Remount Associations Campaign: Drive Now on for Increased Membership - Representative at Latonia Track, Daily Racing Form, 1920-10-19


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REMOUNT ASSOCIATIONS CAMPAIGN Drive Now On for Increased Membership Representative at Latonia Track. LATONIA, Ky., October 18. It was clearly demonstrated during the Worlds War that the allies faced an alarming shortage in horses, suitably for tiie Remount Service, it was impossible to secure the quantity and qualify .needed in this country even if we could have transported them, with sufficient -food to sustain them. We were practically dependent on France for remounts for bur troops and that country in turn was only able to supply them because of a thorough organization maintained for years .under .the .name of. tiie Supreme Council of the Haras. This society for the encouragement of breeding war horses had. prepared for the very emergency produced ..1J the World War and were, ready not only to simply the French army with the highest type of remount, but took care as well of the needs of its. allies, particularly the requirements of our 2,000,000 troops. The tremendous, continuous wastage of war proved the need of a vast body of horses of the type that would stand the terrific .strain of the work imposed on them. These facts are pertinent now when the American Remount Association, composed, of a patriotic body of citizens, breeders, owners and lovers of the thoroughbred, is beginning its drive for an increased membership. It is lipped that at least one million Americans -will contribute the nominal fee of one dollar each, for this essential enterprise. A representative of the .association can be found at the offices of the Kentucky Jockey Club at the Latonia track. He. will enroll, members and explain the purposes of the organization, The American Remount Association is supplementing the. work of the War Department, which, secured- from the recent Congress 50,000 to lay the foundation foe breeding a suitable type of riding horse to meet tie. special requirements qf the army for speed, courage and endurance. Many good stallions have already been secured for the purpose. Col. M. J. Winn, vice-president: and general manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club, is, furthering the plan in every way, the American Remount Association having sought his advice and co-operation. American turfmen are furthering the good cause realizing that the practical uses tin which" the thoroughbred is being put in this and other fields will make more permanent and valuable the pure strain. The. Kentucky Jockey Club will give a number of races known as military handicaps or purses, for stallions, the winners of. which can be pnrchased by the United States .government for the nominal Slim of .50. The first of these was run on Thursday at Latonia, being won by Sams Boy, a sturdy son of Voter, which should, make good in the stud. No horse is eligible for these races unless he meets the requirements of the federal experts. The government has seven days after the race in which to exercise its option.

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