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PLANS OF AMERICAN REMOUNT BOARD] Suggests to War Department Holding of Horse Shows and Race Meetings at Army Posts. NFW YORK. N. V.. February 18.--Directors of the American Demount Association, at their recent meeting in Washington, adopled a resolution introduced by Major Pierre I-nrillard, Jr.. of Tuxedo Park, urging the war department to issue orders for the holding of horse shows and race meetings at all army posts on the same plan as that carried out by the American Kxpeditlonary Forces abroad: also urging the war department to do everything in its power to enable army officers to compete at the various horse shows held throughout the country, and inviting the horse show associations to give the proper classes and prizes for such officers and their horses. Die dir ctors also went on record in favor of the hill to appropriate ." 0.000 for the furtherance of breeding horses for the army under the supervision of the remount service, and .against the bill to prohibit the transmission of bets and belting odds on horse races, recently introduced in the house of representatives by The Mi W. Sims of Tennessee. This latter measure is opposed by the remount association because "it is so worded that it aims at the very destruction of racing, which has been the medium for centuries for determining the stamina of borsea, and it is from the descendants of animals tested on the lrack that our best horses have sprung, and that in the event of the passage of this measure there would be a falling off in the production ..f thoroughbreds, which would in turn deprive the 1nitcd States army of siiiiabl-stallions for sevtiee in the production of suitable mounts for the mounted service." RACES FOR ARMY OFFICERS. Aside from adopting these resolutions steps were taken by the directors to co-operate with the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association in the promulgation of races for army officers. The directors also decided to publish a monthly paper or magazine which will set forth aims and views of the as-ociation. The rc|K rt of the secretary showed a membership roll of nearly five hundred, which it is hoped to increase to five thousand or more before the cud of the year, the annual meeting of the association will he held at Washington in May. during the Nalional Capital Horse Show, and there will be a special meeting there on March D». when th-members will act on a resolution by whicl* it i proposed to increase the number of directors from fificn t" twenty one. so that all breeds of horses and all branches of equestrian ■part may be represented. Cen. John J. Pershing. Gen. leyton C. March. Gen. Leonard Wood. Gen. Oeorge W. Kurr and Mrs. Herbert Wadsworth of Gt neseo. X. Y.. were elected honorary OK Bikers of the association, the president of which is It. II. Williams. Jr.. of New fork, a well known polo player and amateur rider. The vice-|. residents are Col. F. S. Armstrong. A. P.. Hancock and F. Ambrose Clark, the last two of whem are prominently identified with racing. Major John T. Sallee of Washington is the secretary, and the present directors are Mr. Williams. Mr." Hancock. Col. Armstrong. Mr. Clark, Gen. William Mitchell. Col. Brace Palmer. Col. C. P. George. William l.ittaucr of New York. Victor C. Mather of Philadelphia, Lieut. -Col. Hayden W. Wagner. l.ieut.-Col. Charles 1.. Scott, Major Loril-la rd. C. P. Baa he of California. K. K. White of Virgiaia, president of the Pcrcheron Society, and s. 11. Velio of Missouri. s