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LUCIEN LYNE LEAVES FOR SPAIN LEXfXGTOX. Ky.. January 27. Returning to Spain, where In- has beea eagaged to tide another via; for King Alfoaso, jockey Lactea Lyae hit here this morning lor New York, whence he will sail next Saturday. Lyae his been at I.irchinout Farm with his parents for aamethiag more than a fortnight. He is to have luncheon Thursday with Tim Welch and others at P.elmont Park. The Kentucky Jockey Clubs donation of S.,.000 to the Kentucky experiment station at the I niversity of Kentucky is to be expended a- follows, accord-in., to annoaacemeat made today by Dean Thomas P Cooper: Approximately si.OOO for draft horses for class farm work. Xl.oOO to further the work in preveatioa of abortion in mares and in producing reoaa for maintaining tii - virnleacy of the vaccine tiat is being awed, and the remainder to be ex -pel ded in sterility work.