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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CfflCAGO. III.. February 14. -Weather forecast: Iluioi-- Kan- tonight: colder exempt iii extreme soiito portion; Sunday fair with tlewljr rising tea peiMtiue. Uenernl forecast: The Indication* are foi ally fair weatbrr tonight and Knndaj from the Ubcky Mountain* eastward to the middle BHeaia- siipi Valley and Lake Michigan. The temperature will be lower in Illinois gad Wisconsin tonight and will continue abnormally low in the Missouri .-mil upper Missi-sippi Valleys, but there will he a reaction to somewhat higher temperature in the north - western state* tonight and a- far east as Illinois and YVi-consin by Sunday afternoon. Warmer weather is probable throughout the middle states Monday. WASHINGTON. 1. .. February 14. — There will 1 be no more resignations from the cabinet a- a result of the Lanaing incident, it was -aid at the White House today. "I am not going to discuss the sins-Wils..n controversy the letters apeak for themselves," secretary Tumulty -aid. There was no information available at the White Bouse a- to a probable successor t Mr. Lansing a* Secretary of State, but tin appointment i- expected to be made s 1. loan W. Pavi-. amhanandor al London, and liulersecretary Polk are being discussed. Cabinet meeting* will be resanaed "very soon," and a- announced a few days ago, President Wilson will preside. While House officials reiterated today thai be was making rapid strides toward regaining his health. WASHINGTON. I. .. February 14.— The railway employe-- represcnla ives have agreed to accept the re 1 inniemiation of President Wilson to hold their wage demands in abeyance temporarily, it was announced today. The president informed tinmen of hi- intention to appoint a commission of wage expert- t,, e,, iliuroiihly into their claim-On tin- i.a-is the union leaders agreed lo delaj further demands for increased wages and railed a convention .,f their general committeemen to be held iii Washington lclriiary :::;. DETROIT, Mich.. February 14. Allen E. Rarker, I r.-ideiii ..f the rirstberiMMMJ ..r Maintenance of Way employe- anil -hop laborer-, -ai.l todaj thai a- far .1- be knew nothing ha- been clone uj Presi ih ni Wilson to warrnnl the postponement of their strike "for even an hour." and that instructions were out in a blanket telegram last aighl to II* district chairaaea assuring them that the strike call for February 17 still holds. BUDAPEST. Hungary, Pebrnary 14. Circumstantial d.-taii- bare been revealed of a plot fag which it i- alleged farmer Emperor Karl made a futile attempt to ent.-r Hungary unibr a false passport and re-establish himself an the throne. IlKI.SINiiFinis. Finland. K.-bruaiy 11. During the Inst few day* more than fifty person* have been arrested In Finland charted with circulating bolshevik propacanila. In some place- the agitator* at-.- -aid to have distributed arms and bomb-. ITHACA. N. Y.. February It Dr. .lacob Could s. hurmaa, president of CnmeU folversity for nearly twentj eight years, tendered his resignation to the universitys general administration committee at a meeting ef thai body today. LONDON, England, February 14. The allies have granted Hungary eight days of grace la which t 1 accept the allied peaca term-. Premier MiUerand of France announced today in an interview printed by the Pan m.i a Gasatte. WASHINGTON, D. • ., February 14 .legislation for the r -niathm of the packing indnatry was ordered to be favorably reported to the senate loday by a unaniii ~ ,ltl. ,,f n,,. senate agricultural commit tee.