Third Race [3rd Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-12

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 31 1919 112 3 117 ARCHIE ALEXANDER ch g 4 By Harrigan Anytime by Yankee Trainer J Randolph Owner E C Church 4G2S9 Jef son 34 l17hvy V 4G23 1 Jefson 31114 fast 2 110 2 2 1 in 2 S AVida I Kedlaml General Charming 4R152 Jef son 51 f l07fast 12 110 7 G 5 4 41 S AVida 11 Iort Light Arrh Plotter Onico 46111 Jef son 34 l13fast 41 101 5 Go 41 47 G Stack 0 Poultney Shandon Ina Kay 4aG7 Jefson 51 f l09Hl vy S 99 4 32 2 GJ F Cltilettill Uonstclla Poultney A N Akin TIGER ROSE br f 4 107 By Bannockburn Sebastiana by Foul Shot Trainer J Robertson 0vner jr Robertson RobertsonIrtt 402SS Jefson 34 llfifeliyy 0 Irtt 1 I 1 2 = r Hopkins l Htermaiiii Cortlaiid MGghnm 4il Jef son 34 1 11iKind 1iKind 12 112 5 1 1 2 2nt 1 Moonoy 11 M Garner A Plotter Fran Star StarIflS 34 11S hvy y IflS 4 5 Ti S fi I liopUlnSll Aerity Griiinli Ina MafllGarner 1 IMOKfust 30 101 3 11 12 11 ll5 lls 1 HopUinsM Mumbo lumbu Sauer Plenty 51 f 1OS fast 5 10 112 12 12 12J ll11 M Uuxton 14 Med Miss FrancStar Pluviada 4502G Jef son 34 114 fast 20 104 9 779 9IS C Duggan ISillle I Subahdar Speedster Speedster107J 31 lnfthvy C 107J 5 4 4 41 O5 J Collins 7 BujisUIle Coiivcrse Subrctusll By Ort Wells Anna Loretta by Ben Brush Trainer V B Mitchell Owner T H Wilson 4 OS Jef son 34117 hvy 13311 7 73 1 31 S AVIdtt 11 Grumpy Le Italafre Uond Uond4G23I 4G23I Jef son 34114 fast 16011 f I i 3 I Lyke 5 ISedhmd AAlexander CliarmiiiK CliarmiiiK4GI11 4GI11 Jefson 34 l13fast S Hi9 3 14 510 J Ilodgez Poultney Shandou Inn Kay 46070 Jef son 51 f l074fcfast 135111 1 43 3 Snk J Rod jrezlU LaiiKden Harrys Pet Aal AVest AVest43S43 43S43 FGnds 34 lJCVfchvy G IT S 3 1 1i 1 L Lyke 12 AVallStreet Korfhase Huron II II45G22 45G22 FGnds 34 l19mud 15 111 G 45 4J 3H J HodgezlO Itonstelle Hadrian Redland RedlandGORHAM GORHAM blk c 4 M 114 By Patriot Floreo by Contcstor ContcstorTrainer Trainer R J Gilmore Ovrncr L Gilmore Gilmore4C193 4C193 Jef son 51 f lOSgood 100 113 1 2 2 3 = SJ F Murphy 13 Due de Guise Speedy Foot Neg 46144 Jef son 51 f lOS lOScSood cSood CO 11514 11 14 122 12 F Murphy 14 AVar Club Satana Repeater Repeater4GOS5 4GOS5 Jefson 5S l00fast CO 112 14 14 14 14 Ua M Garner 14 Toe the Mark Stepson Tattle TattlePILSEN PILSEN ch p G 119 119Trainer By Duval Helen Miller by Jean Bereaud Trainer J G Wagnon Owner G B Wagnon 45S45 FGnds Im70y IMUVhhvy Ill 5 4 443G2C 53 4 ° G Stack 7 Frank Monroe Hadrian Keep 43G2C FGnds 1 1IG l55mud 85 111 2 G 1 1 J Zoeller 1 CabUlo SemperStalwart Prunes 45579 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy G5 114 5 4 I Il G AValls Prunes Blue Thistle Doily 45554 FGnds 34 llGhvy 1 115 2 2453M IJ 1 G AValls 12 IIuronlL GAVhlngton Keziah 453M FGnds 34 IrlSfehvy 135 113 5 2i 2 G Aralls J Hadrian Kuklux Al Pierce ARCH PLOTTER br g 7 114 By Ildrim Ada Belle II by Iroquois Trainer J S Ownbey Owner Knebclkamp Howcrton 46132 Jefson 51 f l 7fast S Iftiil 7 5 3 34G132 211 AV Heinchll Port Lijjht Onieo A Alexander 4G132 Jofson 31 l15Rt od 24 117 2 64 644H6S3 3 3i AA Heinchll M Garner TigerRose KranStar 4H6S3 FGnds 34 l14good G 107 C SO C1 Gi AAr Moore 1U PLiRht TBelgnII MIiTmun 45413 FGnds 34115 slow 1310 105 32 11 1s F Cltilettill Mab Little Maudie Pluviada 45239 Jefson 5i f l06fast 7 103 5 42 42RAINBOAV is ii V Hcinchi Sherman A Onico Irish Maid RAINBOAV GIRL ch f 4 107 107Trainer By Ballot Lycbeo Nut by Sir Modred Trainer A Zimmor Owner J M Zimmer 46234 Jef son 34 114 fast 12 ItMU 1 71 3 AV Helnchl Itedland A Alexander General 4613 Jofson 1 111 good 20 97 1 31 48i A Uichcrk 5 Duke John Doeod Mosr 46111 Jofson 34 l13fast 20 110 2 6J 611 H Myers l Poultney Shandon Ina Kay 4GOSTi Jefson 58 l00fast 112 7 7 777 J rutwell 14 Toe the Mark Stepson Tattle 49GS Jefson 31 l17hvy 10 109 G G1 5 J Dreyer S TheLamb TtheMark SGraftou LITTLE D b h 5 M 111 111Trainer By Dick Finnell Ethel D by Box Trainer E C Crockett Owner L Rescgct JC193 Jefson 51 f lOSgood 0 7 7J S C Jackson 13 D de Guise SpeedyFoot Gorham 41978 Jefson 31 llSVfctnud 20 11111 12 12 12 12 F Murphy 12 Speedster ItobPakcr Uevolutiou 41422 FGnds Im70y 154 livy 25 109 4 5 I G G11 11 Simpson Progressive CSpring Dalwood 41117 FGnds Im20y 153 hvy 20 107 G 7 9 9 9 E Pool 10 Itliaiinock Cnicow GAVington 41037 FGnds 1 l46Vfemud 30 112 6 7 11 9 8 81 7 713 M Gar Garner 11 AVMask Astraca Cterbalance 40979 FGnds EJ f 107 fast 25 111 S 88 S1 Si R Sim SimTHE SimpsonlU Sabrctash Ina Kay Liberator THE GALLANT br g 4 114 By Bourbon BourbonTrainer Beau Dividend by Ingoldsby Trainer J C Calm Owner J C Cahn Cahn462GS 462GS Jef son 34 llGslov 5 114 G 9 S 7 Sl O AVilli AVilli1K135 AVillis 12 ItiickShot KarlySlght Marasmus Marasmus5U 1K135 Jef son Im70y 1 4 ME od 4 109 G 5 4 4 5U 51S G Stac Stac4GOS3 Stack 7 Unlligh Kimpalong M Gingham Ginghamfi 4GOS3 Jef son 34 l14fast 10 107 S 7 6 fi 31 G Stac Stack 13 Onico Itollringer Marasmus Marasmus3U 40015 Jefson 5J f l07fast 4J 1C8 G 5 5 3U 21 G Stac Stack 10 LitMaiidie SilShapiro Ilumma 45790 FGnds 34 114 fast 15 107 12 11 S 7 Ci G Stac Stac454S5 Stack 12 AAlexander LMaudie LString 454S5 FGnds 1 18 155 good 15 99 421 1 2 2J r frj = i G Stac Stack 11 Pr Favorite CapCity JCStoue 43414 FGnds 1 116 l50slow 3J lOti 1 1 1 1 1 = 4 = 1 G Rob RobPORTE Robsonl1 JackK A 1 Pierce lirownFavorite PORTE DRAPEAU b h 5 120 By Sunstar SunstarTrainer Bright Cherry by Ayrshire Trainer W Hurley Owner E R Bradley Bradley4G14fi 4G14fi Jf son 5S 101 good 15 12411 11 11 11 11 L Lyke Lyke4S5GG 11 Marvin May Trusty Marmito 4S5GG Saratoga 1 l39fast 65 101 2 1 1 1 1s 1 S Uoyl Uoyle 7 PGKing Wilfreda Conrcelles 43007 Latonia 34 l12fast 12 112 2 45 10 = 10RJ J Genl Genl4L1SG Gentry 111 A N Akin Puliux Star Baby 4L1SG Latonia 34 lI2fast 2910 111 3 1 1 3 31 31 L Genl Genl42S05 Gentry 4 TothMning Herald Dragoon Dragoon6i 42S05 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 6 111 3 1 1 1 61 916 I L Genl Gentry 12 Legal Harvest King Mint Cat 42417 Churchl Im70yl44fast 910 116 322 2 2 2J S Uoyl UoylMADRAS Uoyle 12 Joricc Gibby Hopeful MADRAS GINGHAM b f 4 105 By Delhi G GTrainer Gingham by Domino Trainer D Vititoe Owner M Rieser Rieser4C2SS 4C2SS Jef son 34116ihvy 13 103 5 5 4 4 4 AV Ileii Ileii4G173 Ileinch Ilimtermaiin TigKose Cortland 4G173 Jefson 1 116 l54i5hvv 4 102 2 3 3 5 5 51 6 G1 J Zoell Zoeller Keveler IandCalls Itapocklll 46135 Jefson Im70y l46gool i Ml 432 3 3s 3 1 J Zoell Zoell4G01G Zoeller 7 On High Kimpalong Prunes 4G01G Jef son 31 l13 fcfast S 103 C 7 7 71 7 710 II Thu ThurbcrlO TingaLing Goldvaic Poultney 45461 FGnds 34 l16Vthvy 50 103 9 8 SSI G Stack 10 St Isidore Puliux A N Akin YOAVELL b h 5 119 119Trainer By Yorkshire Lad Winnie Wells by Ort Wells Trainer A V Thomas Owner A V Thomas 02S8 Jefson 34 illifchvy 10 113 9 975 5 = = D13 K Pauley llunternmnn Tigltose Cortland 43484 FGnds 1 116 4S good 8 103 C 7 C 5 31 1 S Uoyle 7 AVs Last Nopperhan Speedster 4530 FGnds 1 1IG 57 hvy S 109 S S 8 S 8 S35 S Uoyle S Ilel Roberts Deekmate Astraea 45303 FGnds 1 116 47fast G 111 S G 4 3 2 2l 2s II Tliurber S Siesta Iwiniwin Lazy Lou 45244 Jefson Im70y ll fast G 111 S S 7 G a1 ai 45 S Royle S Siesta MtmtaiiiKoscII Astraca 45131 Jefson Im70y 4G fast 8 109 7 S S 3 I 1 S Uoyle S Medusa TFMMahon TGllant COCK 0 THE MAIN b g 4 114 114Trainer By Cock o the Walk Private Flajj by Hamburg Trainer F Mallory Owner B Williams 4C28S Jefson 3t llGihvy 4J nr C S fi CJ 7i3 II Tliurber 0 Iliiiitcrniaiin TigUose Cortland 46152 Jef son 51 f l07fast 15 11311 11 11 11 ll51 L Lyke 11 Port Light Arch Plotter Onico Onico45GS3 45GS3 FGnds 34 l14good S 105 9 11 11 10110 J Zoeller lli PLight TPelgnll MliTman 45556 FGnds 34 l151fehvy 20 105 8 8 8 G3 G9J L Morris 8 Pobby Allen Oprtunitj MyDear 45493 FGnds 34 l13fast 8 112 5 4 4 4 4 J McTagt t PortLight TaLing GeoClark GeoClarkLADY LADY LEONA b m 6 105 By Peep oDay Hattie Walker by Boundless BoundlessTrainer Trainer F Tcnnant Owner J A Brause 43153 Jef son 34113fast 50 10211 14 14 14 13 C Duggan 14 SenJames MGarner MWright 44970 Jef son 1 l40fast 30 102101011 12 12 11 = J Zoeller I ThNMgliter Cavanlioy AVilligau 44930 Jefson Im70y l4Cfast 60 313121312 12 12 12 J Zoeller 1 Mather Sleeth Audrey 1C 42063 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 20 102 1 411 10 102 10s8 AV Ridenrll S Urchin L Cochran Hriekley Hriekley419S4 419S4 Oaklwn 1 141 fast 10 106 1 2 2 2 3J 3s II SchwtslL Kxaminer ISnindo Itricklcy Itricklcy41S5G 41S5G Oaklwn 34 lllVfcfast 30 102 8 8 8 6l CM F Stevens IL AVrity Kcziah Examiner LIALLOAVMOT br g G 111 111Trainer By Cedcrstromc Kitsilas by Kitimat Trainer J Bolard Owner P G Magni 45228 Jef son 1 1IG l471 faut 10 107 1111 11 2 J Judge 11 I Roberts Benefactor DDodgc 45217 Jef son Im70y 1 41fast 5 103 G 4 G S 8 StB AV Hfinch S Tli Xlghter Capital City Mab 451S3 Jef son Im70y l43fast G 101 G 1 1 1 1J 3i F CltilettilO Tit for Tat Philistine Parrish 45153 Jef son 34 l13fast 12 10713 998 S 7 H Uoyle 11 SenIames MGarner M Wright 41512 llichmd 34116tnst 115 1 E Smith Baccarat H Bound M Chaffin 43849 HdeGce ImTOyl 46fast 94 11G 12 11 12 11 9 W Taylor 1C Melancha Pallycol SLightlll SLightlllSAMMY SAMMY BOY br c 4 M 114 By Sweep Inference by Ingoldsby IngoldsbyTrainer Trainer A Thomas Owner T B Earnest iGM Jf son 51 f 107 fast NX 1 9 G C 7 S S II 1 Uurki S T a Ling Talisman Siigarmilit Siigarmilit4G152 4G152 Iff son 51fl07fast NiO 110 9 10 V 10 = 10 F Smith 11 Port Light Arch Plotter Onico 42415 Churchl 34 l14 hvy 113 107 9 99 9 951 J Groth St liernanl Sam Itch Mormon MormonPROPAGANDA PROPAGANDA ch c 4 M 114 By Sundridgc Gclinotte by Gallinule GallinuleTrainer Trainer E Lutz Owner E Lutz LutzHiKS HiKS Jefson 34 llG livv 25 10 1 8 It 9 9s5 II Ericksn liunterniaim Tig Kose Cortland Cortland4C192 4C192 Jef son 51 f lOSgood 15 113 l 23 41 5111 liricksnlT Satana Diinlla Cormoran Cormoran3S5S1 3S5S1 Uclmont 5sst 59fast G 10S C 5 6 37 C Fbther 7 IasSIiower Poult nej IJlueDuvil IJlueDuvilALEX ALEX GETZ br g 7 11G By Dick Welles Europa by Macco MaccoTrainer Trainer T E Crist Owner J T Buckley 43910 Jefson 31 l20fhvy o 112 5 7 10 I3 9 AV Wright 10 Huron II Fireplace Peggy C 45672 FGnds 1 1IG 1 32hvy 30 111 G fi 10 12 1 12s AV Kelsay II Vand Lady Kileen Itertodaiio Itertodaiio43G22 43G22 FGnds 34 l19mud 30 107 4 2 G I1 9 C UobsonlO Itoustelle Hadrian General General4SGUS 4SGUS FGnds 34 llRmud 25 111 4 7 7 J 9s5 T UodrigK YoungAdam Iwiniwin Huronll 45551 FGnds 34 llGhvy 12 107 3 3 G 9l 95 F Cltilettill Pilsen HuronlL GWingtou

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1920031201_5_3
Library of Congress Record: