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DOES IT PAY TO ADVERTISE THE TRUTH? /* "N. W* say it does. The increase in weekly sales of the little yellow book and also on our dif- /jgjA tei. ut services is eeartneiae evidence. For SIXTEEN YEARS, week alter week, our ads tgjjjjStrfta havi appeared 111 tins paper, and from time to tme in New York Morning Telegraph. WE tWSt*/ HAVE LOSERS. Lots of em. and we are not ashamed to advertise them. For instance. J*7j oi;r DAILY ONE HORSE WIRE SERVICE, far Which we charge tat I starters. Heres Nswj£-/ record of WINNERS, by weeks for month of January: Week ending January B, THURSDAY NIGHTER, 9-5, WON: DURWARD ROBERTS. 8-1, WON: PLENTY. Ift-l, WON. Week January 10. SIMPLETON, 1-1, WON: REDLAND. 1-1. WON. Week January 17. CHIEF. 13-6, WON: MARAUDER. il3-l. WON. Week Jannarj 24 GRUMPY. 3-1. WON. Week January SI, WAR MASK. 7-5, WON: BONSTELLE, 6-1. WON. We bare rood weeks and bad ones, but average the in -lonnation on this Service, week alter week, year in Mil out. our percentage of WINNERS is pretty hard to beat. is the price, and a copy of the System. If yea want one play a day. one horse onlv. try this Service. Dont fail to get latest REPORTER. No. 782, on sale NOW, all newsstands where RACING FORM is sold, 35 cents. SOME EXTRA SPECIAL DOINGS THIS WEEK. Subscribers mailed plain sealed envelope. : weeks. . SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Come-Sunday- Will -Pan -Ship -It. Sixteen years satisfying a discriminating public. Oar business creed: Service First. Value Always. THE TURF REPORTER Estab. 1904. 22 WEST GUINCY STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.