koppin, H. S 5 10 5 5,531 Davis. J. E 4 4 1 5.351 Bryson. E. K 4 4 13 5,315 Clark, Mrs. F. A 3 3 1 5,097 Sietas, E 3 7 8 5,077 Casey, AV. A" 5 10 3 5,010 Haymaker, I. 3 5 4 4,993 Weld. E. M 3 4 3 4,94S Fitzsimmons, J 2 3 12 4,821 Fenwick. W 7 2 3 4,715 Miller, G. .1 5 1 0 4,090 Dauphin, AV. H 3 i 4 4,033 Peterson, G. .5 3 2 4,025 Jeffords. AV. M 3 4 4 4,020 Shea, Ar. A 3 0 1 4.471 Regan. F. .... 4 1 2 4,318 Morris. A. H . 3 5 . 5 4,235 Salmon. AV. J. ... 2 4 0 4.200 Seagram Stable ... 3 12. 4.0S4 Continued on second page. PROSPERITY IN MARYLAND RACING Continued from first page. Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Field, C. C 2 7 4 $ 4,081 Finn, M 3 3 2 4.037 Diaz; A.f II . : . .r.r.r. .V..j. 1, " 3,909 Wilson, R. T. ............... 3 5 0 1 3,849 Rossuter, J; II : ....7....V... 2: 2 4 3,813 AVhitnejv E. F. 4 3 O 3,792 Brookside Stable"...... ...2 2 1 3,753 Crown Stable 3 4 2 3,723 Cross, T. II 1. 0 0 3,650 Murray. AV. S. ... lr. 10 10 3,013 Short, P. L. 3 0 O 3,592 Chapman, B 4 1 2 3.501 Stockton, AV 3 3 4 3,500 Aiau. AV 3 2 1 3;40 Sweeney, E. .. 4 3 O 3.400 Sullivan. P. J 2 5 0 3,393 Foley, M. F. 2 5 3 3,3S Glen Riddle Farm 14 0 3 3.315 Shaw, I 3 3 2 3,279 Gilpin, K. N. . 2 0 1 3,240 Ogdeii -Stable . Vi ....... .. 4 0 1 3.200 Mizell. G. C 3 5 1 3,173 Price. J. 3 1 0 3,154 Moor. C. K 3 3 3 3.130 Prime. Mrs. W. A: 3 0 4 3,118 Utterback. E 5 2 2 3,110 AValker. W. ; 4 7 3 .3.107 Ownbey, J4 S. , 2 ,3, 5 3.0S7 Dayton. .J. AV ..3 1 2 .3,033 Lob. E 2 3 5 2,991 Mayberry, J. P 4 2 3 2,974 Pons, M. If. 3 3 3 2.848 May, J- AV 3 0 1 2,830 Hay. H. 3 5 4 2,753 Hall.- G. E -. 2 4 3 2,730 Doiiohue, T. J. 2 1 2 2,080 Troy, J -3 2. 0 2,077 Real. K. A 5 2 3 2,002 Kentucky Stable 3 1 2 2,587 Yzquierdo, O 2 2 5 2,502 Pinkerton. S 3 2 3 2,492 Tighc I. .2 0 3 2,437 Miles, P. J. 2 2 0 2,341 Triple Springs Farm 3 3 3 3,340 Vivell, E. G 2 2 7 2,337 Iezama, A 0 2 2 2,331 Brown. L. 5 2 3 2,285 Cook. T 1 3 1 2,222 Clark. P. A 2 1 2 2,189 Richards. C. R 3 1 4 2.152 Bussey. .1. G 1 4 2 2,127 Crippen. G. AV .3 3 2 2.0110 Thompson, - M-. E. 1 2 1 2,081 Clyde. T ; 2 1 3 2,000 Lavelle, II. J 0 7 1 2,000 Dosoris Stable 1 1 5 1,992 Cochran.. G. A 1 1 1 1,981! Strife. J. T 2 4 0 1,950 Gideon, I. ...2 1 3 1,937 Murphy. J. L. 3 -3 2 1.S91 Dorn, R. A. 2 0 I 1,800 Jackson, AV 2 1 1 1,857 Randolph. P. S. P. 2 0 1 1.851 Firneno, R. .. 1 2 i! l,83!i Atkinson. G. W 2 1 2 1,820 Fry. II. AV 1 1 1 1.813 Magni. P. G 3 1 1 1,807 Connelly. P. J. 1 3 1 1.804 Marshall, II 1 3 3 1.790 .Gray. B. , :... 2 4 1 1.752 Dulany. H. R 1 1 0 1,751 Glen Iver Stable 0 3 1.750 Neul, A. O 4 10 1.750 Owens. AV. T 1 4 1 1.733 Schwartz. M. L 1 " 1 1,700 AVoods. J. E. 2 1 O 1,075 Parrish, J. W 1 1 O 1.072 Cassity, T. M 2 0 2 1,053 Pending. R 2 0 0 1,030 McBride, E 2 4 1 1,025 Byrne, P 1 1 1 1,015 Feuwick. G. B 1 2 3 1,557 Booker, J. .1 3 O 3 1.530 Cissna. AV. 11. 1 3 2 1.500 Sanford, J 2 0 0 1,500 Houbre, C 1 - 1,492 Flanagan, J. F.. Jr 2 0 I 1.400 Nickerson. R. T 1 2 0 1,375 Stirev P.... 4 1 1 1.325 Buchanan, J. A. 1 1 1 1.320 Harding. B 1 . O 2 1.300 Maxwell, II. AV 1 0 2 1,300 Buckley. J. ; T. 1 0 o 1,281 Phillips. J. P -.2 1 0 1.270 AVard. J. S 1 0 0 1,257 Smithson. C. C 1 2 0 1,237 McGlinchey, J 2 . 1 0 1,225 Burch, V. P 11 2 1,205 Soule. E. G 1 0 1 1.204 Dundee. J 0 . 3 2 1,200 Garrison. CM 0 2 1 1,200 Pratt, H. L 1 2 1 1,200 Shea. M 1 0 O 1.197 Duiiu.- J. B I 1 2 1.184 Raynor. t: 3 I t 1.1. So Allison, R. .1. ..; , 2 O 1 1.175 Smith. N. 1 I . 1 2 1.175 Press, W.iJ. 10 1 1.107 Somuier. H. Ill 2 . 0 0 1.132 Nibbs. G. 1 . 2 1 1.130 Johiisou, F. 1 o it j.jOl Gasser, C. W 1 1 1 1,100 Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d: Amt. Heiron. II. 0 3 0 $ 1.100 Kcrnbloom, M 1 1 1 1.080 Fahey. J. J 1 3 4 1.075 Fellowes. C 2 O 1 1,075 GtLvett. E. S. 0 3 fi 1,075 Roseacher, H 1 - 2 1,075 earner, H. S. 1 1 1 1,044 Webb. G. E. 1 0 2 1,019 Wntkins. AV. P. 1 1. 1 1,018 Cnhill. AV 1 0 2 1,000 Dwyer, R. B 1 1 1 1,000 Garth. II , Ill 1,000 Gerry, R. L. 1 1 1 1.000 Chaney, 0 1 2 1 975 Murphy, J. J 1 1 2 908 Donahue, J.. L. 1 1 1 901 Rohrback. A. 1 0 O 959 Dciuji, J. F. P ...3 0 O 950 Raymond, AV. . 1 0 -2 907 Applegate. C. A 1 1 1 900 Buja. A. 1 1 900 Clausen. P 1. 1 0 900 Herdel, H 3 0 O 900 Boughsman, F. .:. 2 4 3 890 Papas, J 1 0 1 872 Apreda. V. 1-0 1 840 Shay. J. A. 1 0 0 837 Siinnyside Stable 1 0 0 830 OByrne. J... 1 0 0 819 Williams, M. E ,2 O O 800 Daly. M. J. 1 0 1 800 Ihivis, A., J. 0 2 1 800 Nush. J. E 1 0 O 790 Smith. M. 1 2 3 795 Grant, M 0 0 5 792 Judge. S 1 0 0 784 Capra, F. B 1 1 0 775 Foley. G. B 3 0 0 775 Hodgson, E. J 1 2 O 750 Garson, J 1 1 0 743 Morris. B 1 1 O 725 Marrone Stable 0 2 1 7C0 Milton. G. C. 1 0 0 700 Tausor, F. A. 2 O 1 700 McGraw. E. J. 1 0 0 080 Buck. M. AV ... 2 2 3 0S0 Hart. H. J 2 12 055 Ridge. ;. M . 0 3 4 055 Perkins, C..E O 1 1 050 Jeffords. -Mrs. AV. M, 0 1 2 IMS Porter, II ; A . t 3 p 1 3 030 Deriihan:. II. ... 2 2 0 025 OConnor. J. J. 2 0 I 000 Luther. G 1 0 0 000 Holstein AV. L 2 1 1 000 Hubbard. J. M. 1 0 0 000 Hertz, i. rrrr:... :..;i o o ooo Dunlay, II. 0 2 1 00J Miller, Mrs. A 1 3 1 595 Duffy, J. 1 0 1 575 Rice, B. B. ? :.. .1 1 3 - 575 Eiff. J. H. . 2 1 0 570 Russell. J. J 1 1 2 505 Mock. B. ..: 1 3 1 540 Bilson. II 0 0 3 533 Schelke. F 0 1 3 530 Brant, C. F 0 5 O 525 Post. AA II. I 1 2 520 Sherman, G. P. 0 1 2 504 Burlew. V. 0 1 1 500 Clark. F. A 0 2 0 500 Melster, C. J? 2 0 0 500 Patrons of racing iu Maryland this year were fortunate iu being enabled to view the majority of the best horses of the time in action. That is saying Something, because the best horses of 1919 were of superior clas. ;No better- three-year-old than Sir Barton has appeared in recent years and much of his racing was done over the Maryand tracks. His noted stable mate Billy Kelly was another three-vear-old of wonderful racing prowess. Sir Bartons victory in the 0,000 Maryland Handicap of a mile and a quarter when carrying 133 pounds he ran the distance in 2:02, and gave an easv beating to Mad Hatter, 100 pounds; Audacious, 118; Thunderclap,- 11S, and Be Frank, 112, emphasized his; vast superiority to the others of his age, especially since- right on the heels of. this race Mad Halter came west and won the richest race of the year in the Latonia Championship Stakes and a similar incurson gave the Latonia Cup to Be Frank.. More and mere it will be appreciated that it was a high privilege to- view this splendid colt in competition with his-. .fellows. Aside from the three-yeur-olds the handicap class raced In Maryland and was of the best, the name of Cudgel, The Porter. Rqyce Robls Exterminator. Ophelia. Slippery Elm: Boniface. Leochares. Tippity AAritchet and Old Rosebud, illuminating the assertion. The star two-year-old of the year. Man o AAar, was not ruced in Maryland, but such fleet ones as Constancy, Cobwebs. On AVatch, Canuandale. Dominique. Fnisan -Dore. Hobey Baker and many others gave delightful exhibition of great speed and high, promise for Hie future. All in all, the Marylanders had little to ask of any other section in respect to the quality of entertainment furnished them in the racing of 1919. The horses which won 00 or more werethe following: Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt, Sir Barton 5 2 2 0,700 Billy Kelly 8 5 1 20.113 The Porter 5 1 1 15.844 Royce Rools 4 1 2 13,974 Duettiste 2 0 0 12.300 Cudgel 2 3 2 12.100 Constancy 3 2 1 10,780 Exterminator . . 3 3 0 10,577 AVarlock 7 0 2 10,150 Milkmaid 5 0 2 9,087 Ophelia 7 4 2 9.05S On Watch 4 0 0 8,147 Slippery Em . 4 0 4 7,784 The Decision 7 3 2 7.048 Boniface 4 4 2 0,834 Polromn ; J 1 2 0,783 Mad Hatter ..1 1 1 0.050 AVidow Bedotte 7 4 4 0,533 Thrift 7 1 2 0,438 Leochares 4 5 1 0,359 Thunderclap 1 0 0 0,300 " Dominique .;.... 3 0 0 0,253 Duchess Lace ,2 8 9 0,229 Rapid Day .4 O 1 0,202 The Desert 0 3 2 5,979 Sister Emblem ...IS 4 5 5,800 Clean Gone 3 4 2 5.789 Search Light III 4 2 1 5,089 Sibola , 5 5 3 5.4S0 Tippity AVitchet 4 1 2 5.410 Camoufleur 3 2 1 5,312 Tom McTaggart 5 2 0 5,104 Hauberk .- 5 2 4 5,123 Midnight Sun 3 2 4 5,002 Dottio Aandiver 4 4 1 4,933 Old Rosebud 3 4 3 4.929 Bridesman ..3 3 0 4,913 Roi Craig ..3 2 1 4,850 Fnisan Dore .-3. 1 1 4,770 Bolster 0 0 1 4,742 Puts and Calls 4 4 2 4 741- Fort Bliss. 5 -2 : 4;,KI0 1-ionl Herbert . ... 5 3 3 4 5001 Eelario 3 3 4,482 Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. - Amt. Toucnnet 4 0 1 $ 4,399 Queen of the Sea 3 3 7 4,372 Ormonda : 3 0 0 4,371 Sylvano ..4 3 3 4,350 John of Arc 3 4 3 4.14S War Smoke 2 3 3 4.028 Broom Peddler 4 0 2 3,990 AVaukcag 3 lv 1 3,977 N. K. Real 3 5 3 3,910 Woodtrap 2 3 4 3,899 Belle Mahone 3 1 0 3,884 Little Cottage 2 7 2 3.803 AVood Violet 4 0 2 3,851 Grandee 3 2 0 3.823 Ultra Gold 4 1 0 3.788 Rapid Traveler 3 1 3 3,780 Sedan 3 1 2 3,704 Toppy Nix 2 2 0 3.745 My Dear 2 2 3 3,735 Amackassin I 2 1 3.719 Elected II 3 3 3 3.702 King John 2 4 3 3,700 Malvolio 3 1 0 3,090 Hank ODay 3 2 2 3.083 Romeo i .2 8 3 3,001 Flare 3 4 2 3.030 The Belgian II 3 3 3 3,00f Hobey Baker 2 1 0 3.000 Thorn Bloom 4 1 4 3,589 Goldine . 2 0 4 3.545 Sister. Helcne 3 2 O 3.532 Cnrmandule 3 1 3 3,531 St. Quentiu 3 1 1 3,522 Damask 3 1 2 3.522 Hong Kong 2 2 2 3,508 Grimalkin ...2 3 1 3,504 Cobwebs 2 3 1 3.488 Fanny Cook 5 0 1 3.457 Irish Kiss 3 3 1 3,441 Hasten On - 2 0 2 3,427 Kinnoul 3 1 1 3,420 Kilts II 4 12 3,410 Kings Champion 3 1 l 3.40S Bob Redfield 4 3 0 3.400 Handfull . 2 5 4 3,350 Lunetta 3 1 O 3.350 Houdini 3 3 2 3.332 Refugee ..... 5 3 3 3,310 Meliora 2 O 1 3.240 Lord Brighton 3 0 1 3,245 Kirah 3 3 2 3.237 Firing Line ..4 2 2 3,194 Paul Jones 2 1 1 3,191 His Choice 3 1 0 3,107 Nebraska 3 2 1 3.137 Papp 1 4 3 3.120 Luther 4 1 3 3.113 Wodnn 5 2 2 . 3,110 Kwoneshce 1 1 0 3,100 AVho Cares 2 2 2 3,072 Louise A 3 .3 2 3,052 Frizeur 2 4 3 3,010 Charlie Leydecker 2 3 4 3.000 Debadou 1 1 1 3,000 Eternal 0 1 0 3,000 Toadstool 3 2 4 - 2.992 Kingling II- 4 2 3. 2,974 Ballet Dancer II 1 1 10 2,952 Crank 2 2 1 2.925 Max Meadows 3. 1 0 2.900 Zouave 3 4 2 2,880 Motor Cop .. 3 0 0 2.875 Napoll .v . 3 5 4 2,823 Dorcas 2 2 4 2.75S Poultney :.. 2 2 1 2,753 Melancholia , ...2 2 2 2.750 Frog town : 2 1 I 2,745 General 3. S 5 3,742 Indian Chant ... 3 2 3 2,715 Frank Monroe :. 3 2 0 2.70S Sweep On 1 0 1 2.700 Weldshlp 2 2 0 2.090 Out the AAay 2 1 0 2,024 Kailipolis 2 5 .! 2.020 Prunes 2 1 . 3 2,007 Allivan 2 3 0 2,587 Martha Luckett 2 1 2 2.502 Flags 2 2 1 2.530 Germa 3 O 0 2,525 Water AArar 3 0 0 2,487 Orestes 2 1 0 2,479 Cock o the Roost 2 0 3 2,437 Dairyman 2 1 2 2,433 Veto 2 3 2 2.410 Indolence .. 2 1 0 2,340 Sophia Gatewood 2 2 I 2.341 Warsaw 2 1 1 2,340 Tattle 1 3 2 2.315 Frank Shannon ; 3- 1 .2 2,315 Mock Orange 1 4 3 2,304 Smart Guy 2 1 0 2.291 Crumpsall 3 0 1 2.273 Joyful 2 0 1 2.250 Quietude 1 3 3 2,240 "Whimsy. 2 O;, -1 2,234 Jack Stuart 1 3 VI 2,222 Murray 2 2 2 2.220 Jack Leary .... 3 11 2,219 Joseph IV Murphy 1 5 1 2,212 Antoinette 2 3 2 2,193 Cobalt Lass 2 2 3 2,188 Genevieve B . 3 2 0 2,170 The Wit. 2 2 I 2.150 Donnacona 1 1 0 2.137 Mint Cat 2 2 1 2.130 Harry Breivogel 3 0 1 2,120 Bettie Bluff 2 1 2 2.119 Gargoyle 2 0 2 2.100 Crest Hill 2 1 3 2.100 Col. Murphy 1 3 4 2.100 Siren Maid 2. 2 0 2,087 1 Tie. Pin . 1 2 4 2,081 Freeman tie 1 2 1 2,081 Amulet to 2 1 2 2,079 Legacy 1 3 0 2,007 Irene 2 2 1 Jf.lMO Zinnia 2 2 2 2,025 Celtabel 2 2 1 2,025 Tootsie 1 1 1 2,012 Pibroch 2 2 0 2,009 Le Marsouin 3 0 0 2.000 Bathilde 3 2 -1 1.990 Master Bill 1 2 3 1.970 Gnome 2 0 ,1 1,950 Sedgegrass 2 3 2 1,928 Arbitrator 2 1 4 1,917 Vigilante 1 3 4 1,008 Anniversary 2 1 0 1,903 Encrinite 2 2 1 1,902 Jean Bullant I 3 O 1,900 AArar Plume 2 1 1 1,857 Salvestra : 1 3 O 1,850 Querca 2 2 0 1,839 Onico 2 1 4 1.814 American Boy 1 2 3 1,804 Foreground 2 1 1 1,800 Ballast 2 2 3 1,800 Soldat de Aerdun ...2 1 O 1,797 Sea Queen 1 3 3 1,790 St. Allan 1 3 1 1,793 Ballad ...2 1 1 1.774 Right Over Might 0 2 0 1.772 Ideal 1 2 1 1.710 Continued 011 eighth page. PROSPERITY IN MARYLAND RACING , . Continued from second page. , " Horse. isr. 2d. ;hl. Anit. - My Boots 1 0 l $ 1.737. Danclng Carnival l 4 1 1.733 Trnriby .V. 3 0 1,724 Rirapalong .2 0 2 1,720 Devildog 1 2 1,702 Titania 2 10 1,700 Lonely ...... , 1 0 1.C84 Candidate II 2 1 2 1,675 Fountain Fay ...2 1 0 1.G75 . Ticklish 2 1 1 1,070 leregrine 1 : 3 1,6-10 Pastoral Swain 1 .1 1 1.035 . "Weary ....2 0 2 1.053 llurenzi 2 3 0 1,007. Jack Mount 1 3 1 1,000 Arrah Go On 2 0 1 1,000 . Otto Floto .2 -1 0 1,000 Pirate MeGee 2 3 2 1.585 Penelope 2 0. 1 1,581 Harwood 1 3 4 1,557 Margery 2 2 2 1,550 , Wedding, Cake 1- 0 2 1,547 Retsinda. .. 2 0 0 1,530 Mother-in-Law . 3 0 3 1,530 Murphy 2 O. 1 1,519 Ren Hampson ;....3 1 -1 1,514 Herd Girl 2 0 1 1,500 Charles Francis "... 1 3 2 1,500 ltalco 1 1 4 1,500 Pontypridd 2 0 0 1,500 Toddler . 1 2 0 1.492 "Wildair ... 1 2 0 1,490 Looking Ip 2 0 0 1,484 Vice-Chairman .-1 0 0 1,472 , "Wyndover ....2 0 0 1,470 hazy Lou 1 2 3 1,450 lliike Joliu 0 4 3 1,450. Caballc ...2 O 3 1,440 Fairy Prince 1 2 3 1;437 Liola 1 1 0 1,434 Omar Khayyam . ; 1 1- 1- 1,426 Rubidium 0 4 5 1;425 The Rrook 2 0 0 1,400 Royal Arcli . 2 0 0 1.400 Dorcris . ... 1 1 - 2 1,400 , C. M. Miller 2 0 1 1.400- Lytle 2 0 0 1,400 Padua .2 0 5 1,392 Oleaster 2 10 1,380 Link Boy 1 2 2 1.381. Clootz ..... 1 0 2 1.380 Daydiie ... 1 2 0 1,375 Miss Shncklcton . 1 4 1 1,359. Pinard 1 1 1 1,359 Vindox . . . 1 0 0 1,359. Annie Edgar 3 1 1 1,330. Smithfiehl 112 1,345 Tetley 0 4. 2 1344 Poacher 1 0 1 1,333 IJEf fare 1 0 0 1,329. Scylla 4 1 1 1.323 Scotch Verdict 1 2 1 1,317 .African Arrow 110 1,305 Decisive 1 0 2 1,300" Quel Itnhheur 1 1 O 1,300 AVisest Fool 1 1 4 1,300 Edith Baiimaim 1 2 5 1,300 Rollicking Airs .. 1 0 0 1;291; Bronco Billy 2 1 0 1,270 Brooks 0 2 0 1,260 Dodge 1 0 0 1,257 Welshmans Folly 1 1 1 1,251 Simon Pure 1 4 1 1,250 AVar Duty 1 0 0 1,234 Ardito 1 0 1,233 War Paint ,. 1 0 . 1 1,230 Paddy Whack 1 0 1 1,204 Kins Plaudit 0 1 0 1,200 Jay Bird 1 0 1 1,200 Lucius 1 2 1 1.200 Million? ......1 2 1 1,200 Mormon Elder 0 4 3 1,200 Simpleton . 1 1 0 1.200 War Musk -..0 3 2 1,200 Dmmmond 1 O 0 1,197 ;ien Light 1 1 1 1.190 Guess Again A1;". :" !- 1 0: 1;194 Rellringer 2 1 2 1,191 Dan 1 2 1 11811 Hairy S. 2 0 1 1,175 Valor 1 1 0 1,172 Ilubbuh 1 0 1 1,107 Nancv Ann 1 0 0 1,160 Vncles lassie 1 1 1 1,153 Cinderella 1 1 0 1,152, Thistlodon 1 O 1 1,150 Swirl 1 0 0 1.150 Algardi 3 0 2 1,150 Sea Beach 1 1 2 1149 Truly Rural 1 2 0 1.142 Brisk 1 1 2 1,137 Pen Rose 1? 1 1 1,137 Sir William Johnson 1 J. 1 1,128 Dolina , 1 3 0 1,125 Kashmir 1 1 1 1122 Tit for Tat 1 5 3 1.115 Cock o the Main 1 - 0 0 1,104 Hush Ill 1,100 Benevolent 1 1 0 1,100 Ballyconnell O; 5 1 1,100 Betsy ...... 1 2 0 1,100 Little Ed 0 3 4 1,100 Melos 1 2 0 lilOO Tufter 1 0" 0 1,092 Suhahdar 1 1 0 1,088 Edith K 1 I 1 1.080 Miss Bryn 0 3 0 1,075 Flying Welshman 1 1 0 1,055 Progressive 1 3 0 1,050 Corn Tassel 0- 2 0 1,010 Bondage .. 1. 1 0 1,028 Armistice 1 1 0 1,022 Le Bleuet 1 0 2 1,019 Over There 1. 1 0 1,019 Bill McCloy 1 1 1 1,018 Straight Forward 1 1 0 1,017 lliekorynut 1 0 2 1,000 Dr. Itae 1- 0 1 1.000 Blazes O 1 0 1,000 Be Frank O 1 1 1,000 Audacious 0 0 1 1,000 Plenty 1 1 1 1,000 Runnyven 0 2 3 1,000 Rupica 1 0 0, 1,000 Sturdee 2 2 0 1,000 Rowes Bud 1 0 O 994, Stickling O 4 1 .983 Hidden Ship 1 O 1 976 Kirsties Cub 1. 2 1 975 Peasant 1 1 2 968 Beauty Sleep , 1. 1,. 1 901 Sinn Feiner 1 0 0 959 Sweet Music 1 0 1 951 Bogart , 1 O 2 9o5; Sunny Hill 1 1 0 0a. AVesty Hogau 1 0 0 950 Forever 1 0 0 950 Apple jack II 1 0 O 948 Rocking Horse 1 0 0 948 Stir Up 2 O 4 930 Transpero 1 O 3 92; Natural Bridge 1 0. 2 921 Daii Bright 1- O 2 907 Favour 1 0 1 903 Brand 1 1 0 900 Clarabella 0 3 1 900 Amaze . W 1 2 900. Comacho ....2 2 0 900 BHlurosa .. 1 1 O ,903 Bughouse 1 O 0 900 Cadillac 1 2 O 889 AVar Gml .1 0 O 870 Don Dodge . 1 2 O 875 Boxer 1 1- 2 S75 Drusilla 1 0 2 875 Golden Glow 1 0 1 872 Super -. 1 O1 1 S70 Bounding Billows 1 0 1 S59 Tommywaae 1 0 1 859. Rout ledge 0 3 1 850 Pioneer O 4 0 S50 Tonpiatii II 1 O 1 846 Point to Point .1 4 0 840 Belgian Queen 1 0 0 837 1ncle Jolin 1 0 0 830 Pocatelio 1. 0; 0 ,830, Carpet Sweeper Of 2 2 829. Queen Blonde k L. 0 825 Tolo lv l: 0 822 AVendy 1 1 0 818 Coiniue Ci 1 0 0 819 El Mahdi 1 1 0 815 Piisen 1 0 0 815 Lion dOr 1; 0 0 813 Alma B 1 1 0 807 Indian Spring 1 1 0 803 Afternoon 1 1 0 802 Bihhler 1 0 0, 801: Doublet 1- 0 0 800 Stucco . 1 0. 1 800 Startling 1 0 1 800 NorthwooJ 0 2 1 N00 Mackenzie 2 tl 0 800 Bar of Phoenix 1 0 0 796, Beck and Call 1 2 I :782: Lobelia 3 0. 0 .775, Boher-Na-Breeua 1 1 0 775 Trophy 1 O 0 770 Common Law 1 O ,0 762: America 11 1 O 2 755 Fairy AVand O 1 1 753 Sailor 0 0 2 753. Sun Briar - 0 0 1 750 Iyal Peter 1 2 0 "750 NKhtstick 0 2 1 747i Valspar 0 2 1, 74B Our Nephew 1 1 0 743 True as. Steel 1 1. 0 7J3 . Capt. Uodge 1 3 2 740 , - . . . , , , . Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amti i Halwlle ir. 2 4 1 $ 710 I Klue Wrack 1 o 0 730 I Mr. Brummcl I 0 0 726 i Panoply 0 4 0 725 i Bill Iluhlcy ; 0 2 4 725 i Kilmer 1 1 11 725 i Calvert - 1 11 725 1 Midway ; . 0 1 0 . 710 1 Punctual . 1 0 0 702 ! Holiday ; 1 0 0 700 I John P. Grier 1 0 0 700 1 Azurita 0 2 1 700 K Griff wood 1 0 0 700 1 Balustrade 1 0 0 700 1 Dandy Dude 0 2 1 700 1 First Pullet 1 0 0 700 Lucullite : 0 0 1 700 1 Moroni o 2 3 700 1 Ocean Prince 1 0 0 700 Reddest . 1 0 0 700 K Sixty Four 1 0 0 700 Susan M. 1 0 n 700 Tetan 1 0 0 700 Daddys Choice O 2 3 700 Enfilade 1 0 0 700 JfandrSoMouse 1 0 0 686 Tan II.. , 10 1 675 SoSius 1 0 2 675 Miss Horner 1 1 2 050 John AV. Klein 0 3 4 655 El Plaudit . 2 1 0 650. Ireland 0 1 3 643 Trutnpator 0 0 2 640 Pride of India 0 1 3 636 Bryhhild 1 0 0 632 Mononioy , 1 0 o 632 .Gain de Cause 0 0 5 25 Sweet Apple 1 1 1 606 Pigeon AVing .1 0 o 602, Lucie May 0 1 1 UN John I. Day "... 0 2 0 600 Koran 2 0 0 600 War Machine . 0 2 1 600 Saints Bridge 0 1 2 1100 Otisco 2 1 1 600 Milmbo Jumbo "... 1 .0: O 600 My- Laddie 0 . 3 0 600 Lowtide . 1 0 0 600 Ambassador II 1 0 0 600 Le Bnlafre 0 2 1 600 Enbs 1 0 0 600 Amalgamator 1 0 0 595 Safranor 1 3 1 595 Peter Combs 1 0 0 582 Mile. Dazie 1 0 1 575 iMotlier Machree 2 1 1 575, Lola 2 0 1 570 Diadi 2 1 0 570, Margaret Ellen 2 0 1 555 C. S. . Grayson 0 3 0 550 Knot 0 1 2 550 Sahdjr Deal 0 2 2 550 Sybsset. 0 1 1 550 Encore 1 1 2 545 Drl Johnson 0 1 1 543 iHanky Panky 1 0. 0 507 Resist, 1 0 0 502 David Harum 0 0 1 500 iElying AVitch 1 0 0 500 Franklin 0 0 4 500 King Tuscan 0 1 2 500 -Jnfidel II 0 1 3 500 Hurricane 1 0 0 500 Harwood II 0 2 1 500 Aigrette 2 0 O 500 Alvord 0 1 1 500 Marion Hollins 0 2 1 500 Rhomb O 2 2 500 Squire Charlie 0 2 O 500 Star Court 1 0 0 ..... Purse given to second horse. By reason of being first jockey for the J. K: L. Ross stable E. Sande had superior opportunities in the saddle and leads the: jockeys who rode over the Maryland tracks by a comfortable margin in races won, Sam Hildreths lad, L. Fator, being second to .liihi. lind the more experienced T. Rice third. One of the features of horsemanship in the Maryland fall racing was the rapid development of the XoTtwsiers R, Hamilton, J.. Pierce, F. Coltiletti and A. Richcreek, each of the fbiir giving distinct, promise of futnre usefulness, Hamilton doing best in races won and percentage. The veteran Jaine,s ISutwell came back from army service and rode effectively. The best rider in this country, J. Loftus, rode frequently in Maryland, with the high ;percentage of .44 to his credit, two other veterans in W." Knapp and R. Troxler also giving the younger generation of riders a few lessons in the liigher feats of horsemanship. D. Stirling, E. Ambrose. A. Johnson, L. Ensor, C. Knmmer, AV. .1. .OBriejr and A. Schuttinger rode effectively. The jockeys who won one or more races were these: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Sande, E 253 64 49 42 98 .25 Fator, 1 224 46 39 30 109 .21 Hice, T. 233 39 41 35 115 .17 Harnilton, H 206 39 33 24 110 .19 Stirling, D 234 32 46 28 128 .14 Pierce, J 193 29 2. 2C 116 15 Ambrose. E 156 27 30 20 76 .17 Johnson, A 1S3 27 19 18 119 .15 Butwell, J 163 26 30 22 85 .16 Coltiletti. F 153 26 14 29 84 .if Riehcreek, A 168 21 IS 26 ll .13 Elisor, L ....94 21 12 8 53 .22 Wida. S. 177 18 20 27 112 .10 Loftus, J 41 18 8 6 9 .44 Staplcton. G 101 17 15 11 5S .17 Obert, AV 168 17 1! 13 127 .10 Kummer, C 08 17 9 11 31 .25 Callahan. J 114 15 19 16 64 .13 OBrien, AV. J 49 15 ! 6 19 .lit Hinphy, AA 63 13 S 7 35 .21 iCorey. G. 171 12 12 19 128 .07 Tvelsay W 103 12 11 12 68 .12 Weiner, F 100 11 13 10 66 .11 Troxler, R 51 10 12 4 25 .20 Schuttinger, A 39 9 9 4 17 .23 Tlmrbr, H Ill 8 15 11 77 .07 Collins, A 174 8 10 15 141 .04 Ryan. J. P 58 8 8 10 32 .14 McTaggart, J 77 8 7 13 49 .10 Connors, J. .. 75 . 8 ,7. 6 54 .11 Wessler, J. ...82 8 7 4 63 .10 McCrann. R. ..107 8 6 16 77 .07. Partington, T. ... 55 S - 3 5 30 .15 Musgrave, P 64 7 15 11 31 .11 Metcalf. J 79 7 9 8 55 .09 Ryan, R. 35 7 5 3 20 .20 Nolan. T. 3S 7 J 4 23 .18 Dreyer. J 92 6 13 17 56 .07 McAtee, L 62 6 6 7 43 .10 Smith, E. . 29 6 5 8 10 .21 Rowan. T 33 6 3 4 20 .18 Sneidman. S. . 04 6 3 3 52 . .09 Morris. L 38 6 1 4 27 .16 Doyle. AV 56 5 7 6 38 .09 Uileman, E 70 5 6 5 54 .07 Fairbrother. C. 11 5 2 2 2 .45 Bell. J. 32 5 2 1 24 .16 Mondou, AV IS 5 1 5 7 .28 Rodriguez, J. 92 4 11 11 fid .04 .Cnrswell. D 76 4 8 20 44 .05 Robinson. F 14 4 2 2 6 .29 Myer, II 53 3 6 1 40 .06 Haynes, E. 41 3 5 2 31 .07 Mergler. C 3 4 7 54 .04 Gargan, W 30 3 3 2 22 .10 Knapp, AV. 8 3 3 0 2 .37 AVilliams, J ...14 3 1 2 8 .21 Taylor, C. 2S 3 1 1 23 .11 Aralls, G 67 2 8 9 48 .03 Stalker, L 35 . 2 6 4 23 .03 Erickson. II. 35 2 6 3 24 .Of. Robinson. C ; . . 26 2 2 6 16 ,8 Burns. G 25 2 2 3 18 .OS Dawson. J 19 2 1 3 13 .11 AVakoff, II 22 2 1 3 16 .09 McCabe, J 8 2 1 1 4 .25 Nicklaus. A 5 2 I O 2 .40 Finley. A 15 2 1 0 12 .13 Mclntyre. J. 22 1 5 3 13 .05 i Denyse. R 37 1 4 7 25 .03 Heupel, J 35 1 I 5 25 .03 Dohiinick, J 20 1 4 2 13 .05 Jackson. C 80 1 3 14 62 .01 Money, J 45 1 3 2 39 .02 Vinson. R. 12 1 2 1 8 .OS Coljins. .1. 16 1 2 1 12 .06 Coh way, J. 31 1 2 1 27 .03 liyke. L. 17 1 I 1 14 .06 Cassity. II 19 1 1 1 16 .05 Robinson. V 0 112 2 .17 Taylor. W 12 1 1 2 8 .08 Simpson, R 24 1 1 1 21 .04 Rowan. J 2 1 1 0 0 .50 Rowan, M 25 1 1 0 23 .04 Bauer. J. . 11 1 0 4 6 .09 iKnlght. C. 11 1 0 2 8 .09 Lux. F 2 1 0 1 0 .50 Taplin,- E 3 1 0 I 1 .33 Loiiias, E 5 10 1 3 .20 Huff, X 22 I I 1 20 .03 Cdrrigali, .1 1 I 0 0 0 100 . .Caldwell, 0 12 1 0 0 11 .03 m Jockeys who did not win but rode to places were: . Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d.Unp. MooreT K . 41 3 5 33 Mandersf, W 18 3 2 13 Murphy. J 13 3 I V "Burke.- J. II 23 3 1 22 Mountain. M 27 3 0 24 Pauley". R 20 2 8 10 "Romanelli, R , 15 2 3 10 Lowe.-R 11 2 2 7 Denhler, H ....12 12 9 Nuccjo, J sl3 1 2 10 JJr.vaou.-F... 5 1 1. 3. Dwenport, .1 1 5 1 1 3 i I I i i i i 1 1 ! I 1 K 1 1 1 1 1 K .Toefcey. Jlte. 2d. Sd.Unp. McKcevor. J. 7 1 1 5 Carpenten G 10 1 1 8 Martin. C ...11 1 l 9 Duukinson. W , 12 1 1 10 Barnes. E ... 11 0 0 Liidwig, C. ....J... I 1 0. 0 Kahsch,. J. 1 1 0 0 Preece, Q., 4 1 0 3 De Mayo. E. r. .1 0 4 White, C . 8 10 7 Schwartz, M. 9108 Bail. R. i ...12 1 0 11 Davies, T. ; 8 0 3 5 Underwood. C .. 8 0 2 6 Anderson. M 20 0 2 18 Buxton M. ; 1 0 1 0 Lupaillc, K. 1 O 1 0 Miller. C II. 1 o 1 0 Sbrrell. R. 1 0 1 0 Snyder, G 2 0 1 1 Ward, AA". .......2 Oil Sharps. R. ...... j 3 0 1 2 Simmons, M. 4013 Hoffman. R 5 0 1 4 Miller, C. C. 8 0 1 7 Bergen, J .10 0 1 9 Bullnian, n. 11 l 1 10 Maderia, P. ,11 0 1 10 Evans, A. .12 0 1 11 Jockeys unplaced in all their races were: Jockey. 1 , . ,Mts. Jockey. Mts. Swart. H. 19 Alexandra, G., Jr. ... 1 Boganowski, W 15 Aysel. H -. 1 Apel. G. 11 Brooks. A. ..-.J 1 Bernard. J. 7 Constantino, AA" 1 Hiillcoat. A . 5 Dcnnell. J 1 Sullivan, J. 1 5 , Dougherty. J 1 Alexandra, A." ...... 4 Frahces, E 1 Borel, Q. 4 Hanmer, H. 1 Gordon. C." 4 Jordan, K 1 lines. R. ... .... 4 Labelle, C 1 Woodstock, F 4 Logue, A 1 Bruder, C .. 3 Maddox, C 1 Dnggan, C. 3 Marrero. A 1 Kleeger. B. 3 McBride. J 1 Moore. Hi 3 Momii, E 1 Murphy. W. ......... 3 Queen. T. 1 Xorth. L. ...3 Racine. II. 1 Tucker, M. ... 3 Tault. II 1 Allen. J ....2 Tryon, A 1 Armstrong, D 2 AVhite. J 1 Fletcher. J 2 AVilson. 0 1 Hansen, W. . I . . 2 McDermott, A 1 Stewart, AV. 2 R. W. Crawford scored the most victories among the steeplechase jockeys ar.d is a capable rider. D. Byers and A". Pow.ers were next to him in races won. The records of the jockeys -who guided one or more winners home were: Rider. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. Crawford, R. H 24 11 1 4 8 .46 Byers. D. ; 16 6 3 4 3 .37 Powers. A. 14 6 2 3 3 .43 Kennedy. X 23 5 3 6 9 .22 Green, AV. 12 4 2 2 -4 .33 AVilliams, H. 21 3 4 2 12 .14 Bush. S 26 2 8 3 13 .OS Keating, W. ... ....9 2 3 1 3 .22 Stretch. A. .....11 2 2 2 5 .18 Ural, W; 6 2 2 O 2 .33 fcmoot. C. 13 2 2 0 9 .15 Cheyne, L ..22 2 1 2 17 .09 AAiiliams, F. 8 2 0 4 2 .25 Daly, .AV 2 2 0 0 0 100 Hanna. R. ....10 1 3 2 4 .10 OConnor, M ,...12.. 1 1 3 7 .08 Reeder, L. .71 "1 2 3 .11 Blake; W. 10 .1 1 2 6 .10 Sims. A. ...12 1 0 2 9 .08 Mahoney, W. 5 1 0 1 3 .20 Ransch. J. 5 I O 0 4 .20 MergleK C. .... .. 2 .10 0 1 .50 Thomas, AV. - 2 1- 0 0 1 .50 Huff, X 1 1 0 0 0 100 Following were the riders who did not win, but rode to places: Rider. ,. Mts. 2d. Sd.Unp. Xickliius. A. 8 3 1 4 Palmer. G 8 3 1 4 Diamond, O. 10 2 17 Landry. E.- 10 2 17 Howard, W. 6 2 0 4 Haynes B. ... ;...:., 16 1 4 11 Rowan, J. 4112 Turner, S. 3 1 1 1 Smyth, J.i 2 1 i 1 ParretteVi T: 2 1 0 1 BeattyT R. ........... ;t.....::... 3 1 0 2 McCleary. Wu 4 1 0 3 Dobson??Ri ::r..;. 5 104 nines, :?b." ....... r.:!.:;: 5 1 o 4 Kennedy. C. ...... ... 2 Oil Campbell, A. . -. 5 0 1 4. McCinskey, A :.. . 6 0 1 5 Preece. F: 6 0 1 5 These ver0 unplaced in all their races: Rider. Mts. Rider. Mts. Brown, J 1 Jones, C 2 C-otmaii, T 1 Meripole, L 2 Cutler, C 1 Wilkinson. C 2 Fennessy. T 1 Young, AV 2 Henderson. M. 1 Wolke. E 3 McAfee. H 1 Franklin, L 5 Pearlsteln. 1 1 Fricker, H 5 Phillips, J. 1 Taylor. W 5 Rosen, W 1 Borgan, Ar 7 Stacey, F. 1 Harris, B 7 Henderson, E 2 Gentleman riders were not provided for. but a few rode in regnlar steeplechases, the line winner living: Gentleman Kider. Mts. 1st. 2d. ad. Unp.P.O. Hradshaw, Lieut 1 1 0 0 0 KO The following rode to places: .Gentleman Kitlers. Jits. 2d. Sd.Unp. Taylor.- IS. M. ...2 1 1 o Bowers, Lieut 1- l o 0 AVhite, Lieut 1 o l o Utterback, A. II 2 0 1 1 Thrso were always unplaced: Gontieman Kider. Mts. Gentleman Hidcr. Mts. Dent. Capt 1 Lauman, Lieut 1 Dowling, Major 1 AVhalen, Lieut 1 As was to be expected, II. G. lledwell led the trainers in number of winners saddled, the records of -those who sent one or more winners to the post being: Trainer. AVins. Trainer. AVins. Bfcdwell, IL G 42 Byer, F. . Hurttschell, AA. A... 30 Casey, 0. J Short, AV 25. Ciopton. S. A.""."."" Garth, AAm 24 Cole, 11. L. . " Arthur, J Y..23 Dalv, M. .1. ... T Hirseh, M 17 Forman. G. AA. Schorr, .7. F 17 Hall. G. E. .. Hildreth, S. 0 15 Hogan, AV Musante, V 15 Judge, S " Simons, A ir Honbre, C. a Fitzsimmons. J 14 Kermath. J. T. .. Stotler. J. H 14 Larks, f 2 Beal, X. K 13 McBride. T " Crist. T. E ...13 Miles, P. J -j Shaffer, E. G 13 Miller. K. O Smith, R. A. 13 OConnor, J. J Freeman. C. X. ...1U Odom. G. M. .. Healy, J. AV 12 Phillips. J. V. Kites, H ...11 Itaymond. A Farrar F lo Itidge, G. M Brooks, AA. II Itoseacher, H " Cedar, AV Kowe, 0. II " Garth, L. AV Uyan, AV. M. ... Oliver. AV. L 9 Shannon, H. Carman, It. F 8 Shannon. T. J. . Collins. J. M. ..... S Smith, J. P. ... " Daly, AA. -J 8 Strite, J. T Lewis, J. H 8 Aiveil, A. II. Smart, M 8 Ward, J. S Brady, M . 7 AVayland. E V. 2 Fountain, D. S. ... 7 AVestmoreland. . C. 2 Ivarnck. V. II. ... 7 AVeston, A. G. .. Martin. AVm 7 AVorlev, A. I. " Pons, O. E 7 Zimmer. A. ... Trueman. E 7 Allen, G. K...... ""1 AAiison, R. R 7 Black, J. M. . 1 Hackett, M r, Blakeley, A. G. 1 Hewitt. J. E 1; Boland, J "1 " Gorham, I v, Bondy, H 1 Livingston, AV ; Bryson, G. It 1 Mayberry, .1. P r, Buck, AA. M 1 Shaw, D 1; Bussey, J. G. . . . 1 Weir. F. I 1; Ryrne, P 1 Brown, L 5 Cahill, AV 1 Casey, AV. V 5 Cissna, AV. -II. .. 1 Clark, C. F 5 Cochran, G. P.. "" 1 Harmon, T. .T 5 Colston, R. 1 Kelley. M. C 5 Crawfonl, AV. A. 1 Kennedy, AV. C 5 Cunningham, AV. P... 1 McKinney, AV. A. .. 5 Dale, J 1 Miller, G. .1 5 Douglass, C. u.".". 1 Owens. .1 5 Evans, .7 1 Sietas, E r, Foley G. B. . 1 Taylor, F. M 5 Fox, P. J ""1 Yorke H E 5 Gargan, AA. 1 Booker, J. J 4 Garton, .7. 1 Chapman. B 4 Gnsser C. AV. 1 Devers, F 4 Graham, B. H. 1 Donohue, T. .7 4 Graver. .7 1 Femvick, AV 4 Hall, M. 1 Feustel. J. 4 Hammond, D. 1 Haymaker, L 4 Harrington, V. 1 Henderson S. M. ... 4 Hastings. .1. "" 1 McDaniel. II 4 Henry, AV. II. 1 Mitchell. AV. 1! 4 Hickman, AV. 1 Moore. C. K 4 Higgins. II "1 Regan, F 4 Hong, H. AV. . 1 Rowe, Jas 4 Hodgson, E. .1. 1 Sheedy. AV. M 4 Jackson. If " 1 Stire, P 4 Johnston J. ... "" 1 Sweeney, fi 4 Johnson, S. . 1 Utterback. E 4 Keily, J. ... 1 AValker, AV 4 Kennedy, H. . "." . Winfrey. G. C 4 Laughlin, I, "1 Bodon. J 3 Mauley, C " 1 Bringlow. AV. H. ... 3 McCollum. F. ." "" 1 Carroll J 3 McDaniel. I. R. 1 Crippen. G. W 3 Miller, E. T. .. 1 Crist, I,. 3 Milton. G. C. .. " t Daly. M 3 Murphy, .7. J . 1 Frisbie, F. C 3 Murphy, .7. A. ""1 Ilealey, T. .7 3 Morton. G. H. 1 Herdel, H 3 Nash. J. E. ... 1 Holberg. A 3 Newton H. .. ""1 Kraft. F. A. 3 OByrne. J. . . 1 Martin. C 3 Tatterson. R. . 1 May, .7. AV 3 Padgett. AV. R. 1 McNaughton. S 3 Pelter, J. " 1 Patterson, K 3 Plielan. E 1 Peterson, G 3 Post. AV. II!". 1 Polk, S 3 Reinheimer, L. 1 Raynor, C 3 Remus, H. 1 AValden. R. .7 3 Rice. B. It 1 Williams, AV 3 Rineharr, F. 1 Dayton, J. VV 3 Russell, J. J 1 Darke, C. N 3 Smith, M Atkinson, G. W 2 Sprague, C. H. . . "" 1 Boyle. R. A 2 Watkins, It. K. .. " 1 Brenton, G. C 2 AVaters, R. P 1 Brooks, .7 2 Aeiteh. S. 1 Burch, P. M 2 Williams, M. E. .. " 1 Brown, W 2 AVinfrev, C. P. . 1 Burke, AV. .7 r 2 Zeigler, G ." 1