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VIRGINIA FAVORS RACING COMMISSION LFXINc.TON. Ky.. January 21. Billy Garth today said there i- in Virginia a -trong sentiment in favor of racing under regulation and control of a ounmissioii. similar to that in Kentucky, anil In-is taking back with him to Charlottesville copies of the- Kentucky law and data cone-crning the operation of the Ke-nlucky tracks, to be placed before- the Virginia legislature-. "I have baaa adked by members of the legislature who are- in favor ,.f racing to prepare thi- data." said Mr. Carth. "anil I fc-c 1 that there i- a good f hO ace t* MC art favorable enactment in ear rtate. Gaaeraac Westmoreland Davis, formerly was ehairman ol tie- National Steeplechase- and Hunt Association, and is fond of racing and in favor of a law such us you huvt- iu Keutucky."