Wednesday Gallops at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-08

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WEDNESDAY GALLOPS AT NEW ORLEANS 160 NEW ORLEANS, La.. January 7.— Todays training gallops at the Fair Grounds included the following: 1ST— Bar One. throe quarters in 1:27. 14K— Hrian Horn, five-eighths in 1:07-.-.. 164 — Bagpipe, three-quarters in 1:21. 154 Blae Star, five-eighths in 1:07".-.. 150 — Hombast. five-eighths in 1:08%. 150 — Hiin ;.i Back, three-eighths in 39. 158 Cointreau, throe-eighths in 39-.-,. 188 Charming, five-eighths in 1:03%. 15*— Car, mile in 1:5*. 158 — Crumpsall. mile in 1:54%. Itft raraatrto. five-eighths in 1:09. 158— Duiisandel. five-eighths in 1:11".-.. 15N — Dixie Carroll, mile in 1:52. 159— Puke of Devonshire. Btree -eighths in 42%. 158 — Kninitv. f ive-eightlis in 1:04. 140 — Kmma Weller. half mile in 51 1 1! Bye Opener, one-quarter in M%. 158— Flying Witch, seven-eighths in 1:40. 158 Brace Trimble, thrnr qatrtrm in 1:21%. 191 — George Clark, three-eighths In 40%. 15T— Golden Dawn, lialf mile in 57%. 151 — Gen. Hyng. lhree- iuarters in 1:22%. ll! Bread Bhua, five-eighths in 1:13. 157 II. «. Plait, three-quarters in l:L4. 1ST — Ilelma. three -quarters in 1:20%. 1ST — Huron II.. fie eighths in 1:07 ... 158 .le-si,- i.onise. three-eighths in 43%. 156— Jiffy, mile in 1:51%. 15t J. C. Stone, mile in 1:51%. 154- Kingiing ii.. three-eighths in 39. 154 Kuklux five-eighths in 1:07%. 157- Kimpalong. three quarters in 1:27-., 14T— Kaltar, hail mile in 52%. 1ST — Luther, mile in 1:49--.. 153 Lucius, three quarters in 1:20. 140 Malice, three quartern la 1:24--.. 154 Manicurist, three-aighths la 37-.-,. 158 Matinee Idol, five-eighths in 1:18. 1S7— Mistress Iolly. half mile in 52. 15N Minute Man. I hree qu.ti ttn in 1 21 l..O Mabel Trask. five eighths in 1:0*%. i.o Naahotah, three-qaartert la 1:20%. lfii oOoiiovan. f Ive-eightba in l:0Jt%. 1ST- Onieo, half mile in 52. ill imi -n v. flv . igeths la 1:18. 70 Poaderosa, mile in 1:52. 158— Phil Hohr, three quarter- in 1:24%. 158 — Pickwick, half mile in ..0i„. 184 -Pigeon, three-eighths in 40. 149 — Pinaril. three -quarters in 1:27. 145 -Kifle Shooter, half mile in .".4. 159 Sway. se en eighths iii 1:37. 158 Sailor, nub- in 1 50. 158 Hummer Si-o three iiaartera in 1:25%. I s si ,, kites;, Ibree eighths in to. K.s l ie Pin. mile in 1 :5N. lis Taaahagiviag, mile in 1:58. 140 I !ios. F. McMnlion. three-quarters in 1:25%. . 107 — Water Willow, ihlet SjBUflUI ill 1:23%,

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