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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY PABIS, Prance, January 7. Bepreseatatires or the United states, it has been decided, will not Im-present during the exchange of ratifications of the peace treaty of Versailles, which is still pet far January lit. but may b - put over if all the details hare aol been completed by that date. Signing of the peace protocol will precede the exchange at rat -ficatioajs b. a few minutes. CHICAGO, 111.. January 7.— A penalty of 825.998 has been assessed against the Twelfth street store for selling alcohol and whisky for beverage pur-poses. This action was taken in connection with the rero atioa of the United states liquor license of tie-store by Commissioner of Internal Bcvenuo Koper of Washington. WASHINOTOX, 1 . C. January 7.— Gabriel Porter, an Ani.-riean citiaen In the employ of the Ienn-syivania-M.xiio Company, was shot and killed by a Mexican federal army officer at Tuxpam. Dee. 21. seeordiag ta sdiices receired by the s;:ite department today from the United Slates consul at Tam-pi o. COLUMBUS, ».. January TV— The United Mine Workers of America in convention lore today ratified the action of the interna! iona 1 officers in accepting President Wilsons proposal to sad the coal strike on the basis of s 14 per cent Increase and a commission t. draw up a new wage agreement. ABERDEEN, S. I».. January 7. Twenty persons wen- Injured, several seriously, early today, when s.. ral cars of passenger train Xo. 17. on the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul road, known as the Columbian, went through a burning bridge two miles from Watauga, s. I . PHILADELPHIA, Pa., January 7—Crover Berg* doll, one of the two brothers accused of draft dodging and who has heea sought by the police for the last two years, was arrested in his mat bars homo here today. AMBBONGKX. Holland. Tuesday, January ii.— Demands by the alia I for the extradition of former Emperor William of Germany, in which it is known the United States will not participate, are expected at The Hague about January 15.