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MEETING NEAR ITS END Only Eight More Days of Racing at Fair Grounds Remain. ♦ 1 Scene to Shift Back to Jefferson Park on February 18 — Interest in Derby. ■■ * * NRW orlmaxs. La.. r . B. Light more days remain of the fair Jreunds race meeting, awl then will i u | change nf --t-* ■ 1 1 : - hack to .Iff fersoil Park, whew .n ITebruarj 18 another twenty five days ii i eting will be Inaugurated. The final ~i ;t k«- .-it the fair Grenada will be tin- Mardi Grai Handicap. ,000 added, for three-year alia end over at the distance ef one and ene-quurter mills. Barries in it closed today. .Hid it will be run on M.irdi tlras day. February 17. the last day of the meeting. Alter .i lapse at tw«i jreara the famous Mardi Qraa celebration- will he revived in X W l rlc:nis this year, and evea this early visitors real all aretfcmn are pouring i"11 tin- already trosrded city. The racing ;it the Pair Grenada is the citys biggest nt-trrcthm, oad it draw* many nereoaa here who would not conic for the carnival festivities alone. Extra Inducements will he made to provide regular hi -liday programs for the entire Mardi tlras season, which will begin on February 12, and the big stake will serve as a fltttag finale for a ami lag of gnat sport. While many of the horsemen are making their plans for sprint and summer racing already, a Inge number will remain over for the Jefferson 1ark meeting, hecause of their having one or more entries in the .vTi.000 added Louisiana Derby, which will In- decided on March 17. This will give the Maryland delegation two weeks" time in which to eel to I.owie. while the Kentuckians will have nini-e than a month to freshen up their horses for the spring ml I lings in the Illue Crass state. Tun jockeys will lose their live pounds apprentice allowance hire within the next few day-. Simpson Movie and Steve Wida. The former rode his first winner. Iwin. at the Fair Qreuanti February 8. while Wida graduated from the maiden ranks at llavan: Little Kuss. February 13, 101!». The Kentucky rule, which entitles u jockey to the apprentice allowance lor a period of one year from ;|m date he rode his first winner i- in vogue here, and this prolonged the apprenticeships of these two hoys, as under The Jockey Club rule, which went into effect last year, they would hae termini ted when they had ridden forty winners. NAMES FOR BRADLEY TWO-YEAR-OLDS. HI o Garry. Be Bore aad British Liner are the names chosen for the trio f M. B. Bradleys two-yar ilds here in charge of trainer William Hurley. The first mimed is a chestnut filly by Black Toney Sweet Alice, and therefore a half-sister to I.rad leys Choice: Be Bare is a bream colt, by Helmet Iresiilena. while Brltiafa Miner is a ha call by • nil. ird Masks and faces. l. 11. Keene has three two-year-olds here which he is training for M. II. Fletcher. They are fellow Ithunmm, a chestnut filly by Luke Mel.uke Mi-ii la; Miss Muffins. :i bay filly by Luke Mi-Luke rarmen. and Money Dealt, a bay filly by Honey wood Ilont. Keen.- also has live horses 1 1 r- ..! the W.ihleck Stable, earned by his brother, J. O. Fi in- and C. Brace Head, and be w. n hi- In-1 race of the im-ciing with Inquiry, which hchmga to this . tabli-huu nt . One of the nio-; improved borne* of the winter here is itone liiy. three-year-eld son of Beach tomlrr Melton Mowbray, which is owned by Mr-. F. S. Ieabody. wife of a will known Chicago coal magaatc. lie is perhaps the largest hors.- in training at the present time, and in fuel he is no big as to be awkward. As a two year old his awh-wardnees seriously interfered with hi- ronaing, so much so that it was within a few days of the end of the year before he wen a race. F.ven now lie run- like a green horse, with an trace at all. but he ha- a woudcrfal burst of late speed, and in traversiag a Ion:: route of ground hi- awkwardness doe- no; handicap him to any extent. 1 1 is repeated failure* earlj in hi- two-year old career caused Mr-. Prabody to decide to make a jumper of him for horse show- bat she changed her mind when be displayed hi- real ability, and now he will not hn. called upon to have the race track in Carer of the show line. JACK REEVES POPULAR HORSE. There never was a more popular race horse in i a oilcan- than Jack Reeves, i. w la hi- Beveath ,n:ir. and winner of races for three different own era ihis winter in date lack Beeves i- a pre-i.oiuieed inner rail runner, and while ether horses fighting shy ef the in-ide. hecanse of the deep and sticky going, be plows through it to victory. L i- iii- gante running through the part of the • .iii-e -hiimied by rhe other-, and hi- sqoeeming through almost impossible looking boles next to the Inside rail, when all horses are using the outside, that has raused his popularity, and be lavariablj l- given a big ovation when be i- return, d a winner. Jockeys who have ridden him say Hi. u it la out ef the question to try to get him away from the rail and U i- useless la trj and nrge him until be geta ready to make hi- run. He dm- hi- own thinking, pick" hi- own path, and makes hi- move when lie believes it to be the right time. No rider yel has been ail- t-. convince him that the rail route I the shortest w.:.v around the track, an! all that he ft ants i- a jook v I" jus: -it -till en him and be will do the rest. He ha- wen for s. A. Ctopten, Brater and Brnmfield and Anderson Brothers this winter. the latter are hst pie-eul OUlaCIB. Trainer il. Parrcil is rapidly disposing of the big band .d iwo -year -olds which be brought here foi li.lward Cebriaa. and present indications are that he will hive lev. if my. lef: by the linn- tin Jefferson Park meeting ends. The yoemgsters tii in the establM m. all of which were bred bj their owner in alifoinia. have shown to fai better advantage than these of any westers stable here, and for that reason they found quick ■ales. Mr. Cetarfau is at present on a visit In IstXnajjTtdBi Kj-. where he reteutl.v sent his goou stallion Von Trwmp and a number of mares. litis expected here nexi week. Charles w. Clark, Montana naartamnn, who i- Iiere on a vacation trip, has ambitious racing plans for the coming spring ami summer. His le is,-. which are iii charge of Trainer George V. Barnes, will he sent lo Louisville from here, and there Cobweb and Eacovar, which have been turned out all winter, will be added to the string. Bath of these hoi-,- were tiled la-t autumn. Iietor. winner of, tin .N.-..UIMI added Crescent City Handicap, and Sva. which Mr. Clark netjatrad at a high figure in Kentucky last .mil. will be nominated for the sln.iMNl Kentucky Handicap at Churchill Down-, as wi II as several other stakes of impel tame. The Clark two-year-anil also will he extensively en. tered in Ihe Kentucky slakes. While this establishment i- without a Kentucky Derby candidate, it- owner is not averse to purchasing one. he said, but it would have to 1m- one of the highest class. I.a-i rear he tried lo buy BluaM, tpset and several other good twa-year-otds, but their owners weald ii"t part with them. O. w. Forman will make an early departure fiein here, as in- plans t,i send his horBi.ii to Pirn. iiee immediately after tin- Fair Grounds meeting closes. lie has met with considerable success here. Bolster being the rbief contributing factor to it. The muddy track which ruled for each a long ;i:n was in Bolsters favor and he added quite a bit i-i purse a ey to hi- owners ire, lit a- a result. Pal Dunne he- one ef ihe busiest stables here. as i here is not a day but what he sends a few representatives to tin- post, either his own or. those ."f M. ttiinii of Kansas City, the Whom he train-. 1 In- Duuiie-Qulnn combination has been Quite siic-• • -fil al ihe Fair Grounds, a- between the two owners thej have taken down in the neighbourhood ■ •I ,000 in parse money. During the winter Dunne has acquired a few hor-es through the claiming proce — . and In- ha- also his] :l f.w in be same manner. It is said that he plans to mate Inder Fin-, his good four-year old. which finished third in the Kentucky Derby but year, to a few i I mare- before putting him back late active train- j j tag. Inder Fin- i- now at M. B. Bradleys Idle III mi I arm. j I Tijuana will get plenty of hor-es from here when Jefferson Park meeting end-, and a few •t.ihhs .ire figuring on shipping to the Lower Call forma track al the wiudiip of the Fair i rounds ■canon. These an- ehleflj horsemen who hail from the west, and who race at Hello, t beycnae and ether points in that section in the summer. The local hor-e colony ha- been reduced bj about one hundred, which wen- sent lo Tijuana, and there are plenty more available that would not he missed localise of tjie excess here.