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GENERAL NEWS NOJES OF THE DAY General Weather Forecast The northwestern dis ¬ turbance will move eastward to the northern like region during the next thirtysix hours attended by local tliiindershowers from the northern plains states eastward High temperature will prevail in front of the disturbance while considerably cooler weather will overspread the northwestern states in its rear tonight and Friday and the Upper Mississippi Valley and western lake region Saturday SaturdayA A pledge of constitutional government admini ¬ stered by party and not by individual and based on national rather than world ideals was given by Senator Warren G Harding yesterday at Marion Ohio In accepting formally the Republican nomina ¬ tion for the presidency He welcomed a popular referendum on the league of nations advocated in ¬ creased production to cut the high cost of living pleaded for obliteration of sectional and class con ¬ flict and declared for industrial peace not forced but Inspired by the common weal Prohibition he gnve only a passing notice saying that despite di ¬ vided opinion regarding the eighteenth amendment and the statutes enacted to make it operative there must be no evasion in their enforcement He de ¬ clared it his sincere desire that ratification of the suffrage amendment be completed to permit women to vote tills fall in every state B BWith With a surplus of 290598G hi the state treasury Oklahoma will levy no ad valorem lax on real and personal property during the fiscal year of 1921 to i conduct the states business Such was the an ¬ nouncement of Frank O Carter stateauditor after completing an audit of the states finances for tilt fiscal year closing June 30 The only tax to be levied by the state Mr Carter said will be that of a half mill for each 100 of property valuation required by the constitution for the maintenance of roads and bridges