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HUNTING, FISHING AND SPORT. A Moatsgne Towaskip, N. I., bjh n recently shot tli - largest wlhl goose Is that part of the state in iai-s. siiiM.tinj m tii ssase Mends he brought dows a goose weighing twenty-serea poaads. with ll arinx sp.ui of s, vrn r, . t and standing five feel ton.- in. lies high. .Miilo a lord of deer is reported to have been seen the p.isi week aear Paid Mound, ill., which i. .iIm.ih sine aiilen northwest of Aurora. It is probable that the deer ate from sssae private gaase preserve in that pari of the stat.-, far in no part of tin- slate have uihl deer been sen for many rears. If oulj one or two animals had been seea it might be presumed that tin bad been driven into the state froaa Missouri or Arkansas, but this is not probable arbea more than two are seen together. Amerh-aii 1hhl. anada is umhrtaking the establishment of the largest reindeer and cariboa farm in the worlil. Fifty thousand aires hay,- been allotted for this purpose in northern Manitoba. The big dri -of these aimals foes the aothera «ilds is to begin in-t May. wh-n 1M.0W .u iIm.ii and retadeeC will be stampeded from their nativi- haunts by a corps of cowboys and expert woodsasea. The government plans to feed the native ami while population of Canada with Ibis meat at ■ price below the present high cost of meat. Tiny also plan to maintain the herd continuously at MMM animals. S..1U.- sagteti have had the ezperlenee of catching tSM t r three trout at once on flies in action. Put ou the Nltb recently Mr. J. Dick, Jr., was fishing with three herling flies and fine tackle when be liiM.ked a big salmon on the tail fly. The play lasted for over an hour, and la the coarse of it a heilii.g young sea trout I of twelve ounces and a trout of eight laches attached themselves ta the two dropper-. All lliree fi-h wen- safely landed, and the salmon weighed twenty two pounds. The aehi.vement deserrea ta be chronicled among the notabilia of angling history. Iladininlon Magazine. On the western sIoih-s of the Craehaa Mountains iii Boss-8hire, Beatland, a fierce battle was observed hetweea three eagles and one of the big mountain foxes which usually hunt in packs in these laaccraslble regieaa. Two eaghM iwossted on the fox oa I green slope. Reynard was end-avoiing to si ore over in a cairn some distance over the mountain ridge, but unfortunately for him a third eagle joined in the battle royal. The fox fought for nis life, and the eagles, by their tactics, well knew the danger of his powerful jaw-. Whenever the fox s,|uatted two eagles settled on the ground and the third attacked him. lie sprang and snapped, but repeatedly the birds drove him srer, and after a prolonged fight finallv killed and devoured him. — Laadoa Qlahe. . A. 1