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w NO MORE RIDING FOR BILL KNAPP m:u 01:1. La., r binary 11 Atttf nineteen years in the saddle Jockey Fill Knapp, who 1-enjoying a vacation here, i- about to forego I -cltosen profession and join th rank- of trainers, lb ha- had a good position tendered him and he Baj -that he may accept ii. "Beduring my weight to a .I.-. ,-. it figure i- not what it ii-e.i t, be." said Knapp, "as I am getting w.-n up in years, adM 1 f.-el the effects of it more I wvuM hat.- t anil riding, as I fairly love to ride in races, but i have -en tea many riders break their health daws in an effort to stick to the saddle, and I dont in lend to be one of them." Knapp has ridden for in. my ..f the heading stables .. Aaterica ami has won limn. -ion- -take- duriag hi- long and lo n. ,| .1 Id-1 an ,1. He has 01. e ketililoky . Dei b, 1.. hi- credit that being with Exterminator in litis, when he was j 1