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I HUNTING, FISHING AND SPORT. TI e name of torsk or tusk constantly crop* up with reports of catches of fish in Pritish northern waters It is rather ling-like in shape but minus the first small dacaal fin. It is said to be taken plentifully off the Shetlands with ling. It is coin nion .it l.anf. rare farther south, ami is r.irely taken off Yorkshire. P.ut it has not yet been roc Agnized :i- taken in Norfolk waters. The fish grows to a sreigt of forty pounds. Acsardiag to the resort of :h" state Qaate sad Fish ciinniis-ioncr of Minnesota, in- r - tlian 210.-000.000 gamefisli fry were placc-d in the waters of that siatc during the year 1010. The secretary of the Pennsylvania State Came Commission claims that although last year was a banner heating season in tiie Keystone State, next year will be even a better one. due to the fa.-t that there was u re game left over at the Close i ! last year than there was at the clos -,,f 1818. In all 8.800 tons of rune was killed daring the! hunting season. The records Show that last fall 2,818 deer were kilicl. 47 bine k bear, 3.000.000 rabbits. 5,180 wild turkeys. •jsT.iiini pounds f raffed grouse. 13. 07s 4ag-aech pheasants, quail, in addition to dozens of otiar s|ieeics of gasae, Beeocds show that in 1818 there wen- 400.000 hunters lic enses issued, while in im- ii,,. i,.st prerioas year, showed 815,000 so that last year there was s.Yimmi mow resident Pennsylvania banters than ever before.