Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-28


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. Monday. January 26, 1920. Third day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of Km days or More. St.-war.is. L. .1. I! L. Wing. J. W. Coffroth. Starter, Harry Moi-risse-y. Uac ing Becretarj W. ". Finn. Bactag starts a! L-:llll p. in. Chicago time 4*0. : dPifin Firbt Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— 1UlMu 59—2—91.. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5: third. 5. Ivpiiv. Mel-. lad. Hit—. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 1I30-; w Wnltaker 117 V B Ptaaegar SO-MO U. Harrigaa ■■ -« C Daggsa 530-MO 1 Arrteta BH *• W H.-.g se,oo-ioo I5S33 T. Chandler ill l* B Carter 2280-1O8 15333 Squoah MB V R Gay xTn-100 15384 1.. Joeepblnc 102 ■■ tl Teargin i."« Um 1 : IAX . RaeklwraeOG T .1 Raherta 700-lno 1 s mutue-ls paid Wnlt--r Whitakcr. Bk20 straight. 82.48 l.heee. *.x.no show: Bath Harrigan. 88.48 pi. i.e. s.t.-n show: Arrteta, gnXOB show. 1: attrateat booking odds -Walter Whitake-r. tin :- Iihi llretght, 26 lo liNt i.la.e-. 3d I- OH si„,W;: ICntli 11 m:i .11. ,"ii to iih» place, 60 to 100 show; Arrteta, da 1.. MO nhoa. Time, 23.,. -18. 1:01. Track fast. Winn. 1 Horns h. 1 :t. bj Harrigaa Tyree. I.-. Brooasstteh tralaed bj c. W. oiiie-ei bred bj Mr. Uenjamin A. Je.ne-0. | , , . AVent to post at 1:5s. At post 1 minute-. Start good and slow. Won easily; se-cond and third driving 4 5fi1 Second Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— icruvj. 59_3_97 pllrs J400. 3-year-old ; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5; third. 535. K.piiv. Mils. lad. Bane. wt. Kin. lackey. Straight. 4.v»-.: i sm Maggie 111 r R Gay .;:,: IBS 4A241 Banmer SlghlOC V C Duggan •• Ml IStPf Mack OTMy 111 H B Small 178-MB Phil Marti, 1 113 A. R Carter 0N0-M8 Ui.il Satala 112 5* .1 Mulciby 14M Ml OSBBfl Thirst ill «. M Matthews -1 ~ Ml 4- ol7 Balgeorge 118 T1 K Low- 4MB 101 8B6BB Anna star 111 I i Canaelly -so-100 mutue-ls paid Smiling Maggie. 618.88 stnightj .40 plaic s:i. to shear; Baaaawr sigh. 8408 place. 82.80 show : Mae 1; oDay. 82*8 show. Ivtuivabiit booking odds Smiliie: Maggie-, liim to IBB straight, IT" to 188 place-. T" to 100 shew; Summer Blgh, 130 to 1H» place. 40 to 100 show ; Mack ODay. 30 to IOO show. Time, 24. 48%. 1:0145. Track fast. Winner . Barkharti eh. m. 7. by Smile-Margaret M., by Woolsthorpi- itraiii-el by X. Bark-hart; bred by Mr. Clayton Morris. We-nt to post at 2:23, .: post -J minutes. Start good and slaw. Won driving; second anil third the same. APtO Thir1 Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— ■xvav* aeat » 01. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 5; third, 5. Kepiiv. Odds. In.l. Horse-. Wt. Kin. Jeu-kev. Straight. 4.-53: Little .lake 117 I-1. It Small 90-108 45533 Stilly Night US R Ryma 440-M0 45.-.33-I. Harrigaa 112 ::; R Guy 248-168 SB5SB Dot M. 11". 4 II Carter Mfia-Mn 4 3500 "I. :n. DoncanllS .".- P Martin./. 2888-M6 45S48 Br. llarrii? enllO C D Coanelly 7940-101 *•_• mutue-ls paid Little Jake. S3. So Rtraight, 82*0 place-. SJ.LI* show: Stilly Night. .00 place, iflMO show: Lady Harrigaa, NL.-n show. Keiuivale-nt booking odds— Little- Jake, 90 to 100 straight. 40 to loo place. 10 to loo shear; Btilly Night. SO to 100 place. 28 to 100 show; Lady Har-rigaa, lo to Dmi show. Time. 23%. 48%. 1:02. Track fast Winn-r Level ft Carats eh. g. 10. by Krutsch — Stella lVikins. by Urophecy trained bv J. Baest; bred by Mr. L. T. I.e-e-i. Went to post at 2*4 At post 7 niinute-s. Start goad and slow. Won easily; .second and third driving. 45563 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Deo. 20. 1916. 1:11-5—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: seccr.d, 5: third, 5. Baair. o.ld-. Iinl. Hone. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight 442BB Curlic-ue- 117 llil Woo. Is :: nw 45534 Roadmaater llo 2" H Ryan ":i*-inn 45537 Vama B. 112 21 It Uve- 6180 101 45548 Mineral Jim 115 4; R Small LKO-IOO 15537 Jim Thorpe IIS .7, .r Frach ::20-100 45533 Chris. Hlt-rs 11.". J Davis j;X»-10»l BB miitiiels paid Curlicue-. ST. SO Rtzalght, 83.48 aksee, 88.08 shew; Baaihassli r. .So place, .40 show: Verna II.. SlL.40 show. K-inivalent booking odds — Curlieiie. °fM to 100 straight. TO to 100 plan-. K to 100 show; Hoad-SMSter, 40 to 1H place. 70 to 100 show; Verna B, .".LO to HM show. Time. 24. 48y5. 1:1*%, Track fast. Winner— W. B. Wocjds eh. g. 11. by Handsel— Baa Bice, by Maaette trailed by w. 1:. Wood bred by Mr. T. B. Jonesi. Went to post at 3:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily second and third driving. Afid. Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 — toou* i:ii«4_3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-oids and, upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00- recond. 5: third, 5. neHliV. Odds. Ill I Ibu-se. Wt. Kin. J.ak-v. Straight. 46226 Rellloe 112 l» D Coanelly rn-ioo 4SS3SMex Hi I* R Small lTwi-ioo ISBS7*Sturdee 107 :•■« C Duggan l-oo-ioo 45537 iCh. Master 114 4"- .1 Davis 2I0-10S 45537 -sc -arpta 11. HJ •". M Matthears cifl-100 4.V»3X Dearttt 1»l 4 ,C Cross TTMM0 #2 miitiiels paid. Iteilh... 888.00 straight. 9.40 place-. .s:!.su show: Mex. ..00 place-, L.40 show; Stllele-e. SL.4» show. Kqalralent booking adds- Betllee, 1088 to 100 straight. s70 to KM» place-. 88 to 100 show; Mex. 130 to lot place, -0 to 100 show; Sturdee. °0 to 100 shew. IlanB, 23S- 47, 1:14. Track fast. Winn-r C. W." Halls b. m. o, by Sweep — Precocity, by McGee trained by B. I. Bgaiacer; bred by Mr. Charles . Moore. Went to jH.st at 3:3S. At ]M.st 0 miautes. Start gi oil and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched -435SS*La Bate Noire-. Itt. 4fS5fiFi Taava Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11=3—3—110. Purr.e 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnor 00; second, ; third, 5. Baal 1. Odds. In.:. H me. wt. Pin. Jockey, straight. 15548 -Thirteen 11". ]• D Connelly .".a 100 442S4*tK!o 111 EJ T T.ueii 240-1N 442BS Payette C. lis 31 1: Pinn. gar ."iii-in 3!4!7 Bt CI. Belle ill A* .1 Louder MBJ M6 442B3 P. Philsthi.. Hi E B Lowe 1740-100 tWeal in entries as Kyle. 82 miitiiels paid, Thirteea. .M straight. .0 place, 82.20 show: KJa, Si. 40 place, 82.88 show; K..vette- C. 88.88 show. Kiiuivale nt booking odds — Thirteen, .".0 to KM straight. 10 to 100 place. 10 to 100 the*/; Kiel. -JO t . .100 place-. 88 to 100 show; Payette ., SO to 100 show. Time, 25, 4923. 1:15. Track fast. Winner— J. W. Carters blk. .-. 4, by Coy Lad— Baa eef Luck, by Wagner trained bv J. W. Carter: bled by Mr. H. B. Hewitt. We-nt to post at 4:04. At post 1 minete. Start Keioel mill slow. Wen easily; second and third driving . Scratched— 45537 Tamilian. 110. 455fifi Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 30. 1917— 1:4433— G— 103. Pt rre -„ 00. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 5; third. 5. Esjnir. odds. Ind. Hors-. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 4SSS3Oiiia KrippllS 1- C Graaa Tn-ioo 15538 lioniul 11T 2«J R Small ."lii-in-. 44B18 Honolulu Ids ;;- D Connelly M6-M0 45536 Ye-rmak 105 4n T Buell 740-100 45537 Onwa 103 8*J .1 NebrJthon lT_a MM [ 45538 Commander 108 ! R Uyan MM 100 .icj mutu--ls paid. Orlin Kripp. S3. 10 straight. .80 plaee. 82v6S show: Oe.mul. S3.40 pine- S3.40 shea : Ileaolnlii. 83.88 show. Esjvrratent baaking oebls — Oriin Kripp. 70 to loo straight, 40 to loo pin re. 3o te 100 show: Canal. To te IBB place, 70 to 108 show; Honolulu, 40 to 100 show. Time. 24V 49. 1:14%, 1:41. 1:46. Track fast. Winner — .1. Baifces br. h, 10. by Biteo — Ansaadn, by Duke of Montrosc trained by c. A. Baberts; bred b Mr. I. Martin. Went to post at 4:30. At post I minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920012801/drf1920012801_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1920012801_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800