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TEN BIG ENGLISH JUMPING RACES The s|i:irp season of English stecplcchasing and hurdle iaci - begins in March, and during the month ii i.n.v alilable events ale lo be decided. They in • Hoe the National Hun: races .it Cheltenham and tie- Uraad National and Champion Steepleeh I-- ;it ..iiiee. the Liven I couise. The li-t follows: Vi iatwh-k Much :; Natlsaal Trial Steeplechase, I 000, three and one-quarter miles: fort] entries. Aj Gstwick March :! Hurdle race, ,000, io mile-: forty eight entries. Ai Unnchester March I Grand Alio- Steeple-chase, .s:,.iiimi three miles; twentj .-igl : entries. i Manchester March I Two Thousand Hurdle rue. f 10.000. two mil.-: sixt i entries. At Caellcnham March 111 National limit St.oplo-l «e, ,773, four miles; ninelj aw eatries Ai Cl.elieiili-iin Ifarch II Scomil Nalional Hunt Rteeplet-base, ,0kt, tnree and aae qanrter miles; f Ity. -. v.ii entries. Al S.udown Park Man!. 30 Imperial Cup Hurdle race, ,084, twu mil.-, fortj Cue. entries. Ai Liverpool March SB Grand National Steeple-enase, s.."..ikhi. tirand National Bteepleckase nan, four miles s:,r, yards; sixty one entries. At Liverpool M;irch 27 haillpioll .Steeplechase. IS.OM, two miles aad nrvea and one half fnriaaga; foil -five entries.