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VICTORY FOR MLLE. DAZIE I I i Fair Play Filly Wins for W. V. Thraves in Marianao Handicap. 1 ■ $ .I Cromwells Colors Lowered by Freemantle After Great Race — Favorites Routed. I ♦ I I HAVANA. Cuba. February S.— Before n crowd that equaled, if not surpass* d any previous gather-lag at beautiful Oriental Park, the F. ir Play fillv Mlle. Daub* carried the ..-.dors of Y. V. Thraves to victory in the Marianao Handicap, the stake feature of a particularly inviting Sunday program Pleasing, suatsnery weather made ii an ideal day for outdoor sport, while the track was again at its best, with the result that fast lime was recorded in most of the races. The stake event was run as the fifth race and brought together nine speedy racers, with V. Du gaus Might Angle inline, as first choice, while Currency and old Tup a* rh Mornii.g did m.t lack -upporter-. Might Angle. dcBpilrw.hfa heavy ImpUSl 1 f 12.- pound-, was sent out to make the pace, and He- terrific early pace he net probably proved his undoing, fir after leading to the last eighth tired ami quickly dropped to the rear. In tin- meantime Mile. Dagle was having no easy time of it. for she was crowded back soon after the stall, but her rider perm rered wilh her and the game little filly responded with bulldog courage, overtaking use 1 111 tUv stretch and finishing like a whirlwind got up in tin- filial stride-. While the afternoons snarl proved interesting .■nil furnished many thrill- to the immense rreurd, the backers of favorites found little occasioa for r. oieing. net a first thoiti -lining. The Argentine Handicap at a mile aid a sixteentli was offered a- a supplementary attraction to the -take feature and provided a great stretch struggle between Freemantle and Cromwell, in which tin-latter was forced to lower his rotors after a splendid performance. The first race of the day, a dash of five and a half furlongs, wa- productive of an upset who Dii mod romped away from his eapoueats ill the stretch run Little One, which finished second, il- . was quoted at a liberal price. Plain Heather -el the early puce, lull ipiit. Form backers again were routed in the second race. Here old Cordon Beseei] was the victor. Devilry James. ;,|M, ;,t a long price, defeated Harleek by a length for second position. Lady Ivan in the third contributed more gloom for the form speculators. Betting a fast n 1 ■■ • she just managed lo hold on long enough |.i beat Did Myitis. Slippery Silver nceeuuted for the fourth race in tie final strides. The form speculators were again at sea here, for the best Ml Coronel. their choke. could do. was to save third moiiev .