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BROOMSTICKS SERVICE FEE IS HIGH LEXINGTON, Ky., Jaaaary 0. Harry Payne Whitnev bus fixed Broomsticks fee for UO0 at 02.500, which Is ,000 higher than the fee charged by Major Angnst Behaont far service to Pair Play. Mr. Whitneys tire was probably to disci urate applications for sen tee from a stallion he desires la reserre tor hi- own use. Bai considering that i Broomstick has seal into racing sneh -tars as Whisk Broom IE. Begret, Cndgel. Meridian. Thnnderer. Bremo, Leeehares. Rscoba, Btekety, lip pitj Wltcliot and Bu.khoiii. a- well as mun.v excel - lent racers ,,r lower rlass, the fee Baked i- not at all excessive.