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GEO. 0D0M TO TRAIN FOR J. LIVINGSTON j XEW YORK, X. Y.. December 20. George Odom lias signed a contract to train the horses owned by Jefferson Livingston. He starts his duties on January 1 and intends to take up the entire string of twenty-two on February 1. They are now at Lexington.-. The contract is a lengthy one and permits. Odom to retain two horses .he now owns. King Plaudit and Beaumaris. It also provides that he can campaign the stable at his discretion. According to Odoms present plans he will be ready for the opening at Havre de Grace and thence he will come to the New York circuit. Colonel James and Claude Kyle will be on their way to Xew Orleans in time for the opening at the Fair Grounds track. Cornelius Fellowes came up from Xew Orleans to spend Christmas with his family and will return South after the. holidays. Melville Collins, who spent the past few weeks In Havana, is now 011 his way to Los Angeles.