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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF M:i Hindi reports ihat D nnai una and On Wateli bare w inured evtreinely .m.i will be r.:;.|y to do their be-t in Maryland. lorkej W. Kelsay ha- left New Orleans and gone to New Vork to report to the -table of W. .1. Salmon. 1.. whom he is under contract for the yar 11I20. A -tioiigly-worded petition is being wid-ly signed in I.elgiiun against the pro|x- d t.i ol 25 per cent on all race oniric-, the pari-mutuel. Beta in the open inarkei. and on all other receipts in connection with racing. The Lnclisli steeplechaser Sin loch, winner of the Liverpool Nati nal Steepleeha-e in 1914. broke a leg al hi- i.wiier- training ipiartei- at Loughbor oiikIi leientlv all. I had to be destroyed. lie w .1 -again a . .nidi. late for this big ra e thi- year. .-,ujii-. :, three yea i--old gelding, by Textile — A-li.-s ii,.,! iicmi- raced a- a I wo -yea 1 old. h.ning gone wrong while training, is said to be a prom isjng pro-p.-ct for thi- year- racing, having i!e-e|opei| into a fine looking hor-e. lie i- now owned by 1 . A. Sloiiehani. In France a new rule has been formulated as CoUuWB: "lleueelorward, when a is declared 1 1 by the judge to have ini| eiled or fouled others, it shall only be partially disipialif ied, being placed behind the horse of horses which it has impeded, hut remaining in front of those hor-es whi.h hae in no way suffered from the incident." Several familiar fa.-.— are nii—ed from the New Orleans ring. Pete Blong ha- gone to California and Joe aba to New York The -uc.e-- of tin- unbroken string of favorites and second choieo- recently has caused -ev.ral I" sii-peiid o|Miations. It i- doubtful if many of the odds layer- ai New Orleans have laid up much money in the past month. Ill -talde of thoroughly d- at New Orlean- whi.h W. II. Kowe pur.hasid from B. I:. ti|aa ha: been hoW back to lhal owner Irainer and will be raced under the uauie of the Iclicau Stable in lie-tiftun. lour hor-es of Hi- staid.- -Aaaerieaa Eagle. Sheiinan A.. Copyright and Bainbow Division -111 charge or T. O. Muiuford. have been sent to lijuana. , Mike Daly, who has charge of Walter M. Jef-ford- hor-es. is confident Oohleii Briuun will Man o War this year. Last sca-011 Coldeii Broom worked exceptionally fa-t. and until he went wrong al Saratoga Daly and other trainers thought that he wis Ike best |ueiiile in tile country. lie snf- t fered from bad heof-. but recent reports fr.uu Bel- . lin. Mil., where hi is wintering, say he is sound as 11 bell.