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TRAINING GALLOPS AT NEW ORLEANS 474 NEW ORLEANS, La., December 2. Todays work-outs over1 the locAT course were as follows: FAIR GROTTNDS. Weather clear; track "good Three-Eighths Mile. 2S1-Alexander ....39 : 459-Pastral Swain. 37 473-Brickley 40 445-Plctor .........40 ! 473-Brlbed Voter ..38 451-Uhlted Verde ..40 4C7-Berlin "....;... 37 - . " ""BTalf MUe. 453-Orlova 50 473-Galiot 51 445-Capt. Mac... ..52 454-Loveliness 54 472- Crystal Ford... 51 472-Mjss Muffins... 54 452-Doris 50 430-St. Allan.. 51 Deraoris .......52 472-Sandalwood ...54 473-Frcdk the Gt. .49 407-Winneconne ...54 Five-Ehjhths iMiie. 4GS-Assume .....1:05 471-Salesman 1:01 473- Corilla 1:05 Tokay 1:11 473-Chcvalier ....1:04 4P.7-Toss Up 1:05 184-Lorena "Moss.l:05 472-Tpny c 472- Opportunity .1:08 472-Tony Sutton.. 1:08 408-Pit ......... 1:0-1 472-TTipford .....1:07 47.-.-Pliilanderer ..1:00 407-Ting-a-Ling .1:01 473- Pepper.v Pollyl:00 71-Viilcanite ...1:13 473-Rancocas 1:03 474-White Socks. 1:01 473-Sandy Mac.;. 1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 473-Alcatra2 1:19 473-Lively 1:18 472-Anticlpate ...1:20 473-Old Faithful. 1:20 471- Fnntocho 1:20 283-R6isterer ....1:20 2iO-Glbom "1:18 4C4-Superb Tl:2t 430-.Tohnny 0ton.l:18 472-Wnrsaw 1:18 472- Le Gaulois...l:18 " One Mile. 4fiS-Chief .......1:45 471-Paddy Dear.. 1:53 47-Dancing Sy.l:45 45ti-Rapid Stride. 1:45 471-Groiise . .1:40 4P.8-Search L. 111.1:51 400-Golden Dawn .1:54 487-War Mask ...1:47 Warsaw- is training well at present. Sandy Mac worked good for "him. Chief went an easy mile. War Mask seems at his best. Alcatraz is rounding to good form. Crystal Ford is training well. Rapid Stride and Dancing Spray went together, both under restraint. Ting-a-Ling should race well at the first asking. Frederick the Great never looked better. Le Gaulois went well. Lively was under restraint all the way. Rancocas worked .well. Search Light III. galloped an easy mile.