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EASTERN TRAINERS TAKE UP HORSES HORSESThoroughbreds Thoroughbreds Begin Work at Belmont Park and Gravesend Purchase a Picture Horse NiAV YOUK March 30 Trainers are getting busy at both Belmont Park aiud Graiveseud Kvery body is out eairly aind every horse ait Belinout Parl looks reatdy for tratiuing Some of the trainers aire working their horses for threeeighths aind by next week the maijoity will bo working hatlf miles As usual S C Hildreths horses are not only big but muscular aintl strong No traiiiler stairts spring traiining with a better baind of wellkept horses thain does Hildreth He appears to have the knack of keeping flesh on his horses but the sidded poundage looks more like muscle thain fsit A Hildreth horse cam be picked out from most ainy of the others Tin only one in his striit thsit lias not thrived with winter keep is Aailor He looks about the same is when he retired all others aire pictures Purchase hats every carmairk of ai raice horse sind Corn Tsissel bais built up wonderfully Thunderclap is in fine condition aind so is that compact little Krewer Begal Lodge caivorts aiboiit like ai young ¬ ster and is going sound Kvery horse is reaidy for the trainiii test testAVilliam AVilliam Karrick is busy with his string belong ¬ ing to W U Coe and the Oneek Stable He has a big string stud while like every other trainer lie is ai bit late owing to the severe winter he will have plenty ready for the opening on the locail tracks aiid maiy have some fit for Pimllco if their owners decide to open the KCSISOII ait that point pointA A horse that is attracting a lot of attention aimoiig horsemen is the colt Neddaim which is ill the hands of AVilliam Booth along with a string of aibmit ten which will rsiee in the naint of the IJed stone Stable Neddam has probably developed to ai matrkcd degree and if looks aire sin indication will be quite ai colt this ycair ycairPraicticailly Praicticailly alii of the horses in the Booth stable sire the property of Arnold Bothstein who has decided to enter the field for turf honors At present there are four threeyeatrolds Neddaim Glaidiaitor Georgie aind AVhisk and eight twoyear olds one of which gives promise of being much better than the aiveraige tlmuuh all are at good band and being well prepared