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— -9 CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURT The Argentine buyer of The Panther turns out to lie Don Igaaeio Correas. one of the owners of a great breeding establishment near Itiienos Aires. Thirty-two runners for the Novices Hurdle Bace at the January I.aldovle meeting constituted a record aaaaher of starters for .1 bardie race in Ireland. Aasericaa horse shows, through the medium of their exhibitions, raised more ihan a quarter of a nnll ou dollars la-t year for Hie American Bed Cross and kindred charities. Kegiaal C. VaaderhOI was re-el «ted president of the American Horse Shows, at its annual meet -i 1 1 ii at New York yesterday. Thomas G. Ashtoa of Philadelphia was made vice-president and 4. Maekej WiUeta aetietary-treaaarer. R. 1.. Gerry of New York has parehaaed from J. C. Milam the yearling chestnut colt, brother to Marjorie By at a, by Dick Fiaarli, dam Alice Baird. ami the M-arling chestnut coll by Peter Qaiaee, it. 1111 S-arf Fill. V . Head. Raglish, i at the top of the whaalag 1 less. country jockeys in Frame with forty-eight sisceessfal rides, Parfrenseat eoasiag second with thirty-eight. , l.erteaux. another Frenchman. is third, one in advance of Mitchell, who lias leered : I ;: !. I.i ir ! iinc-. The Australian racing firm Bohiasoa and Clark. x.l.ile raeiag in Fngland. has done well in Au-tralia with imputed horses, their wins bjfladiag the Caul-le hi Cap with King Offa and I.uekiiow. Futurity S .kes with Flash of Bteel, F adorns and fjuekaew. Metropolitan with St. Spasa. Adeliade Cup with Bladoa and various valuable weight- far -age races witli Laavas and Magpie. Jake iioitman received a letter treat Rddie I;. is. a few dais back. Bass joined the Third Canadian Laacera when the war first broke out and was captured by the Ceimalis ill Belgians. He was a prisoner for three years. Koss inclosed a eopj of the Nona Bevieta BportiVO of December 22, which showed that on Dlemlxr 1 he sen; three winners to the iMist for his employer. Al Mughilo-man, a prominent sportsman of Koiimania. They were IToarea, Soarellu and Frungis.