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PUBLIC FORM IN ECLIPSE • a Fair Grounds Going Difficult and Favorites Fare Badly. « Bullet Proof Defeats Pickwick in a Close Finish — Miss Dora Runs a Good Race. ♦ 1 NKW ORLFANS. I.i.. January 21,— Many upsets attended the racing at the Fair Grenada today, a circnaaataaee calling for no wonder in view of the track condition, which was aboat as bad as ii could be. Still. BMOt of the winners were well backed and the layers had their own troubles in c uise ;,ience. This was well illustrated in the first race, the customary dash for two-year-olds. For this Miss Dora was harked down from 10 to 1 to 4 to 1 and had no part icul-ir difficulty about showing a muddy pair of heels to tin- favorite. Tenite. at the finish of the race. Cohlen Dawn and Fleer were two other winners similar! backed down to the discomfiture of the unlinky layers. In the best race of the day. the fourth. Ballet Pioof again showed himself to be about as good as any three-year-old here when be took sacfa a formidable oppoarat into camp as Pickwick. Thai is not ; iy easy tkhag for any horse to do. but he did it haadsomely, although doing his ntmeat at the end! to win by a half length, with Pickwick gaining on him. In the condition of the track the time. 1:1.".. sheared it to be a capital race. The stewards rot alter the roagh riders yesterday afternoon in earnest, and as a resell Coltilettl anil Ml tcalf will he taking a forced vacation tor ten aioi -i oa.s respectively. ColtDettii ten day suspension followed his foul riding in the fourth rnee and Metcalf for interfering with goldal de Verdun while astride Chief. C. W. Loft and his party deputed Sunday for Palm Reach, whore they will make a short stay b fore going on to Havana. .1. O. Keene departed la-t night for Palm Beach for a short visit before returning to Lexington. While here he sold a half interest in fourteen two-year-olds by Luke McLuke to S. A. Fletcher, prominent financier of Indianapolis. Ind.. and owner of the crack trotter Peter the ireat. It is the first venture of Mr. Fletcher late the lun-ntng sport, and he contemplates taking part in tli racing on an extensive scabs. The fourten reangaters joint!- owned by Messrs. Keene and Fletcher will be rand in Kentucky and later at Saratoga. C. W. CLARK AMONG ARRIVALS. Charles W. Clark, millionaire Moataaa copper nan and sportsman, who has a stable of horses racing at the Fair Grenada in charae of trainer Get rge Karnes, was an arrival Monday and will remain for an extended period. He is accompanied BJ several friends, and they came in Mr. Clarks private ear. Hi- best horse here is S.vay. which started in the New Years Handicap, hut which has not been set n under colors since. He baa one eligible in the re-cent City Handicap, to be run in xt Saturday -Pieter, a horse which has never started for him. loekey J . Maaacy, a New Orleans boy. signed a contract Monday to rid- this year for the Ouincy Stable. trained by James Fit zsimmoiis. F. W. Bis ton has Mooaeya contract now. he having par-chased it ftoin II. Phillips just prior to the opening of the recent Jefferson Park meeting. Loyal Sweeper. Harry Payne Whitneys goad two-yi ar-ehl colt, which won two races to date at the Fair Grenada, was serioasly injured Monday men-lag, and jockey Fihlie Ambrose was severely shaken up. in an accident which, mint led while the barns w.i-. being exercised. Tlie youngster bolted to go through a gap leading to his stable and struck the I • i re, causing him to fall heavily. Tin- seriousness of his injuries has net been determined, bat if he is able to race again it probably will not be for a long while. Ambrose is able to be up and about, but canceled his engagements Monday afternoon, one of which was on Whippet, a winner. Trailer J. II. McDonald was fined |MQ by the stewards Monday. Opea criticism of the ride Jockey F. Coltilettl put up on Captain Hersaler, which is trained by McDonald and which ran out with his i ill r Saturday, was responsible for his being brought before tin- officials aad fined.