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JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are: .!. Jamaica"; L. N. Y., October 5, 1920. l-Day r Lilly, Tidings, .Light Fantastic. 2Xightstfck, Hendrje, Mose. 3Erederick the Great, Prince of. Como, Lads. Love. 4 Knobble. Mulciber, Grey Lag. 5 Armisti-.-e, Queen Blonde, Great Gull. C CONINE, Care Free, Dewey Eve. F. J. Ortell. Chicago Handicap. 1 Miss Petite, Santa Claus, Ballynew, Episode. 2 fightstick, Mose, Frederick the Great, Heri- drie. " 3 rrince of Como, Lads Love, Gueland, Fred- ericklihe Great. - 4 Grey Lag, Knobhie, Mulciber, Sporting Blood. 5 Armistice, Queen Blond, Pierre-a-Feu, John I.: Day. 0 CONlNiZ, Dewey Eve, Care Free, Bermont. TfeSv York Handicap. 1 Light Fantastic, Gilt Fringe, Day Lilly, Lpi- ,."sode. 2 Nightstick, Frederick the Great, Mose, Hen- drie. 3 Osgood, Prince of Como, Frederick the Great, Lads Love. 4 Grey Lag, Knobbie, Mulciber. Sporting Blood. 5 Armistice, Queen Blonde, John I. Day, Great Gull. 6 CONINE, Dewey Eye, Care Free, Atala. Buffalo Handicap. . 1 Miss Petite, Santa Claus, Ballynew, Episode. 2 Nightstick, Mose, Frederick the Great, Ilen- drie. 3 Prince of Como, Lads Love, Gueland, Fred erick the Great. 4 Grey Lag, Knobble, Mulciber, Sporting Blood. 5 Armistice, Queen Blonde, Pierre-a-Feu, John I. Day. , 0 CONINE Care Free, Dewey Eve, Bermont. Observers Handicap. 1 Light Fantastic, Miss Petite, Day Lilly, Gilt; Fringe: 2 Mose, Nightstick, Hendrie, Frederick the Great. - . - , 3 Frederick the Great, Lads Love, Prince of Como, Osgood. 4Grey Lag, Quincy Stable entry, Mulciber, Our Boots. 5 Qiiefen Blonde, Pierre-a-Feu, Armistice, Great Gull. 6 CONINE,- Care Free, Rep, Dewey Eve. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Miss Petite, Light, Fantastic, Day Lilly, Epi-- .sode. 2 Nightstick, Mose, Frederick the Great, Hen-; i drie. 3 Prince of Como, Frederick the Great, Osgood, Lads Love. 4 drey Lag, Knobhie, Mulciber, Sporting Blood. ; 5 Armistice, Queen Blonde, Pierre-a-Feu, John I. "Day. C CONINE, Care Free, Dewey Eve, Bermont. 1 V