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1920 ENGLISH JOCKEY ENGAGEMENTS Douegkae. xvill ride first for Mr. James White. hut who will nacceed the jockey in the colors of Mr Cos has no: transpired. He is not unlikely lo ride al-o for Sir K. Hal ton, as V. Smyth will ride fii-i for Mr. /. Michaliaoa, Mr. F. Hardy and Hoggs stable and second for sir H. Cunliffe Owen. Chat tin Mil! ill. s. Persse preserves fir-t claim on Car-lake and Stanley Hon-e Lord Derby I second, and for the litter stable G. Collins has ben re-eagaged. Health permitting. loaes will ride lor the King the Kg. l C n House jockey had a narrow escape in a rro-ut avalanche disaster at Daves, F. Bullock is returning from Australia to ride for Basil Jarvi- stable. and I". Teniphnian w il! come hack from India in the interest* of Lord Jersey and the Duke of ffesl -minster. llulme is retained first by .Mr. Watkin 9 *i II turns, Mi,i second by hi- old master, B. C. Dawson, while Pox continues Uia a-- elation with B. W. Bays stable, ami Graham Place is provided for I Willi the brotheis 1 ■. and W. Leaeh and K. Whentley. , F Kane reasaiaa with the Bedford Cottage stable, V :n Griggs continue in the service of Sir B. Jar-dine, and Whalhy is retailed first by the American lady owner Mi-. Kudd and n l by Lord Chlliely. while a. Smith gees to Clarebavea Lodge. Blade i-to rid.- f. r sir Win. Cooke, wkooc harms are to be trained b] J. Jarvi-. Child- continues in the service .a Loi. lane- Boaglaa and ether patron- of Maaton, and Jelli— . now in India, where he rode Iir-t Flier lo rictwrj in the Viceroys Cap, has engaged himself first i.. Lord Howard de Walden and Dawson vYaugk, and second to Mr. Bartoa. Lancaster, who has been spending a brief holiday, goes lo France lo ride for Mr. Ambatrelse, a wealthy Greek owner, who has some valuable Jumpers under the charge of Claude Havscl. and it is not decided whether lie will ride for liiuj or M. Cerf on the flat. — Loudon Sportsman,