Is Ashland Oaks Victress: Clintonville Furnishes Surprise Attending Filly Stakes.; Wins in a Three-Heads-Apart Finish with Cotton Blossom and Cobwebs--Kinnoul Wins., Daily Racing Form, 1920-04-28


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IS ASHLAND OAKS VICTRESS Clintonville Furnishes Surprise Attending Filly Stakes Wins in a Three Heads Apart Fin ¬ ish with Cotton Blossom and Cobwebs Kinnoul Wins LKXINGTON Ky April 27 Tho old estab ¬ lished Ashland Oaks whicli this year had a net value of tt70 to the winner was decided this afternoon and produeivo of one of the best finishes witnessed over the course Clintonville carrying the colors of S K Nichols and ridden by W War rington triumphing by a head over Cotton Itlos som with II P Whitneys Cobwebs following closely in their wake The leading trio were under a hard drive all through the last quarter and the victory was in doubt until the end Clintonvillo was benefited by escaping interference and the perfect ride that Warrington uavc her Cotton Hlossom might have been the best in the race and Knsor was probably at fault in permitting her to relinquish the lead in the early running it which time she was fully able to retain it Later Cotton Hlossom suffered by being forced to race wide for it entailed a loss of ground for her but she finished gamely Cobwebs from a somewhat tardy beginning saved much ground when coming into the stretch and it gave her a place of prom ¬ inence to begin her final challenge but right at the end she tired a bit Homely which reprft1 sented I iwrcnce Waterbury flattered extensively by takiTig the lead at the halfmile ground but she reliiijtiisieditwheii the real racing came The dis ¬ appointment in the race was Alula which was ex ¬ pected of her but she suffered as a result of Kyos of Youth bumping into her on the first turn and she lost much ground by racing wide for nearly the entire race Mile Dazie showed by her ordi ¬ nary race that her hard winter campaign has not improved her form formCold Cold bleak weather was again the rule here and it detracted vastly from the sport but like on previous dajrs the attendance was surprisingly large Additional rains caused the track to hi in had condition and favorable to the sturdier typo of racers Contrary to expectations enjoyable sport was the order featured by several close anil hard fought finishes finishesKINNOUL KINNOUL OUTPACES ON WATCH WATCHWhile While the Ashland Oaks held the place of prominence on the card the race preceding it shared in interest because of the presence of the Ken ¬ tucky Derby pair Kinnoul and On Watch which essayed conclusions with other speedy ones at the threequarters sprinting distance The Kentuckians in this were loyal to the homeowned Hegalo but the easternowned pair had little difficulty in dis ¬ posing of her Kinnoul at all times was well in the van and ultimately disposing of On Watch The latter offered a challenge in the last eighth and for a while it appeared as if it would Ins crowned with success but Knsor released a restrain ¬ ing hold on Kinnoul and he easily moved away from On Watch The showing of the latter was satis ¬ factory to his handlers and he will improve by the race particularly at a longer distance distanceG G if ford A Cochran earned his first purse in these parts when liis good colt Smoke Screen won from Gangway Smoke screen is a brother to the Ken ¬ tucky Derby eligible Hersagliere which came into favorable prominence by his sterling race of Mon ¬ day dayHackers Hackers of favorites had a somewhat difficult path to traverse during the afternoon and most of their choices went down in defeat defeatTodays Todays visitors included Lawrence Waterbury whose horses here are being trained by P T Cliimi Soon after his arrival he concluded arrangements for the transfer of the contract on Jockey Murrays services and hereafter that rider will be in Vn terhnrrys employ Kay Sponoe is said to have received a big sum for the release of the contract contractT T II Griffin who at one time was extensively identified with the turf as owner trainer and rider was among the newcomers from California wht re he has extensive interests He will remain in these parts until after the running of tin Kentucky Derby and while here will try to secure some racers with which to reenter the ranks of owners ownersJames James W McClelland who is the guiding spirit in the management of the extensive Kd Simms racing establishment expressed satisfaction with the showing made by Prince Pal yesterday The colt showed more racing sense than lie did as i twoyearold he said and he also showed more early speed than was his custom in his twoyearold racing I am satisfied that he will improve on the race he ran yesterday and I am confident lit will be a factor in the Derby

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