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KENTUCKY RACING DATES : Spring Meetings of 1921 to Begin at Lexington April 23. Total of Sixty-One Days Provided For Question of Stakes and Purses Deferred. LKXINGTOX, Ky.. December !3. Kueing in Kentucky for tlie year JilJl will begin :it Lexington Saturday. Aiiril ":5. iiml dose at I.-itonin Saturday. July S, making :i total of sixty-one days for the spring meetings :i the three tracks of the Kentucky Jockey Clul, as dctcimincd by the Kentucky State Itacing Commission at its meeting here today. Those iresent at the meeting were .5. N. Camden, chairman, who presided; J. O. Keene, vice-chairman: Major T. C. McDowell and F.rnest Pollard, the only absentee being Kobert AW Hunter. Matt J. Winn, vice-president and general manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club, and Maurice Calvin, counsel for the Kentucky Jockey Club, likewise a member of its board of directors, appeared with an application for the commissioners approval of the following dates: Lexington Saturday, April -.i. to Wednesday, May -1. ten days. Churchill Downs Saturday, May 7, to Monday, May 31. twenty days. I-citonia Saturday. June I, to Saturday, July S, thirty-one days. In the discussion on the application Mr. Keene took the attitude that there should be no racing in Kentucky earlier than May 1. nor later than November 1. lie suggested that the spring season open at Lexington May 1 and close at Lntoniu July I. Senator Camden was inclined to the view that the meetings -should be shout, snappv. ami brilliant- Mikis. -ilcTSowtTlTBItfl "Pollard wote or the opinion that if there is to be curtailment of dales it should come in the fall, and they vetted in favor of the approval of the above schedule. Mr. Keene against it. and Chairman Camden declared the datis approved. The iiestion of stakes anil purses is to be determined at a later meeting of the commission. Messrs. S. K. Nichols. C. II. Hcrrymnn and Thomas H. Cromwell appeared :.s a committee from the Thoiirouglibred Horse Association requesting that the Kentucky Jockey Club increase purses of overnight races so that the added money will average, exclusive of stakes. .1100 Iter race at Lexington. Kl.SOO per race at Louisville and SLMOU per. race at Latonia. Thi- matter was discussed impartially and it was finally voted to pass the request of the horsemen to general manager Winn, to be submitted tp the Kentucky Jockey Clubs officers for response to the commission at a meeting to lie called lJy the chairman. A request originating from Kay Spi nee, owner and trainer, that the conditions of the l.exiiigton Cup. 1 1-1! miles: Louisville Cup, U miles, and Latonia Cup, - 1-4 miles, be changed from handi-cap to weight - for-age was referred to Messrs. Keene and McDowell with instructions to take the mutter up with the Kentucky Jockey Club management and to come to an agreement as to future conditions of those races. It was voted unanimously that all stallions belonging to the state racing commission lie turned over to the Cnited States government for use in the remount service. Col. II. C. Whitehead, who is in charg. of the remount branch headquarters here, being present to accept them. The following additions to the rule forbidding corrupt practice was adopted: "Any ow.ner, trainer, agent or individual who shall be guilty of offering or giving any present, money or other reward to the starter or assistant starters shall be ruled off the turf." A. It. Hancock appeared and reported upon the meeting of sponsors of tin- Kndnrance Test for 10-1, which was held in New York December 14.