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WAYS OF P1TTSBURG PHIL Story of Famous Coups on King Cadmus and Parvenu Mischance that Prevented Great ¬ est Winning1 of His Career Careerwhen when Parvenu Won BY T J GALLAGHER GALLAGHERKing King Cndiaus a bay colt foaled in ISSn by byKingfisher Kingfisher dam Caritsi won two races sis si sitwoyesirold twoyesirold the other as a threeyearold Ac ¬ cording to William Smith who trained him for liis brother Ceorge E Smith known as Pittsburg I nil sind sit that time racing under the colors f the Pleasant Vallev Stable on those two victo ¬ ries Phil won in wagers close to 200000 Speak ¬ ing about King Csidmus William Smith ssiid He was si fast colt with wesik legs and wsis hard to 1 a in As st twoyearold he started seven times lii next year he started twice When he won as i twoyearold Ceorge won si hundred sind fifteen IT a hundred sind sixteen thousand dollars On the Urety jtridd race George won seventyeight or slity thousand dollars Both races were won in finishes one by a head the other by a nose Tarsi rode the colt in the twoyearold race iirriwm hail the mount in Hie thr yearold vint George didnt cool out quickly sifter Csirri tiis ride lie insisted that King Cadmus should 1 avc won easily and that Garrison to make a grand land fiuiidl waited Km long When the horses passed the pVist five or six horses were nearly in i line mid nobody except the judges knew which i jitl won until the numbers went up From that time while he lived George was prejudiced against Garrison GarrisonThe The twoyearold success of King Cadmus wsis wsisThieved Thieved Ht SI pshead Bay September IMil ill illa a pill of five and half furlongs over the Futiltrity t nrso In the opening betting he wsis quoted at JO sind III to 1 His closing price wsis S to 1 lie won after a drive with Lucky Baldwins allndo the pair being just clear of Silver Fox ld Corrigans Lew Weir it i o 5 favorite finished in the nick Hie official record of the rsiif presents a field of twelve slarlors together Vviih an inlerestiiig exhibit of weights jockeys mil odds oddsHorse Horse Wt Jockeys Odds OddsKing King Cadmus Ill Taral talindo IIS Isaac Lewis 5 Silver Fox Ill Iike Usirnes 12 12I I ndes Mimi C US Isaac Murphy 7 7Madrid Madrid HIS W Sinims 12 12Mr Mr Pickwick Holm del colt HI M Iergen S SLew Lew Weir US A Covington 135 135lavish lavish 118 G Miller 25 25Azra Azra HI II Ioyer 25 25tns tns Ill W Martin 0 0Spcndolino Spcndolino 11SJ J Anderson 50 50Bran Bran Briimme Ill S Hogget t 100 100HOW HOW SNAPPER GARRISON OFFENDED OFFENDEDKing King Cadmus second and final winning was scored lit Morris 1ark June 2 I in a sweep likes of threeipnirters of a mile for thrce cirolds His proper weight VMS 115 pounds but in order to enable Carrison to ride he carried tire pounds overweight In a field of fourteen Frank Kinnev ruled favorite at 1 and 5 to 1 U was a heavv betting race King Cadmus was backed from 15 to 1 to to 1 and along with Dimsister similarly quoted wsis sit post time in nearlv ttinl demand with the favorite The finish was i thriller King Cadmus lulieii Shell biik Doncaster and gorling flashed by the d i so nearly even that only the judges ate them While Ihil was gry grylncalfM lncalfM Garrison had drawn the finish too fine backers of Inlien Shellbark Doncaster and Zor ling niirithematizMl the respective riders of those horses The appended table shows the record of Horse HorseKlnjj Wt Jnckev Klnjj Cadmus US K II Carrison Julien 110 A Hamilton Shellbark 110 S Doggett Doncaster 110 A Covington Xorling 117 W Slmms Lavish 110 W Bergen The Ironmaster r 122 F Littlefield Frank Kinney 115 J Ijimley hsiradc 122 J Hancock Vermin 110 i iCoxswain 1111 F Taral Coxswain 122 W Hayward Spendthrift Alcina Alcinacolt colt olt 110 Xarvntz 100 100Iovertv Ioverty 114 E lones 100 100Carmine Carmine 105 W Midgley 100 100The The horse that won more money than nny other for Iitlsburg PJiil was he 1ay colt Iarvenu n threeyearold in IS1 hy fiicsis Xecromancy Itred by 1 I Withers in his twoyesirold form as the Ilicas Xecromancy colt he carried that famous turfmans colors in many races without Winning Judged by public performance he was rated no account Plill however entertained a different opinion His keen perception impressed him Unit the colt had latent ability sind could be developed into a useful race horse Mr Withers induced to price the colt which was insferred to the Pleasant Valley Stable StablePhils Phils estimate of the colts value was verified His superlative judgment of individual thorough ¬ bred resource was reflected when the colt running under the name of Parvenu won a race lost one and then won nine in succession And Ssim Doggett proudly says I rode him us si threeyearold in every race except the one he didnt win winWhat What Phil would have won at Sheepsliead Hay August 20 182 had not an error of weight been discovered nil bets declared off and twenty minutes given for a new book can only be conjectured He said he would have won more than he had ever won on any previous event ami thnt the new iKiok made n difference of considerably more than 50000 to liim In the new l ook lie vns unable to get the odds lie had previously obtained and had not been able lo place sis much money as he had in the original betting bettingThe The race was a sweepstsikes down the old Futurity course sibout threequarters of a mile There were nine starters including Sunshine Whiskey which with Charley Thorpe sis pilot hsid been sent on from Chicsigo sind wsis by western turfmen considered si good thing Dsigonet running in the colors of Ire Vcndig wsis csirded to csirry the top weight 112 pounds While si great sind surging crowd was awaiting the csill to the post it wsis sinnonnced that Dsigonets weight should be 122 pounds and sill bets Were off offThroughout Throughout the betting transactions Crochet was si steady favorite having si slight call over St Felix sind White Itose In the first book sis good sis 10 tol wsis laid agsiinst Sunshine Whiskey which was heavily supported and wsis at 5 to 1 when the weight error was announced Knlightened by the early operations the Isiyers cut odds against Sun ¬ shine Whiskey and when the second hook closed he was a IU to 1 chance with Crochet St Felix and While Kose 4 to 1 each Parvenus official closing price wsis 10 to 1 but that wsis not obtain ¬ able when the flsig fell In the original transactions some of Phils commissioners got 0 to 1 The highest sigsiinst him in Phils finsil wagers was 15 f 1 1Ssim Ssim Doggett believes that no other rider ever got shorter instructions than he did when sibout to get into Parvenus saddle Spesiking of that inci ¬ dent sind the race he ssiid I naturally expected Phil to tell me how he wished to have the colt coltridden ridden All he ssiid was Youll win Well I w but for quite si distance I wasnt sure I would That western trick Sunshine Whiskey wsis i fsist horse He went tint in front sind I thought for a lime In never would come back to me But the pace sit which he traveled wsis too much sind he tired After I got to md passed him I trouble sind won easily The record of the race was Horses Wt Jockey Parvenu lor R Doggett St Felix 101 A lUsike 4 4Lord Lord Motley 101 W Simms 25 25W W Laniley 25 25Wl Wl ite Kose lOO J Xarvaez Cricliet 100 W Walker Sin shine Whiskey 1IH Thorpe Kiig Msic KH A Covington Laighiiig Water 19 J Laniley 25 25So So far as there is authentic information the only betting resort in the country that did not declare olT bets on that race was the foreign book at Jar lield Park tnder all sporting rules and precedents bets on the race should have been governed by the action tif the Coney Island Jockey Club Itarney Xsicharius however ignored official action and prec ¬ edent In charge of the Oarfield Park book lie declared that all bets should stand